Cloning of a cDNA Fragment of Acid lnvertase Gene from Cucumis melo L.Fruit Cloning of Potato Virus S Coat Protein Gene and Its Expression in E.coliJM 109 MICRODISSECTION OF CHROMOSOME 1B OF TRITICUM SPELTA VAR. DUHAMELIANCUM AND AMPLIFICATION OF THE CHROMOSOME DNA Cloning and Analysis of CCS Gene of Newhall Navel Orange Cloning and Analysis of Dirigent-like Protein in Gene from Tamarix androssowii Cloning and Expression Analysis of C Function CjAGL6 Gene cDNA from Camellia japonica ‘Jinpanlizhi’ Identification of 17 species of Angelicae Pubescentis Radix based on ITS analysis Cloning and expression stability analysis of actin gene in Eleutherococcus senticosus Cloning, sequence analysis, and prokaryotic expression vector construction of glycosyltransferase gene BcUGT8 from Bupleurum chinense loning of alliinase gene from garlic bulb and its expression in Pichia pastoris PCR-RFLP genetic diversity of plants in Epimedium L. Research on the Identification of Penis et Testis Cervi with Molecular Taxonomy Effect of Liuwei Dihuang Decoction, on the Cytokine Expression in Splenocytes in AA Rats Identification of the Chinese Drug Great Burdock (Arct ium lappa)Seed and Its Substitutes by RAPD and TLC Fingerprint of arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (AP-PCR) for Magnolia officinalis Cloning and Expression Analysis of GA2ox1 Gene from Camellia lipoensis Establishment and Optimization of ISSR Reaction System of Broussonetia papyriferaz Establishment and Optimization of ISSR-PCR Reaction System of Machilus thunbergii Effect of Panax notoginseng saponins on liver drug metablic enzyme activity, mrna and protein expressions in rats Rapid molecular identification of Pseudostellariae Radix Study on identification of Cistanche Hebra and its adulterants by PCR amplification of specific alleles based on ITS sequences Application of rapid PCR to authenticate medicinal snakes Rapid PCR authentication Lonicera japanica Stability analysis of reference gene based on real-time PCR in Artemisia annua under cadmium treatment Expression pattern of genes involved in tropane alkaloids biosynthesis and tropane alkaloids accumulation in Atropa belladonna DREB Gene Expression in Leaves of Broussonetia papyrifera Seedlings under Salt Stress Detected by Real-Time Fluorescent Quantitative PCR Cloning and Expression of Chestnut Lipid Transfer Protein Expression Profiling of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) bZIP Genes Responsive to Abiotic Stresses Differential Expression Analysis of Two Male Fertility-related Genes Transcriptome Analysis for Developing Kernel and Expression Analysis of Starch and Saccharose Metabolism-related genes in Castanea henryi Cloning and tissue expression analysis of HvC4H gene in hulless barley Cloning and Bioinformatics Analysis of an Novel NAC Transcription Factor MsNAC1 from Medicago sativa L. and Detection of its Expression Under Abiotic Stresses Establishment and optimization of an ISSR reaction system for the wild-rice Zizania latifolia Griseb (Turcz) Cloning and expression analysis of WRKY5 gene in Dendrobium officinale Cloning and expression analysis of CtbZIP20 transcription factor gene from Carthamus tinctorius and construction of plant expression vector Effect of Cynomorium songaricum polysaccharide on telomere length in  blood and brain of D-galactose-induced senescence mice Establishment of allele-specific diagnostic PCR method for identification of antlers Effects of Armillariella tabescens polysaccharide IPS-B2 on activity of mouse peritoneal macrophages and transcription of related gene Genetic Transformation of Panax gingseng C.A. Meyer Induced by Root Inducing Plasmid(Ri) of Agrobacterium rhizogenes Effect of Zishuijianghuoyin on Expression of Lymphocyte AngII Receptor (AT-1)mRNA of Experimental Hypertension Rats Establishment and optimization of SRAP reaction system in Siraitia grosvenorii Optimization