EFFECTS OF THIDIAZURON ON CUCUMBER (Cucumis sativus L.) GROWTH AND CONTENTS OF ENDOGENOUS HORMONES IN CUCUMBER Changes of Endogenous Hormones in Different Organs during the Flowering Phase of Moso Bamboo Endogenous hormone contents and their habitat differentia of Reaumuria trigyna and R. soongorica in different salt habitats. Relationship between the Ratoon Ability and the Change of Endogenous Hormone in Sugarcane at Sprouting Stage Effect of low temperature on phytohormones and carbohydrates metabolism in Bermuda grass Nutrition effects on growth and endogenous hormones in kentucky bluegrass Grey Relational Analyses between Biochemical Matter Contents and Agronomic Characters of Hybrids in Pepper Changes of Endogenous Hormone Contents of Different Partsduring Development of Water Bamboo(Zizania latifolia) Content Changes of Endogenous Hormones and Polyamine During#br# Development of Male and Female Flowers of Asparagus‘Champion’ Effects of Endogenous Hormone,Carbon and Nitrogen Nutrition on Development of Wizened Bud in‘Yulu Xiangli’Pear Correlations of Endogenous Hormones and Lycopene Accumulation During Development of Different Ploidy Watermelons Research Advance in Tomato Parthenocarpy Effects of maize straw with Bt gene return to field on growth of wheat seedlings Effects of Endogenous Hormone Balance on Dormancy and Germination of Tiller Bud Effects of pruning  length on dynamic changes of endogenous hormones in apple tree Studies on endogenous hormone changes in the stem terminal of Gossypium hirsutum during flower bud differentiation CHANGES OF ENDOGENOUS HORMONES AND NUTRIENTS OF CHESTNUT OVARY AND THEIR RELATIONSHIPS HORMONE CONTENT AND DISTRIBUTION IN PHYLLOSTACHYS HETEROCYCLA CV. PUBESCENS DURING PERIOD OF SHOOT EMERGENCE Effect of Compact Mutants and Dwarfing Rootstocks on Endogenous HormoneContent of Apple Preliminary Study on the Relations between Membrane Permeability, Endogenous Hormones and Cold Resistance of Ivy Changes of NSC, Enzymes and Endogenous Hormones during Zizania Gall‘s Swelling Relationship between the Flower Nodes and Changes of Endogenous Hormones in Grape Seedlings Relationship between the Flower Nodes and Changes of Endogenous Hormones in Grape Seedlings Chemical Regulation of the Main Ornamental Characters of Potted Plant Pyracantha fortuneana Chemical Regulation of the Main Ornamental Characters of Potted Plant Pyracantha fortuneana Effects of Brassinolide on Contents of Nucleic Acid and Endogenous Hormones in Stem Apex of Broccoli Changes of Hormones,Polyamines and NO Content During Regeneration of Adventitious Buds from in Vitro Leaves of Red Fuji Apple Endogenous Hormones,Nutritive Material and Phenolic Acid Variation in Cuttings of Japanese Larch During Rooting Effects of Different Pretreatment on Three Endogenous Hormones Contents and Peroxidase ctivity in Barley Anther Exogenous GA3 influence on the development of summer cultivated carrot fleshy root on plateau Distributions of endogenous hormones relative to formation of cracked and malformed fleshy roots of carrots Allelopathic effect of salicylic acid on endogenous hormone content in Chinese fir clone Variation of Endogenous Hormone Contents in Bulbs of Two Lycoris During Growth and Development Effect of photoperiod on phytochromes and endogenous hormones of alfalfa with different fall-dormancies Physio-Ecological Response of Haloxylon persicum Photosynthetic Shoots to Drought Stress Effect of Cl--fertilizer on Endogenous Hormone Content and Chloroplast Ultrastructure of Cucumber Leaves Change of Endogenous Hormone in Cultivars of Chinese Jujube with DifferentType of Embryo Abortion Development Process of Pistils and Stamens and Effect of Endogenous Hormone Content on Style Growth in Plumbago auriculata Lam. with Distyly Effects of Endogenous Hormone,Carbon and Nitrogen Nutrition on Development of Wizened Bud in‘Yulu Xiangli’Pear Photosynthate integration and regulation within clones of buffalograss under heterogeneous water supply Hormonal Regulation Mechanism of Flowering of Phyllostachys violascens under Mulching Cultivation Study on Relationship between Hormone and Growth Vigor of