Effect of potassium application rate on potassium absorption, distribution and yield of spring maize under different soil fertilities Regulation mechanism of irrigation schedule on population photosynthesis of winter wheat Effects of different cultivation management modes on dry matteraccumulation, nitrogen uptake and yield of winter wheat Absorption and distribution of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in ginger Characteristics of dry matter production and nitrogen use efficiency of 37 spring maize hybrids with high-yielding potential in north of China Characteristics of dry matter accumulation and N, P and K assimilations of trelliscultivated melon under different fertility rates Differences of dry matter accumulation and distribution of maize and their responses to nitrogen fertilization in maize/soybean and maize/sweet potato relay intercropping systems THE EFFECT OF DAMAGE AFTER FLOWERING OF BROWN PLANTHOPPER ON THE DRY MATTER ACCUMULATION OF RICE GRAIN Effect of tilling Depth on Growth,Nutrient Uptake,Yield and Quality of Flue-Cured Tobacco Plant Effects of Plant Density and Seeding Date on Accumulation and Translocation of Dry Matter and Nitrogen in winter Wheat Cultivar Lankao Aizao 8 Characteristics of Nutrient Assimilation and Dry Matter Accumulation of Bt Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in Coastal Saline Soil Water Consumption Characteristic and Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution in High-Yielding Wheat Dry-Matter Accumulation and Nitrogen Absorption and Utilization in Middle-Season Indica Super Hybrid Rice Effects of fertilizer-N application for double early rice on the yield,nitrogen use efficiency and soil nitrogen content of double late rice Effect of Al on dry matter accumulation and Al and nutrition contents of barleys differing in Al tolerance Influence of seed molybdenum on nitrate reductase activity, shoot dry matter and grain yield of winter wheat cultivars A Study on Ontogeny of Curcuma longa L. Studies on Accumulation and Distribution of Dry Matter,Nitrogen,Phosphorus,and Potassium in Rhizome Lotus(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn) Quantification of dry matter accumulation and distribution among different organs of winter wheat Preliminary Studies on Breeding Quality Indicates and Strategies of Processing Special Varieties of Purple Sweet Potato Granules Effects of Wide Belt Planting on Population Quality and Yield in Winter Wheat Studies on Growth and Development of Artemisia annua L. in Wuling Mountain Area Leaf Functional Characteristics in Different Strains of Prunus campanulata Effect of Nitrogen and Irrigation Interaction on Dry Matter Production and Grain Yield of Oil Flax under Different Irrigation Modes Effect of Amino Acid Organic Fertilizer on the Growth, Seed Yield and Quality of Oil Flax Effects of different nitrogen additions on the yield, quality and nutrient absorption of forage maize Effects of nitrogen on agronomic traits and dry matter yield and their relationship in sweet sorghum Differences of schima Superba Provanances in Seedling Dry Matter Accumulation and Allocation Root Morphology and Dry Matter Allocation of Masson Pine:Response of Different Provenances to Low-Phosphorus Stress A New Hybrid Variety Carrot Used a s Dried Product‘Tianhong 2’ Photosynthetic Characteristics , Dry Matter Distribution Pattern and Their Effects on Eggplant Yield in Different Canopy Structures Effect of Nitrogen Application Methods on Crop Yield and Grain Filling Characteristics of Maize in Maize-Soybean Relay Strip Intercropping System Effect of Reduced N Application on Crop Yield in Maize-Soybean Intercropping System Effects of Seedlings per Hole on Matter Production Characteristics and Lodging Resistance in Japonica Rice with Different Panicle Types Effects of Different Cultivation Methods on Growth Stage, Dry Matter Accumulation and Yield of Early Rice in Double Cropping Rice Field Yield Component and Dry Matter Accumulation in Wheat Varieties with 9000 kg ha−1 Yield Potential in Sichuan Basin Effects of Nitrogen Application Depth on Water Consumption Characteristics and Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution in Rainfed Wheat Characteristics of Dry Matter Accumulation and Translocation in Rice Cultivars with High Yield and High Nitrogen Use Efficiency Effects of Cultivation Methods on Dry Matter Production and Yield of Rice under Different Ecological Conditions