A New Early-maturity Cauliflower Hybrid ‘Jingyan 60’ Effects of preparation methods and technologies on in vitro characteristics of curcumin-phospholipid complex-chitosan microspheres Cell membrane chromatography and its application progress in studies of traditional Chinese medicines Effects of preparation methods and technologies on in vitro characteristics of curcumin-phospholipid complex-chitosan microspheres Comparative study on polypeptides of mitochondria and chloroplast between the male cytoplasmic sterile line and its maintainer line in tuber mustard (Brassica juncea Coss.var.tumida) Chemical Constituents of Volatile Oil in Potentilla arbuscula var. veitchii Cloning and Functional Analysis of OguCMS-related gene BoMF1 Promoter in Brassica oleracea Gene Expression Profiling Analysis of pol CMS Fertility-restorer Genes in Chinese Cabbage(Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis Gene Expression Profiling Analysis of pol CMS Fertility-restorer Genes in Chinese Cabbage(Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis A New Spring Cabbage Hybrid‘Zhonggan 192’ Cloning and Expression of an OguCMS-related Anther-preferential Transcription Factor in Brassica oleracea Studies on Anther Development of Mustard Tubers Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Lines in Chinese Cabbage Inheritance of Fertility Restoration Ability of Restorer Line Ninghui 3-2 in Sinica Rice Studies on Improvement of Sterile Line Rice Quality by New Cytoplasm from Oryza rufipogon Candidate Sterility-Related Mitochondrial Genes of NCa CMS in Brassica napus L. and Its Transcription Regulated by Restorer Gene Genetic Effects of Cytoplasm and Nucleoplasmic Interaction on Resistance to Chilo suppressalis in Hybrid Rice Differential Expression Analysis of Genes at the Stage before Anther Abortion of NCa CMS System in Brassica napus L. Genetic Study on Genic Male Sterility of Pepper and Its Application in Hybrid Breeding Research Progress on Mechanisms of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility and Fertility Restoration in Rapeseed The Mitochondria Genomic Mutation and Function in the Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Line of Maxie Rice Heterogeneity Based on SSP-PCR among Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Genes-related of S Group CMS and Normal Fertile Line in Maize
Observation and Analysis of Meiotic Behaviors of Pollen-Mother-Cell in Sorghum A6 Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Line
Effects of ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase Activity on Sterility and Development of Grain in K, V, and T-Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Lines in Wheat RAPD analysis of CMS line and its maintainer line in Chinese Cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp.pekinensis) Improving the Percentage of Exerted Stigma in CMS Lines of Japonica Hybrid Rice by Molecular Marker-assisted Selection The prediction on reed swamp evapotranspiration in Zhalong wetland, China USING RAPD TO ANALYSE mtDNA OF CMS LINE AND ITS MAINTAINER LINE IN COMMON WHEAT 普通小麦1BL—1RS K,V型雄性不育体系育性恢复的研究 The comparison of stigma compatibility on CMS in B.napus Production of the Ogura Cytoplasmic Male Sterile(CMS)Lines of ChineseCabbage-pak-choi(Brassica campestris L.ssp.chinensis var.communis)and Turnip(B.campestris L.ssp.rapifera)and Cytological Observation ofTheir Sterile Organs Vigor and Hybridizing Ability of Trace Pollen of Temperature-sensitive CMS in Chinese Cabbage Vigor and Hybridizing Ability of Trace Pollen of Temperature-sensitive CMS in Chinese Cabbage Metabolism of Polyamine during the Development of Flora Buds in Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Line and Its Maintainer Line in Brassica na pus L. Ultrastructural Localization of ATPase in Connective of Maxie Cytoplasmic Male Sterile(CMS) Anther(Oryza sativa L.) Effect of Different Pruning Methods on Flowering and Fruiting Characteristics Between Different Types of Male Sterile Lines in Broccoli Seed Plants Genetic diversity in kenaf(Hibiscus cannabinus)UG93 cytoplasmic male sterile lines,maintainer lines and restorer lines revealed by ISSR and cpSSR markers Isozymes Analyses of Cytoplasmic Male Sterile (CMS)Line in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Studies on