Molecular identification of the phytoplasma associated with kerria witches’-broom Development and comparative study of several PCRbased approaches for detection of Iris yellow spot virus (IYSV) Serological and molecular detection of viruses infecting sweet potato in China Specific PCR detection of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. dieffenbachiae Identification of Self-incompatibility and S Haplotypes of Brassica campestris ssp. Chinensis Cloning and Expression Analysis of HSP Gene from Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis Induction and Culture of Hairy Roots from Arnebia euchroma (Royle) Johnst. Identification of Taxodium Hybrids by SRAP Analysis Genetic Diversity and Genetic Differentiation of Taxus wallichiana var. mairei Provenances Determination of S Genotypes of Seven Cultivars and Identification of a Novel S RNase Allele in Pyrus pyrifolia Cloning and Expression Analysis of PtFAD2 Gene Encoding the Endoplasmic Reticulum Fatty Acid 18∶1 Desaturase in Populus tomentosa Effects of Antibiotics on the Paulownia Witches‘ Broom Phytoplasmas and Pathogenic Protein Related to Witches‘ Broom Symptom Isolation and Characterization of Two NaCl-Inducible Vacuolar Na+/H+ Antiporter Genes (PtNHX1, PtNHX6) in Populus A COUPLED ONE-STEP METHOD OF REVERSE TRANSCRIPTION(RT)FOR GENERATION OF OPEN READING OF G PROTEIN αSUBUNIT GENE cDNA-AFLP analysis on transcriptome of Salvia miltiorrhiza under heat stress Cloning and sequence analysis of actin gene fragment from roots of Codonopsis pilosula Full-length cDNA cloning and sequence analysis of isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase involved in saikosaponin biosynthesis pathway of Bupleurum chinense The effect of Siwu Tang on Epo and G-CSF gene expression in bone marrow of irradiated blood deficiency mice Primary Study on Measuring the InternalTranscribed Spacer l Regions of rRNA Genein seeds of Gentiana dahurica The Effect of Sinomenine on Cyclooxygenase Activity and the Expression of COX-1 and COX-2 mRNA in Human Peripheral Monocytes Cloning and expression analysis of a hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA shikimate/quinate hydroxycinnamoyl transferasegene(IiHCT) from Isatis indigotica Identification of Bletillae Rhizoma and its adulterants by SNPs in ITS2 Preliminary study on effect of Rhodiolae Crenulatae Radix et Rhizoma cell wall-broken decoction pieces on intestinal flora of mice Effects of aqueous extract of Cassiae Semen on activity hepatic microsomal CYP450 isozymes in rats Transcriptome-based gene mining and bioinformatics analysis of p-hydroxybenzoate geranyltransferase genes in Arnebia euchroma Community structure and diversity of soil denitrifying bacteria of the nirK gene type under different vegetation restoration patterns in the Hulunbeier Sandy Land, Inner Mongolia Genetic diversity and phylogeny of rhizobia isolated from white clover in Sichuan Province Cloning and analysis of the dehydrin (DHN) gene from Galega orientalis Analysis of cloning and sequence characteristics of cDNA encoding the GBSS I gene from tubers of Solanum tuberosum Optimization on multiplex PCR amplification system of SSR marker forauthenticity and purity identification of maize varieties Comparison of Fluorescence and Silver-staining Detection Systems of Microsatellite Markers The Genotype of Waxy Gene and Their Relationship to Amylose Content in Indica and Japonica Rice (Oryza sativa L.) PCR Detection of Nematode Resistant Gene in Sugarcane FQ-PCR Analysis on the Differential Expression of the Key Enzyme Genes Involved in Isoprenoid Metabolic Pathway in Allelopathic and Weak Allelopathic Rice Accessions (Oryza sativa L.) under Nitrogen Stress Condition Clone and Quantitative Analysis by Real-Time RT-PCR of Photoperiod Sensitive Gene Hd6-Like in Maize Molecular Identification and Distinctness of NSa Male Sterile Cytoplasm in Brassica napus Cloning and Expression Analysis of Flowering Inhibitor CmFLC-like1 Gene in Chrysanthemum Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cryptochrome Gene PsCRY2#br# in Tree