Embryological Studies of Gastrodia elata Blume Study on the Biological Characteristics of Bambusa blumeana Genetic Diversity of Morphological Traits in Wild Populations of Castanea mollissima Blume Genetic Diversity of Morphological Traits in Wild Populations of Castanea mollissima Blume Gene Expression Profiling and Silencing Reveal the Relationship between TaTST, a Wheat Thiosulfate Sulfurtransferase Gene, and the Resistance Response of Wheat to Powdery Mildew SIMULATED DISEASE NURSERY OF WHEAT POWDERY MILDEW IN NON-OVERSUMMERING AREA Chemical constituents from Gastrodia elata (II) Accumulation dynamic of ecdysterone in vegetative organs of Achranthes bridentata Method of genomic DNA extraction of the herb Blumea balsamifera Variation of vapor oxygen isotopic composition and partitioning evapotranspiration of oak woodland in the low hilly area of north China A new xanthone from Cratoxylum cochinchinense Temperature sensitivity and its correlation with virulence of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici isolates in some wheat growing The Correlation between temperature and survival time of conidia of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici in vitro Triadimefon sensitivity and its correlation with the virulence population of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici in some wheat growing areas in 2012 Cloning of heat shock protein gene, HSP70, in Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici and its expression under high temperature stress Sensitivity of  Blumeria graminis  f. sp.  tritici  to strobilurin fungicides and their cross-resistance Parasitic fitness of Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici isolates with different sensitivity to temperature THREE NEW SPECIES OF ARACHNIODES BLUME FROM YUNNAN THE PHEN0LIC COMPOUNDS OF FRESH GASTR0DIA ELATA BLUME Studies on chemical constituents of Isodon eriocalyx var. laxiflora Strobilanthes adpressa J. R. I. Wood, A Newly Recorded Species of Acanthaceae from China Effects of nitrogen and potassium nutrition on the occurence of Blumeria graminis(DC).Speer of wheat in wheat and faba bean intercropping Chemical constituents in Blumea aromatica of Zhuang medicine Physiological responses of Coleus blumei to simulated drought stress Study on the Effect of Components in Gastrodia elata Blume Powder Irradiated by 60Co γ-Rays Using Infrared Spectroscopy Isolation and identification of chemical constituents from Blumea balsanifera A survey of race and virulence types of Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici in China’s northeastern spring wheat region during 2004-2008 Race identification and virulent gene analysis of Blumeria graminis Effects of salt stress on the growth and osmotica accumulation of Coleus blumei SEM and XRD Analyses of the Roots and Leaves of Coleus with Selenium
Supplements Under Lead Stress
Research progress in chemical constituents in plant resources of Achyranthis Bidentatae Radix from Aaranthaceae family Chemical constituents of Gastrodia elata Ribosomal rDNA ITS sequence analysis of root of Achyranthes bidentata Three Newly Recorded Genera of Compositae in Gansu Province Virulence and genetic diversity analysis of wheat powdery mildew population in Southwestern area of Sichuan The sensitivity of population of Blumeria graminis  f.sp.tritici isolates to temperature in 2009 Chemical constituents in leaves of Actephila merrilliana (I) Establishment of tissue culture and rapid propagation system of Typhonium flagelliforme Research methods of degenerative mechanism of Gastrodiae elata and its prevention technology system Research methods of degenerative mechanism of Gastrodiae elata and its prevention technology system Establishment of rapid propagation system of Blumea aromatica Liposoluble Constituents in Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Fruits Alkaloids from stems of Nauclea officinalis A genetic transformation study of introducing wildGastrodia elata DNA intoSolanum tuberosum by soaking seedling method Two compounds from Drymaria diandra
 Identification and Analysis of TaWRKY34 Gene Induced by Wheat Powdery Mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici)
Wheat|Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici|Resistance gene|Pm2|Molecular marker Morphogenesis and Development of Gonocormus minutus(Blume) Bosch Spore(Hymenophyllaceae) Fingerprint Identification between Gastrodia elata Blume and Its Counterfeits with Infrared Spectroscopy Virulence and Genetic Diversity of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici Collected from Shandong and Hebei Provinces Determination of three chemical constituents in Zhuang medicine Blumea megacephala (Randeria) by HPLC SEM and XRD Analyses of the Roots and Leaves of Coleus with Selenium
Supplements Under Lead Stress
Characteristics of nutrient uptakes and powdery mildew incidence of different resistant wheat cultivars intercropping with faba bean Effect of EDDS Treatments on FTIR-ATR, SEM-EDXS Features and Physiological Characteristics of Coleus blumei Roots under Se Stress Yield and Quality Variation in Two Varieties of Gastrodia elata Blume in Bionic Wild Cultivation at Different Altitudes Establishment of tissue culture and rapid propagation system of Typhonium flagelliforme Chemical constituents in leaves of Actephila merrilliana (I) One new iridoid glycoside from Hedyotis tenelliflora Determination of Protocatechuic Acid in Blumea riparia (Bl.) DC. by RP-HPLC Clonal diversity and structure in natrual populations of Blumea balsamifera Analysis on 2004-2005 racial virulence of Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici in northern China and the resistance in wheat cultivars in the disease epidemic related zones Molecular Mapping of Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene MlWE29 in Wheat Originated from Wild Emmer(Triticum turgidum var.dicoccoides) Effects of different cultivation measures on phenophase and capsule of two varieties of Gastrodia elata Climatic division of Blumea balsamifera in Guizhou province based on topographical conditions Analysis of metabolic pathway of terpenoids in Blumea balsamifera Chemical constituents from Gastrodia elata(Ⅲ) Protective Actions of Blumea Flavanones on Primary Cultured Hepatocytes against Lipid Peroxidation Studies on chemical constituents of Gastrodia elata Anti-arthritic and anti-oxidative effect of ethyl acetate fraction of Blumea balsamlfera residues in rat adjuvant-induced arthritis Sensitivity of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici isolates to triadimefon and fenpropidin in China in 2011 Studies on flavonoids from Blumea riparia Rapid Identification of Blumea balsamifera by Specific PCR and Fluorescence Detection Chemical constituents in Oenanthe javanica Establishment of rapid propagation system of Blumea aromatica Investigation on virulence of Blumeria graminis f.sp.hordei population and resistance to powdery mildew of barley varieties Establishment of ISSR-PCR reaction system for Blumeria graminis f.sp. tritici and its application in diversity analysis of this pathogen Development Anatomy of Achyranthes bidentata Roots Preparation technology and dissolution research of Blumea volatile oil suppository Accumulating characteristics of manganese by Polygonum pubescens Blume PHARMACOLOGICAL STUDIES ON GASTRODIA ELATA BLUME. 2.EFFECTS OF SYNTHETIC GASTRODIN AND ITS GENIN ON THE HEART AND SMALL INTESTINE

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