Molecular Cloning,Expression and Evolutionary Analysis of the Flowering- regulating Transcription Factor Gene PsCOL4 in Tree Peony Cloning and Expression Profile Analysis of the AgMu2 Gene of Adaptor Complex from Celery Cloning and Expression Analysis of OnAP1-like Gene from Oncidium ‘Gower Ramsey’ Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cysteine Protease Gene CpCP from Papaya Development of a TaqMan Real-time RT-PCR Method for Detecting Apple stem pitting virus(ASPV) Analysis on the Distribution of Pepper mild mottle virus in Leaf Tissues of Peppers with Indirect in situ RT-PCR Analysis on the Distribution of Pepper mild mottle virus in Leaf Tissues of Peppers with Indirect in situ RT-PCR Preliminary Identification and Analyses of Viruses Causing Pepper Virus Disease in Chongqing,China Identification of the Copy Number of Exogenous Gene in Transgenic Citrus by Quantitative Real-time PCR Development and Application of a Quantitative RT-PCR Approach for Quantification of Grapevine fanleaf virus Effect of Low Phosphorus Stress on Root Growth and Soil Bacterial Diversity in Rhizosphere of Tomatoes Detection of Citrus yellow vein clearing virus Based on a Real-time RT-PCR Approach The Combined Effects of Different TYLCV Resistant Genes and Temperatures on TYLCV Duplication Suppression and Sequence Variation of Citrus tristeza virus Genotypes by Citrus Cultivars Expression Analysis of Citrate Metabolic Related Genes in Late-ripening Mutant of Navel Orange and Its Wild Type Optimization of ISSR-PCR System on Zoysia spp. In Vitro Shoot Tip Culture of Sweet Cherry Cultivars and Detection of PNRSVby RT2PCR Detection of Strawberry Vein Banding Virus in Strawberries by PCR Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Coat Protein Genes of Cucumber mosaicvirus Isolated from Several Vegetable Studies on Tissue-specific Expression of Bitter Gourd BAG Gene Cloning and Characterization of a Full-length cDNA of Pathogenesis-relatedProtein 1 in Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis Studies on Tissue-specific Expression of Bitter Gourd BAG Gene Cloning and Characterization of a Full-length cDNA of Pathogenesis-relatedProtein 1 in Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis Analysis of Ploidy and Homozygous Genotype of Apple Plants Obtained byAnther Culture Isolation and Expression Analysis of Kunitz-type Enzyme Inhibitor GeneFragment in Potato (Solanum tube rosum L. ) Detection of Three Lily Viruses by Multiplex RT-PCR Cloning and expression analysis of the anthocyanin transcriptional activator gene stwd40 of Solanum tuberosum Analysis of Genetic Relationships of Osmanthus fragrans Based on SRAP markers Cloning of McANS Gene in Malus Crabapple and Expression Analysis in Different Cultivars Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Growth and Transcriptional Expressionof Antioxidant Enzyme mRNA in Toma to Seedlings under Copper Stress Effective of ginkgolides on expression of apoptosis related gene during PC12 cells glucose deprivation Detection of two viruses infecting Pinellia ternata in China Authentication of TCM Carapax Trionycis by allele-specific diagnostic polymeras chain reaction Shoot tip culture and virus detection of Dioscorea bulbifera Eradication of CymMv from Tissue Cultures of Cymbidium sinense with Chemotherapy Cloning and Expression Analysis of Acid Invertase Gene cDNA Fragment from Tomato Quick Detection of Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd) by One-step RT-PCR Development of a Multiplex PCR Protocol for the Detection of Two Virusesof Banana Sequence Analysis of the cDNA Fragments Differentially Expressed in theOvaries of Cymbidium hybridium after Pollination Establishment of Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation System of Lily