Peony Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of AcFT Florigen Gene in Allium cepa Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of AcFT Florigen Gene in Allium cepa Development of a Real-time Fluorescent Quantitative RT-PCR Method for the Detection of Pineapple mealybug wilt associated virus-2 Effects of Propylene and 1-methylcyclopropene on Expression of Two EXP Genes in Persimmon Fruits Development of a Real-time Fluorescent Quantitative RT-PCR Method for the Detection of Pineapple mealybug wilt associated virus-2 Cloning and Characterization of Novel Rice Cell cDNAs Under Iron-deficiency by Improved DDRT-PCR Method Optimization and Application of RAPD-PCR System for Cucurbita The Method Study of Extracting Total RNA from Grimmia pilifera P.Beauv Optimization for DDRT-PCR System of Racomitrium japonicum Using Orthogonal Design Isolation and Sequence Analysis of TaPSG719 Gene Promoter from Wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) Effects of High Temperature on the Activity and Expression of Antioxidative Enzymes in Rice Flag Leaves during the Flowering Stage An Improved Method Suited to Extract Total RNA Used to RT-PCR from Fir Plant Cloning and expression analysis on phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase gene in Dendrobium officinale Cloning and expression analysis on phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase gene in Dendrobium officinale Identification of nine common medicinal plants from Artemisia L. by DNA barcoding sequences Identification of nine common medicinal plants from Artemisia L. by DNA barcoding sequences Establishment of testing method for irradiation of traditional Chinese medicinal materials using PSL system Cloning and sequence analysis on Actin gene fragment from Angelica sinensis PCR-RFLP Method on Ginseng(Panax ginseng) Soil Fungal Diversities of Castanopsis carlesii Nature Forests in Midsubtropical China Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cytosolic Malate Dehydrogenase Gene from Sugarcane Comparison of Two Methods for Extracting Total RNA from Citrus Leaves Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Promoters in hsp90 and hsp17.66 Genes from Ageratina adenophora Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase (PAL) Gene Expression Correlated with Phalaenopsis sp. Leaf Explant Browning Preparation of Huichun Zhibao Oral Liquid (HZOL) Analysis of Junction Sequence in the Transgenic Maize MON8817 and the Methods of Qualitative PCR Detction
cDNA-AFLP Analysis Reveals Differential Gene Expression in Wheat Adult-Plant Resistance to Stripe Rust
Involvement of Heterotrimeric G Protein α and β Subunits in Defense Responses of Wheat to Puccinia triticina Genome-wide Analysis of MuDR-related Transposable Elements Insertion Population in Maize Cloning and Salt-tolerance Analysis of Gene Plastid Transcriptionally Active (GhPTAC) from Gossypium hirsutum L. Construction and Application of a Reference Plasmid Suitable for Determination of CpTI and cry1A Gene Dosages in Genetically Modified Cottons Establishment of Phytase-Specific Qualitative PCR Detection Method and Construction of a Positive Plasmid Molecule Expression of Rice Defence Genes under Small Brown Planthopper Stress Molecular Characterization of an M-type Thioredoxin Gene in Dendrobium officinale The Optimization of the SSR Reaction System for Venturia inaequalis Effects of typical plant on soil microbial communities in an Inner Mongolia grassland Metabolic changes during low temperature induced dormancy release in ‘NJ72’nectarine(Prunus persica L.Batsch) Effects of long-term fertilization on ammonium oxidizing bacterial diversity in a paddy soil derived from yellow-brown earth Establishment and Optimization of ISSR-PCR Reaction System for Tilia amurensis Molecular Detection and Identification of Pathogenic Agrobacterium spp. Isolates Associated with Woody Plant Crown Gall Diseases in China DIVERSITY OF ACTINORHIZAL FRANKIA BY rDNA IGS RFLP ANALYSIS Establishment of an Efficient RAPD Protocol in Pepper and Its Application in Genetic Purity Testing of F1 Seeds