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Molecular Cloning and Expression of Flower ing-related MADS-box Gene in
Diospyros kaki
Identification of Natural Loss Property of Astringency in Some Non-a stringent Persimmon Germplasm Native of China
An Excellent and Large-fruited Persimmon New Variety ‘Chuantianshi 1’
Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene on Postharvest Physiology and Cell Ultrastructure of Pollination-constant and Non-astringent Persimmon DuringStorage
Reduction of Chilling Injury in Sweet Persimmon Fruit by 1-MCP
Progress in Application Research of 1-MCP for Storage and Fresh-keeping of Persimmon Fruits
Progress in Application Research of 1-MCP for Storage and Fresh-keeping of Persimmon Fruits
Characteristics of Chinese PCNA Types and Their Roles in Science and Industry of Oriental Persimmon
Characteristics of Chinese PCNA Types and Their Roles in Science and Industry of Oriental Persimmon
Experimental study on long-term toxicity of Naoxinqing Tablets in rats
Experimental study on long-term toxicity of Naoxinqing Tablets in rats
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Persimmons (Diospyros kaki L) Germplasm Resources in Zhejiang Province using RAPD
A Preliminary Analysis on the Suitable Climatic and Ecological Region for Introducing Japanese Sweet Persimmon
Differences of the Components of Tannin among Three Types of Persimmon Fruits and Characteristics of Tannin from ‘Luotian Tianshi’
Study on Pollination Biology in Persimmon Trees
Study on Persimmon Scales and Its Control
Studies on Reproductive Law and Precocity and Prolificacy of Non-astringent Persimmon
A Study on Chemical Compositions of Astringent and Non-astringent Type Fruits of Persimmons
Studies on the Biological Characteristics and Control Method of Hypocala subsatura Guenee
The Changes of Tannin and Sugars in Non-astringent Type Fruits of Japanese Persimmon during the Development of Fruit
Histological Research on Low Seeded Rate of Hybridization Between ‘Mopanshi’and Sweet Persimmon
Histological Research on Low Seeded Rate of Hybridization Between ‘Mopanshi’and Sweet Persimmon
Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene and Propylene on Expression of XTH Genes in Persimmon Fruits
Evaluation on Affinity, Growth Trait and Physiology Indicators of Persimmon Grafted on Different Stocks
Genetic Variation of Jinzaoshi Persimmon from Different Regions in Zhejiang Province
Survey and Study on Occurrence Regularity of Persimmon Fruits Disorder Top Rot Disease
Isolation and Expression Analysis of DkADH1 Gene from‘Nantong Xiaofangshi’Persimmon
Isolation and Expression Analysis of DkADH1 Gene from‘Nantong Xiaofangshi’Persimmon
Attraction to the Ladybeetle by the Volatiles of Persimmon Trees Induced with Methyl Jasmonate and Japanese Wax Scale Attacking
Establishment and Application of Economic Coefficient Model of Over 100-Year-Old Persimmons
Effects of Different Scions on Rootstock Root System in Persimmon
Dodecaploid Plantlets Regenerated from Endosperm Culture of ‘Luotiantianshi’Persimmon
In Vitro
Rescue Culture of Zygotic Embryo of ‘Mopanshi’Persimmon
An Excellent and Large-fruited Persimmon New Variety ‘Chuantianshi 1’
Effect of film packaging on several physiological and qualitative changes of persimmon (Diospyros kaki) in cold storage
Studies on Abnormal Meiosis Producing 2n Pollens in Nonastringent Persimmon (
Diospyros Kaki
Cloning and Sequencing of Expansin cDNA in the Fruits of Chinese Persimmon
Effect of 1-MCP treatment on several physiological changes of persimmon fruits during storage period
Effects of Propylene and 1-methylcyclopropene on Expression of Two EXP Genes in Persimmon Fruits
Effect of low ethylene and low pressure treatment on ethylene biosynthesis of persimmon fruit
Changes of Cell-wall Polysaccharides and Their Catabolic Enzyme Activities of Persimmon Fruits during Post-harvest
Effects of Propylene and 1-methylcyclopropene on Expression of Two EXP Genes in Persimmon Fruits
Studies on the Selection of Combination of Root Stocks with Scions of Non-astringent Persimmon (Diospyros) Varieties
Cloning and sequence analysis of cDNA encoding for ACC synthase from persimmon fruit
Identification of Pathogen Causing Beef Heart Persimmon Anthracnose in Shandong and Its Pathogenicity
Correlation between Characteristics of Tannin Cells and Total Phenolics and Condensed Tannins Contents in Persimmon Fruits
Regeneration of Dodecapioid Plants from in Vitro Leave of ‘Luotian Tianshi‘ Persimmon Treated with Colchicine
‘Eshi 1’—A New Pollination Constant and Non-astringent Cultivar of Chinese Persimmon
Diversity analysis of fruit traits and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of persimmon germplasm resources in Guangxi
Classification and Morphological Characteristics of Tannin Cells in Some Persimmon Species and Varieties
Relationship Between Pre2heat Treatment Alleviating Chilling Injury and Activities of Cell Wall Hydrolases of Persimmon Fruit
Effects of Posthavest Treatment with 1-MCP on Ripening and Softening of Persimmon Fruits
Studies on the Embryogenesis of Persimmon
Conservation of in Vitro Shoots of Persimmon and Date Plum by SlowGrowth and Genetic Stability of Recovered Plantlets
Studies on Abnormal Meiosis Producing 2n Pollens in Nonastringent Persimmon (
Diospyros Kaki
Regeneration of Dodecapioid Plants from in Vitro Leave of ‘Luotian Tianshi‘ Persimmon Treated with Colchicine
Studies on the Isolation, Culture of Protoplast and Plant Regeration inLuotiantianshi Persimmon
Studies on the Isolation, Culture of Protoplast and Plant Regeration inLuotiantianshi Persimmon
In Vitro
Rescue Culture of Zygotic Embryo of ‘Mopanshi’Persimmon
Identification of Natural Loss Property of Astringency in Some Non-a stringent Persimmon Germplasm Native of China
Research on Quantitative Classification of Native Persimmon Varieties in Zhejiang Province
Effect of physiological and chemical changes of deastringent Huoshi by heat treatment
The change of tannic cells in astringent persimmon fruits during the process of growing,deastringenting and reastringenting
Study on Germinant Characteristic and Radiosensitivity of Giant Pollen in Nonastringent Persimmon
Relationship Between Pre2heat Treatment Alleviating Chilling Injury and Activities of Cell Wall Hydrolases of Persimmon Fruit
Shoot Regeneration from Leaves of ‘Fuyu’and ‘J iro’Persimmon
Shoot Regeneration from Leaves of ‘Fuyu’and ‘J iro’Persimmon
Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene on Postharvest Physiology and Cell Ultrastructure of Pollination-constant and Non-astringent Persimmon DuringStorage
Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Expansin cDNA in Persimmon Fruits
Effects of Different Bagging Treatments on Fruit Quality of Non-astringent Persimmon
Morphological Key Period Study on Floral Sex Differentiation in Pollination-constant and Non-astringent Persimmon‘Zenjimaru’
Morphological Key Period Study on Floral Sex Differentiation in Pollination-constant and Non-astringent Persimmon‘Zenjimaru’
Studies on Cloning and Real-time Expression of Endo-1,4-β-glucanase Gene in Persimmon Fruit
Studies on Cloning and Real-time Expression of Endo-1,4-β-glucanase Gene in Persimmon Fruit
Reduction of Chilling Injury in Sweet Persimmon Fruit by 1-MCP
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