Study on accumulation of dry matter and aborption of N, P and K of Astragalus membranaceus Effect of CO2 Concentration Doubling on Photosynthesis and Dry Matter Production in Different Growth Stages of Soybean Plant Effect of Different Zn2+ Activities on the Growth and Some Physiological Characteristics of Leaf and Root among Rice Genotypes Effects of subsoiling and supplemental irrigation on dry matter production and water use efficiency in wheat Differences in phosphorus utilization efficiency among wheat cultivars. Effects of supplemental irrigation based on measuring soil water content on wheat photosynthetic characteristics and dry matter accumulation and allocation. Effects of alternative furrow irrigation and nitrogen application rate on photosynthesis, growth, and yield of cucumber in solar greenhouse. Effects of sulfur plus resin-coated controlled release urea fertilizer on winter wheat dry matter accumulation and allocation and grain yield. Effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid on winter wheat dry matter accumulation after anthesis and flag leaf senescence. Effects of light intensity on photosynthesis and dry matter production of flue-cured tobacco at its seedling stage. A photo-thermal based model for predicting the dry matter production and partitioning of multi-stem cut Chrysanthemum in greenhouse Comparison of leaf functional traits in different forest communities in Mt. Dongling of Beijing Effect of Sulfur and Selenium Combination on the Growth and Nutrition of Tuber Mustard STUDIES ON PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTOR IN SUSPENSION CULTURE OF BERBERIS JULIANAE SCHNEID CELLS——Ⅱ. The changes of dry matter accumulation, protein and isoperoxidase patterns Intraspecific Functional Trait Variation in a Tree Species (Lithocarpus dealbatus) along Latitude Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci for Post-Anthesis Dry Matter Accumulation in Wheat Physiological Responses of Zea mays Seedlings to Interactions Between Cadmium and Salinity Yield characteristics and genetic diversity of main alfalfa varieties in China Specific leaf area and leaf dry matter content of some plants in different dune habitats Nutritional Evaluation of Five Tropical Gramineous Forages Effects of Phosphorus Fertilizer on the Growth and Seed Yield of Alfalfa Evaluation the Potential of Sweet Sorghum Grown for Silage Crop Influence on Leaf Function Traits and Modules of Mowing Intensity in Seriphidum transiliense Nutritive Value Evaluation of Six Wild Forages Growing in Shannan Areas of Tibet Study on growth characteristics of Curcuma wenyujin Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on dry matter accumulation and yield in wheat/maize/soybean intercropping systems Effects of maize plant types on dry matter accumulation characteristics and yield of soybean in maizesoybean intercropping systems. Effect of light from flowering to maturity stage on dry matter accumulation and nutrient absorption of summer maize. Characteristics of dry matter production and nitrogen accumulation in barley genotypes with high nitrogen utilization efficiency. The effects of returning straw containing fertilizer with varying nutrient ratios on rice yield and soil fertility Leaf traits of 66 herbaceous species in Songnen grassland in Northeast China The Ecophysiological Response of Calligonum caput-medusae to Different Water Condition in Extremely Arid Region Effects of saline stress on dry matter partitioning and ecophysiological characteristics of winter wheat seedlings Wheat genotypic variability in grain yield and carbon isotope discrimination under Mediterranean conditions assessed by spectral reflectance Compensation effect of millet after drought Interactive effects of low phosphorus and drought stress on dry matter accumulation and phosphorus efficiency of soybean plants Effects of Cadmium Stress on Leaf Photosynthesis and Dry Matter Allocation of Populus×euramericana (Dode)Guineir cv.‘Neva’ Effect of N rate on growth and grain filling of wheat in Sichuan Basin Effects of nitrogen application combined with sulfur on the growth and nitrogen uptake of ginger Effects of nitrogen fertilization rate in jujube-cotton intercropping on dry matter accumulation and yield and quality of cotton Accumulation and translocation of dry matter and N nutrition in organs of rice cultivars with different productivity levels

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