‘Yan An 1’,A New Pear Variety A New Hardy Pear Variety ‘Hanhongli’ The Effct of Gamma Irradiation on Shoot Regeneration from Leaf and BudGrowth of Pear and Apple in Vitro Establishment of High Frequently Regeneration System from Leaves of‘Xueqing’Pear Leaf Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Pears with Different Genotypes Control of Black Mould Disease in ‘Yali’Pear Fruit by the Treatment withASM Induction after Harvest Studies on Leaf Photosynthesis of Young Pear Trees with Various Cultivars Analysis of Aroma Components of Fengshui, Dangshan and Nanguo Pear bySPME /GC /MS Bagging at Different Developmental Stages on Sclereid Formation in ‘Dangshansu’ Pear Fruit SSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Pear Cultivars Rela tion sh ip Between Pollen Abortion and Change of Endogenous Polyam ines Contents in‘Niitaka’Pear Cultivars SSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Pear Cultivars Rela tion sh ip Between Pollen Abortion and Change of Endogenous Polyam ines Contents in‘Niitaka’Pear Cultivars A New Pear Cultivar ‘Jinbali‘ Self-compatible Pear Cultivar ‘Yan Zhuang‘ Resulting from S-RNase Mutation of ‘Ya Li‘ (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.) A New Red Pear Cultivar ‘Mantianhong’ A New Cold Resistant High Quality Pear Cutivar‘Hanluli’ A New High Quality Mid-late Maturing Pear Cultivar‘Jiyu’ Effects of Selenium on Leaf Senescence and Antioxidase System in Pyrus bretschneider‘Dangshan Suli’ Investigation of the Mineral Nutrients Status of Pear Leaves in Main Orchards Around the Bohai Bay Region Effects of Fruit Thinning on Fruit Sugar Accumulation and Leaf Photosynthetic Characteristics of Pear Using the SSR Fluorescent Labeling to Establish SSR Fingerprints for 92 Cultivars in Pyrus A New Pear Cultivar‘Jinzaosu’ A New Early-ripening Pear Cultivar‘Jinsu’ Effects of Cytochalasin B and Phalloidin on [Ca2+]i Concentration and Ca2+ Channels in the Plasma Membrane of Pyrus pyrifolia Pollen Tube Cutting edge Construction of a Genetic Linkage Map in Pear and Compared the Map with Apples Studies on antiviral constituents in stems and leaves of Pithecellibium clypearia Effects of Mulching on the Growth Rhythm and Fruit Characters of Pear in Longdong Dryland Regions Effects of Different Grazing Intensities on the Distribution of Seriphidum transiliense Modular Biomass The Application of The Gray System Theory on The Comprehensive Evaluation on of The Main Characteristics of Balsampears Studies on Localization and Change of Ca2+ in Fruit Flesh Cells duringFruit Development of Pear The Changes of Enzymes Activity during the Flower Bud Differentiation of‘Pingguoli’ The Changes of Enzymes Activity during the Flower Bud Differentiation of‘Pingguoli’ ‘Eli 1’—A Early-season Maturity Pear Variety Changes in Betaine Level in Pear, Jujube and Grapevine Leaves under WaterStress Differences of S-glycoprotein Content in the Styles among Pear Cultivars Differing in Self incompatible Strength Effects of zinc levels on endogenous hormone and nitrogen metabolism in leaves and yields of balsam pear Niche breadth of Gymnosporangium haraeanum Impact of planting Amomun on key protected plants in Mengyang Nature Reserve of Xishuangbanna and its countermeasures Wind fields and the development of wind corridors in the urban metropolis of the Pearl River Delta Analysis of the meiobenthic community in the Pearl River Estuary in summer A model for water consumption by mountain jujube pear-like PRIMARY RISK ANALYSES OF IMPORT OF ERWINIA AMYLOVORA TO CHINA Changes of Cold Hardiness Indexes of Korla Fragrant Pears Different Organs with Air Temperature during Over wintering Period A New Red Pear Cultivar ‘Hongsucui’ A New Red Pear Cultivar ‘Hongsucui’ A New Early-ripening and High-quality Pear Cultivar‘Ganlizao 8’ Obtainment of Transgenic ‘Xueqing’ Pear Plants with a Synthetic Cry1AcGene Mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens Detection of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus in Pear by in situ RT-PCR Simple Sequence Repeat Analysis on Genetic Assessment of Chinese RedSkinned Sand Pear Cultivars Bagging at Different Developmental Stages on Sclereid Formation in ‘Dangshansu’ Pear Fruit Identification of S-genotypes of Twelve Pear Cultivars by Analysis of DNASequence Effect of Pear Stylar S-RNa se on Self-pollen Tube Ultrastructure in Vitro Identification of S-genotype of Ten Cultivars from Niitaka Line Pear A SCAR Marker Linked to pcDw Gene in Pear An Early Maturity and High-quality New Variety of Asian Pear ‘Zaosheng Xinshui’ A New Triploid Variety of Pear ‘Longyuan Yanghong’ Measuremen t of the Transpiration Rate of Developing Pear Fruit Effect of Low Temperature and Pathogen Stress during Storage Periods on Pear Fruit Pulp ATP Contents,H+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase Activity Establishment of the Dynamic Model and Nutrient Accumulation of Chestnut‘s Fruits and Seeds During the Growth Period Diversity of Fruit Quality of Local Pear Germplasm Resources in Guizhou Comparative Studies on Canopy Structure Characteristics , Yield and Fruit Quality in Horizontal Trellis System and Delayed-open Central Leader System of ‘Hosui‘ Pear Tree Molecular mechanism and Genetic Characterization of self-compatibility in pears ‘Osa-Nijisseiki’ The Radial Distribution of Xylem Sap Flow Velocity in Trunks of Pear Trees Relationships between Distribution of Relative Light Intensity and Fruit Quality for Trellis-trained‘Hwangkumbae’ A New Thick-red Pear Cultivar ‘Aoguanhong‘ Cloning of the Terminal Regions of Apple stem pitting virus in Pear Trees Using 3‘ and 5‘ RACE Transgene Expression in Pear (Pyrus communis L.) Driven by Phloem-specific Promoter AtSUC2 A New Red Pear Cultivar ‘Mantianhong’ Detection of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus in Pear by Primed in situ Labeling A New Cold Resistant High Quality Pear Cutivar‘Hanluli’ A New High Quality Mid-late Maturing Pear Cultivar‘Jiyu’ A New Pear Cultivar‘Hansuli’ SSR Molecular Markers Linked to the Fruit Russet Skin of Pear Comparison Studies on the Stone Cell Content in Flesh of Pear Cultivars Comparison Studies on the Stone Cell Content in Flesh of Pear Cultivars The effects of plant growth regulating substances on pollen germination and tube gowth in Fengshui pear (Pyrus serotina) Numerical analysis of interspecific relationships in communities of Larix chinensis in Qinling Mountain Expression and Possible Role of S4(SSM4) Genes in the Styles of Self-incompatible Pear Cultivar and Its Self-compatible Mutant Effect of Atmospheric Phenomena Factors on the Milling Quality and the Appearance Quality of Medium India Hybrid Rice During the Period from Full Heading to Maturity