Biochemica l Characters in Sweet Pepper ( Capsicum annuum L. )CMS Line and Its Maintainer Line Studies on Biochemica l Characters in Sweet Pepper ( Capsicum annuum L. )CMS Line and Its Maintainer Line Origin and Expression of Nsa CMS Candidate Restorer Gene Photosynthetic Characteristics of the Isonuclear Alloplasmic CMS and Maintainer Lines of Dian-type I in Japonica Rice Analysis of Characteristics and Heterosis ofThree-Line Parents in Hybrid Japonica Rice Studies on antifungal activity of ethanol extracts from 164 traditional Chinese medicines Effect of HMC Toxin on the Living Root Cap Cells of Maize with Cms and N Cytoplasm Detection and Genetic Analysis of the Restoring Abilities of Single Segment Substitution Line (SSSL) to CMS-DA in Rice Enhancing the Heterosis of Spring Rapeseed Varieties (Brassica napus L.) by Using Semi-Winter Rapeseed Varieties as Parents Study on the Floral characteristics Characteristics and Sstructure in Two Types of Male Sterile Lines of Bbroccoli(Brassica oleracea var.italica) Physiobiochemical Characteristics and Stamen Development Characteristics of LRCMS Flower in Winter Rapeseed (Brassica campestris) Molecular Genetic Studies on the Restoration and Maintenance in CMS Sunflower Cloning and Expression of an OguCMS-related Anther-preferential Transcription Factor in Brassica oleracea Analysis of heterosis, combining ability and heritability of cadmium content in brown rice of tri-line indica hybrid rice Downscaling GCMs output to assess the potential changes of field erosion in the Loess Tableland The impacts of future climate change on water resources in the Heihe Watershed on the Loess Plateau THE ANALYSIS OF COMBINING ABILITY OF RICE eui-CMS LINES EFFECTS OF RICE eui GENES ON SEVERAL AGRONOMIC TRAITS OF RICE MALE STERILE LINES Genetic Studies of Male Sterility Restorer Gene for CMS-FA Hybrid Rice Screening Parent Resources of Hybrid Rice in New Cytoplasm Male Ste- rile System (CMS-FA) Effect of Nitrogen Deficiency on Yield and Photosynthetic Traits of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility Maize Identification and Evaluation of New Sources of Male-sterile Cytoplasm in Soybean Cytolgical Observation and Analyses of A3 Cytoplasmic Male Sterility in Sorghum DEVELOPMENT OF GIANT EMBRYO CMS LINE TgeA Mechanisms of Financial Crisis on China‘s Forest Products Export A New Autumn Cabbage Hybrid Cultivar‘Zhonggan 96’with Fusarium Yellows Resistance and Crack Tolerance A New Autumn Cabbage Hybrid Cultivar‘Zhonggan 96’with Fusarium Yellows Resistance and Crack Tolerance A New Cauliflower Cultivar‘Jinpin 60’for Protection Cultivation A New Cauliflower Cultivar‘Jinpin 60’for Protection Cultivation Cloning and Functional Analysis of OguCMS-related gene BoMF1 Promoter in Brassica oleracea Cloning and Molecular Identification of Gene Associated with CMS RC7 in Chinese Cabbage (Brassica campestris L.ssp.pekinensis) cDNA-AFLP Analysis of Fertility Changeover Genes Related to Thermo-sensitive TsCMS 7311 Line of Chinese Cabbage Anther Development of Pol CMS and Its Corresponding Maintainer Line in Autotetraploid Non-Heading Chinese Cabbage Cytoplasm Male Sterile Gene Screened Directionally in Non-1BL/1RS Wheat of Nian Type and Its Fertility Characteristics Effect of Different Pruning Methods on Flowering and Fruiting Characteristics Between Different Types of Male Sterile Lines in Broccoli Seed Plants Biochemical Changes Induced by Natural Fermentation of Dry Cornstalk, Wheat Straw, and Rice Straw RAPD Analysing of CMS-T, K, V mtDNAs and Cloning of mtDNA Fragments Associated with CMS-K in Wheat Studies on Mitochondrial Proteins of CMS-V in Wheat Thermodynamic and Kinetic Characteristics of the Energy Release of Mitochondria Isolated from Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Rice Male Sterile Mutants from Rice Somaclones STUDIES ON THE RICE NOVEL CYTOPLASM OF MALE STERILITY──COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON GENETICS OF STERILITY OF NOVEL RICE CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY MAXIE A WITH ZHENSHAN 97A Mitochondrial RNA Editing of ATPase atp9 Gene Transcripts of Yunnan Purple Rice(Oryza sativa L.) Analysis of Identification and the Expression of Splicing Isoform BoKIN1-2 From CMS Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.)