Young Juglans regia Content of Endogenous Phytohormones and Isoenzymes of Peroxidase in Male and Female Pistacia chinensis Plants Bunge Leaves Effects of Symbiotic Fungi on the Physiological Characteristics of Dendrobium catenatum Lindley(Orchidaceae) Dynamic changes in endogenous hormones in Taxus chinensis var.mairei seed during stratification Relation between endogenous hormones in bud and on-year or off-year fruiting of Ginkgo biloba Effects of Nitrogen on the Antioxidant Enzyme Activities and Endogenous Hormone Contents of Cotton Leaf under Drought Stress and after Soil Re-Watering during the Flowering and Boll-Forming Stage Dynamic Changes of Endogenous Hormones Content and Dry Matter Accumulation of Pods and Kernels in Different Varieties (Lines) of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Study on Changes and Regulations of Endogenous Hormones in Empty-shell Chestnut Ovary The Change of Endogenous Hormones in‘Jinhuang’ Mango Fruit with Normal and Aborted Embryo The Change of Endogenous Hormones in‘Jinhuang’ Mango Fruit with Normal and Aborted Embryo Research on Mechanism of Trichoderma pseudokoningii SMF2 ControllingSoft R ot of Chinese Cabbage Progress of Study on Sex Differentiation in Melon Effect of Low Temperature on Bud Break and Changes of Endogenous Hormones of Asparagus Effects of Plant Growth Regulator on Flowering and Endogenous Hormones of Rhododendron hybridum Effects of Plant Growth Regulator on Flowering and Endogenous Hormones of Rhododendron hybridum Adventitious Root Generating Process and Hormone and Enzyme Changes in Vitro Paeonia suffruticosa Variation of Endogenous Hormone and Carbohydrate Contents in Growing Yam Bulbils Respiration Rate and Endogenous Hormone Levels in Relation to the Flower Development of Tree Peonies Effect of Spraying GA3 and 2,4-D on Fruit Drop and Endogenous Hormone Content of Navel Orange Effect of Spraying GA3 and 2,4-D on Fruit Drop and Endogenous Hormone Content of Navel Orange The Comparison of the Hormones and Mineral Elements Contents Among Pollen,Style and Ovary in Pear Effects of Cutting Back,Branch-bending and Bud-notching Treatments on Endogenous Hormones in the Buds of Fuji Apple Change of Endogenous Hormones, Amino-acid and Nutrition in Flowering Stage of Phyllostachys praecox f. prevernalis Effects of Bending Branch and Notching Buds in Different Periods on Endogenous Hormone Concentrations and Shoot Growth of ‘Lüling’ Walnut Variation of Endogenous Hormones of Tuberous Root of Rehmannia glutinosa in vitro Changes of Endogenous Hormones in Adventitious Root Forma tion in Soft-wood Cuttings of Autotetraplo id Grape Muscat Hamburg Changes of Endogenous Hormones in Adventitious Root Forma tion in Soft-wood Cuttings of Autotetraplo id Grape Muscat Hamburg Comparison in Contents of Endogenous Hormones and Polyamines in Female and Male Plants of Trichosanthes kirilowii STUDIES ON THE MECHANISM OF PROMOTING THE FLOWER BUD FORMATION BY ETHREL, PP333 AND SUMMER PRUNING Endogenous Hormone Regulation with Exogenous Calcium under Salt Stress in Strawberry Physiological Changes during Florescence and Flower Senescence of Chinese Peony Comparison of Endogenous Hormones in Cytoplasmic Male-sterile Lines and Maintainer Lines of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L. ) Effects of Hand-thinning on Quality and Partial Endogenous Hormone Contents in Wampee Fruits Relationship between Endogenous Hormone Contents and Fiber Quality during the Cotton Fiber Development Effects of Inoculation with ERM Fungi Isolates on the Growth and Physio-biochemical Properties of Rhododendron annae seedlings Dynamic Changes of Endogenous Hormones in Terminal Buds from Different Crown Position of One-Year-Old Paulownia Effects of Temperature on the Phytochrome and Endogenous Hormones of Different Fall Dormancy Alfalfa Studies on the Relationship between Endogenous Hormone of Leaf and Accumulation of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium of Plant as Well as the Cause of Boll Weig ht Raised in High Yield Cotton Adventitious bud induction and endogenous hormones changing of lamina from Zanthoxylum dissitum in vitro