A palynotaxonomic study of the genus Filipendula (Rosaceae) Knockdown of LjALD1, AGD2-like defense response protein 1, influences plant growth and nodulation in Lotus japonicus Mechanistic action of gibberellins in legume nodulation Peltate glandular trichomes of Colquhounia seguinii harbor new defensive clerodane diterpenoids Two new species of Yulania from China STUDIES ON SPORES CULTURE AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY OF ATRICHUM UNDULATUM NEW SPECIES FROM SHANDONG Study on the Relationship between Chromosome Numbers and Nodulation of 18 Species of Leguminous Trees MORPHOGENESIS OF GLANDULAR HAIRS ON THE LEAVES OF PERILLA FRUTESCENS (L. ) BRITTON STUDIES ON CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF ZANTHOXYLUM UNDULATIFOLIUM Chemical constituents from a Tibetan medicine Meconopsis horridula Ecological characteristics and modulate strategy of wintertime climate in self-controlled greenhouse Effect of meteorological conditions in self-controlled greenhouse on the yield of tomato REVIEW OF PHENOTYPIC PLASTICITY AND HIERARCHICAL SELECTION IN CLONAL PLANTS Inhibitive effects on Microcystis aeruginosa by Artemisia lavandulaefoli and its three organic solvents extracts AGRONOMIC POTENTIAL OF PARTIALLY ACIDULATED ROCK PHOSPHATES ON A YELLOW-BROWNISH PADDY SOIL Immunomodulatory Function of Sheep Bone Papain and Trypsin Hydrolysates Effects of OsPT6 Gene Overexpression on Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation of Vegetable Soybean under Low Phosphorus Conditions Relationship between vegetative potential populations and actual populations of Agropyron michnoi Morpho-histological Study of Somatic Embryo-like Structures and Somatic Embryos in Lily A STUDY ON BOTANICAL ORIGIN OF THE CHINENSE HERBAL DRUG DULA Studies on Distribution and Eclosion of Hierdula patellifera Serville‘s Eggs Effects of Different Grazing Intensities on the Distribution of Seriphidum transiliense Modular Biomass Two Newly Recorded Genera of Compositae from China—Schmalhausenia C. Winkl. and Crupina Cass. Variation of sugars in different parts of birch in spring by gas-chromatography EFFECT OF ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS ON NODULATION NITROGEN FIXATION OF ACACIA MANGIUM FEEDING RESPONSE OF ASIAN CORN BORER LARVAE ON GLANDLESS AND GLANDULAR COTTON A STUDY ON NATURAL RESOURCES OF NODULATING TREE LEGUMES AND STRAINS OF RHIZOBIA Phenotypic plasticity and modular biomass of invasive Parthenium hysterophorus in different habitats in south China Effects of NaCl Stress on the Inorganic Ion Contents in Atriplex undulata Roots and Leaves Geographic Distribution Characteristics and Endangered Status of an Endemic Species of China, Paris undulatis H. Li et V. G. Soukup Effect of Polyporus umbellatus polysaccharides on activation of murine bone marrow dendritic cells via Toll-like receptor 4 Advances in salt-tolerance mechanisms of Suaeda plants Influence of temperature on pythoncidere of Lavandula angustifolia Mill. flower Effects of essential oil from Artemisia lavandulaefolia on morphology and structure of HeLa cells in vitro A review of adaptive strategies of clonal plants to interspecific competition Transfer characteristics of cadmium from soil to Salix × aureo-pendula A Taxonomic Revision on the Coniogramme robusta(H.Christ) H.Christ Complex Morphogenesis and ultrastructure of glandular hairs in Silene fortunei Vis. STUDIES ON THE MORPHOLOGY STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE GLANDULAR HAIRS IN RHUS TYPHINA TORNER. Data Mining for SSRs in ESTs and EST-SSR Marker Development in Betula platyphylla Analysis on Trunk Sap Flow Time Lag Effect of Sophora japonica f. pendula Compared to Meteorological Factors Effect of Epimedii Herba alcohol extract on inhibition of lung tumor growth and immunomodulatory Studies on immunomodulatory activity of fraction 3A from LIUWEIDIHUANG DECOCTION Studies on chemical constituents of Eucalyptus camaldulensis var. pendula Experimental Study on Immunomodulation of White Wax Scale(Ericerus pela Chavannes) Classical Ethylene Insensitive Mutants of the Arabidopsis EIN2 Orthologue Lack the Expected ‘hypernodulation’ Response in Lotus japonicus Split-root systems applied to the study of the legume-rhizobial symbiosis: What have we learned? The Role of Phytochrome in Stress Tolerance Role of Simulated Acid Rain on Acer negundo and Plant Nitrition Leaf Modular Population Characteristics of Taxus yunnanensis Plantation under Different Branches and Leaves Harvesting Models Heterologous Transformation and Expression of Hericium erinaceum Manganese Peroxidase 1 Gene in Aspergillus nidulans Acoustic Signals of Dendroctonus valens and Structure of Its Stridulatory Apparatus Anatomy and Histochemistry of the Leaf of Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch.ex Fisch (Scrophulariaceae) Effects of Electrostatic Field on Rooting and Related Physiological and Biochemical Functions of Cerasus subhirtella var.pendula Cuttings NEW TAXA OF THE GENUS PARIS L. SIX NEW SPECIES OF IMPATIENS FROM -SICHUAN Effect of Polyporus umbellatus polysaccharides on activation of murine bone marrow dendritic cells via Toll-like receptor 4 Analysis of Genetic Linkage Groups on Birch Using RAPD Markers The Construction of Rhizobia Engineering Strain of Introduction a Tandem Gene nodD-lba into Sinorhizobium fredii Response of Capsicum frutescens metapopulation to simulated insect herbivorous behaviors Taxonomy of antagonistic strain B1 and control effect of tomato gray mould The Morphology and Process Changes of Peltate Glandular hairs in Alnus mandshurica Leaf Epidermis Studies on nodulation and efficiency of S.fredii using GUS gene Leaf traits and biomass dynamics of modular population in different age classes Artocarpus nanchuanensis seedlings TWO NEW FORMS OF POPULUS FROM HENAN Research progress on active components of Antrodia cinnamomea and their pharmacological effects Studies on the Characterization of Root Morphology of White Clover Infected by Transconjugant of Rhizobium leguminosarum Effect of nitrogen/phosphorus ratio on biological characteristics and organic acid exudation in soybean roots ABSORPTION AND UTILIZATION OF DIFFERENT NITROGEN SOURCES DURING THE GROWTH OF SOYBEAN PLANT Nutrients absorption and nodulation ability of alfalfas in acid purple soil Research on the Metabolism of Schizonepetae Spica Glandular Scale Inclusion Effects of Nitrogen,Phosphorus,and Potassium Fertilizer on the Growth,Blossom,and N,P,K Uptake in Calendula officinalis L. Microstructure of Glandular Trichomes on Leaf Surface of Sesame and Changes of Trichome Secretions under Drought Condition Effects of cadmium stress on growth and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of Salix aureo pendula seedlings Advances in studies on natural antitumor drugs Preparation and analysis of antibody against Poria cocos immunomodulatory protein-1 Study on immunomodulatory activity of root and rhizome of Rosa laevigata from different habitats Effects of different nitrogenous compounds on growth and nodulation of Abrus cantoniensis A Cytochemical Study of ACPase and ALPase Activity in the Laminar Hair Cells of Bresenia shreberi

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