and preliminary study on the PCR-RFLP parameter of polyploidy Siraitia grosvenorii Relationship between bacterioplankton and phytoplankton community dynamics during late spring and early summer in Lake Taihu PCR-DGGE detection bacterial community structure in the Inner Mongolia steppe with two different DNA extraction methods The sulfate\|reducing bacteria and surfer cycle in paddy soil Seasonal changes in microbial diversity in different cells of a wetland system constructed for municipal sewage treatment Dynamics of toxic and non-toxic Microcystis spp. during bloom in the large shallow hypereutrophic Lake Taihu Isolation of the Single Chromosome with BYDV Resistant Gene Real-time Quantitative PCR Detection of Genetically Modified Maximizerâ Maize and YieldGardâ Maize Isolation and Sequencing Analysis of the Seed-specific Promoter from Soybean A Modified Method of Amplifying the 5′-end cDNA Sequence Cloning and expression analysis of the anthocyanin transcriptional activator gene stwd40 of Solanum tuberosum Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of CP Gene of Grapevine Virus A Sichuan Isolate Cloning and Sequence Analysis of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylic Acid Oxidase Gene cDNA from Tree Peony Detection and Sequencing of Apple scar skid viroid from Apricot in Xinjiang Isolation and Characterization of RNaseH-LTR Sequences of Ty1-copia Like Retrotransposons in Oriental Persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb. ‘Luotian-tianshi‘) Analysis of Genetic Relationships of Osmanthus fragrans Based on SRAP markers Effect of Heat-water Treatment on Strawberry Fruits Preservation and Its Relationship with Ethylene Gene Expression Effect of Heat-water Treatment on Strawberry Fruits Preservation and Its Relationship with Ethylene Gene Expression Screening and Analysis of BAC Clones Containing Flowering Time Gene FLC1 in Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis Olsson Expression Analysis of WRKY Family in Response to Salt Stress in Malus zumi Mats Cloning and Expression Analysis of A Transcription Factor Gene DcDofD1 Related to Abiotic Stress Reaction in Carrot The genetic evaluation for ahFAD2B of hybrids of high oleate peanut(Arachis hypogaea L.) Molecular Cloning、Correlation Analysis and expression studies of 4CL Gene in Ziziphus jujuba Mill.‘Wuhexiaozao’ Authentication of Cuscutae Semen, Raphani Semen and their adulterants by rapid PCR Comparison of anti-inflammatory activity between crude Atractylodes lancea and their processed products by stir-baking with bran in rat models of gastric ulcer Effects of berberine on mRNA expression levels of PPARγand adipocytokines in insulin-resistant adipocytes Selection of reference genes of Siraitia grosvenorii by real-time PCR Analysis of DNA sequence of Chinese medicinal materials deers and PCR identification of Cervus elaphus and C. nippon Effect of Daming Capsule on mRNA expression of M receptor‘s different isoforms on cardiac muscle of hyperlidemic rats Clone of resveratrol synthase gene and transformation of Salvia miltiorrhiza Multiplex PCR analysis of Indica-japonica differentiation of the chloroplast DNA in weedy rice Triterpene biosynthesis in Euphorbia pekinensis induced by methyl jasmonate Molecular detection and identification of the pathogen causing wheat rosette stunt disease in the north of China First report of Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus(CGMMV)in Hunan Province Molecular diagnosis and detection of Puccinia triticina in China Detection of Tobacco ringspot virus and Tomato ringspot virus by semi-nested RT-PCR The expression analysis of mucin gene from Laodelphax striatellus under Rice stripe virus invasion Effect of New Specificity and Yield Enhancer on Amplification of lea 3 Gene Effects of Different Re-vegetation Patterns on Soil Physicochemical
Properties and Bacterial Community in Kunyang Phosphate-mine