THE ESTABLISHMENT OF REGENERANT-DERIVED SOMACLONES FROM COTYLEDONS AND HYPOCOTYLS OF BRASSICA NAPUS CHARACTERIZATION OF SEVERAL ISOZYMES FROM EMBRYOGENIC CALLI AND SOMATIC EMBRYOS AT DIFFERENT DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES OF GENTLANACRASSICAULIS DUTHIE EX BURKILL A STUDY OF CHROMOSOME DOUBLING TECHNIQUE AND ITS INFLUENCE FACTOR OF POLLEN SEEDLING ON XIAO YAN WHEAT COMPARATIVE STUDY ON PROPERTIES OF TRICHOKIRIN(TCK),A SINGLE CHAIN RIBOSOME INACTIVATING PROTEIN FROM THE SEED OF TRICHOSANTHES KIRILOWII WITH TRICHOSANTHIN (TCS) A study on the dissociation of ribosomes of tapetal cells and formation of exine protein of Brasenia schreberi 麦类作物多胚的研究:Ⅲ.高原602双胚苗的细胞学类型 The cytological studies of wheat varietal populations Embryogeniccallus induction and somatic embryo formationfrom hypocotyl explants of Lathyrus maritimus Studieson NaCl-tolerant among somatic hybrid lines ofwheat and Agropyron elangatum with their parents Karyotype studies of Allium prattii among 4 populations in Southern Qinghai Somatic Embryogenesis of Picea asperata Induced from Immature Embryos Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Chalcone Isomerase Gene from Mulberry (Morus alba) Effects of Phytosulfokine on the Somatic Embryogenesis of Liriodendron hybrids(L. chinense×L. tulipifera) Role of Ethylene and Polyamines in Plant Somatic Embryogenesis Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Immature Zygotic Embryos of Black Locust(Robinia pseudoacacia) New Alien Additon Lines Resistance to Black Rot Generated by Somatic Hybridization Between Cauliflower and Black Mustard Cloning and Expression of Type Ⅱ Ribosome Inactivating Protein Genes CsRIP 1 and CsRIP 2 from Camellia sinensis A Desiccation Indicator before Germination of Picea asperata Somatic Embryos Identification and Variation of Tetraploid Camellia oleifera Comparison on Optimization of Preparation Methods of Taxol Containing Liposomes Meiotic Behavior of 1BL/1RS Translocation Chromosome and Alien Chromosome in Two Tri-genera Hybrids Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) Affecting Yield and Fiber Properties in Chromosome 16 in Cotton Using Substitution Line Genome Analysis in Wheat Breeding for Disease Resistance Agronomic Trait and Protein Component of F2 Hybrid Originated from Intergeneric Somatic Hybridization Between Triticum aestivumand Agropyron elongatum Progress in study of multicellular magnetotactic prokaryotes Preparation of Resveratrol Nanoliposomes by High Pressure Microfluidization Study on Factors Influence Somatic Embryogenesis From Roots of Lilium spp. DNA Methylation Changes during Somatic Embryogenesis of Hevea brasiliensis Cloning and Expression analysis of somatic embryogenesis receptor kinase (SERK) gene from Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo Applications of Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH/GISH) to Study the Origin and Evolution of Plant Polyploids Cytology of Two Species in the Genus Caltha (Ranunculaceae) from China Karyotype Analysis of Cypripedium japonicum Thunb. and Calanthe tsoongiana T. Tang et F. T. Wang Cytology in Three Species of Ainsliaea (Asteraceae-Pertyeae) from Southern China Observation of Pollen Mother Cell Meiosis in Dianthus chinensis L. Curcin Content of Jatropha curcas Seeds and Its Correlationship with Seed Traits in Dry-hot Valley of Jinsha River Karyotypes of 12 Species of Paphiopedilum subgenus Paphiopedilum Karyomorphological Studies of Halophila (Hydrocharitaceae) from Hong Kong, China The Chromosome Number and Karyotypes of Six Species of Melastomataceae Acquirement of self-compatible somatic mutants induced by colchicine in Paspalum vaginatum Studies on the Karyotype and Chromosome Variation of Regenerated Perennial Ryegrass Study and Application on Somatic Embeyogenesis in Arbor Tree Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Hedychium coccineum Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Hedychium coccineum Analysis of Meiotic Behavior of Haploid Chinese Cabbage and Selection of a Chromosome Monosomic Plant Analysis of Meiotic Behavior of Haploid Chinese Cabbage and Selection of a Chromosome Monosomic Plant Parental Dominant Inheritance of Fruit Carotenoids,Sugars and Organic Acids in a Citrus Interspecific Allotetraploid Somatic Hybrid Between Bonnaza Navel Orange and Rough Lemon Research Progress of Alien Addition Lines in Brassica Crops Recent Advances in Brassica Genome Research by Fluorescence in situ Hybridization(FISH) Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration in Hippeastrum hybridum Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration in Hippeastrum hybridum A UNFATHOMABLE ENIGMA OF CHROMOSOME GENETICS: B-CHROMOSOME STUDIES OF CHROMOSOME OF FOUR SPECIES IN LYSIMACHIA FROM CHINA ADVANCES IN GENETIC TRANSFORMATION AND GENOME TRANSFER OF FRUIT CROPS THE DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS OF IN SITU HYBRIDIZATION TECHNIQUE IN PLANT CHROMOSOMES ADVANCES IN CHROMOSOME STUDIES AND PLANT TAXONOMY A research on nullisomic backcross method for breeding alien substitution lines The Gnetales: Recent insights on their morphology, reproductive biology, chromosome numbers, biogeography, and divergence times Chromosome changes after polyploidization in Triticeae Natural hybridization and introgression in sympatric Ligularia species (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) Polyploidy and new chromosome counts in Anaphalis (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China Genetic evidence for the multiple origins of Pinghua Chinese Genetic affinity between the Kam-Sui speaking Chadong and Mulam people Screening Salt Tolerance Germplasms and Tagging the Tolerance Gene(s) Using Microsatellite (SSR) Markers in Wheat Genetic Differentiation of A and B Chromosomes Between Common Wheat and Wild Emmer as Revealed by RFLP Analysis Intergeneric Somatic Hybrid Plants Between Citrus and Poncirus trifoliata and Evaluation of Their Root Rot Resistance Segmental Duplications Are Common in Rice Genome ADVANCES IN RESEARCH ON GENETIC DIVERSITY IN POPULUS Diversity of magnetotactic bacteria in the intertidal zone of Taiping Bay, Qingdao Spatial-temporal variance of the intensity of algal bloom and related environmental and ecological factors in Lake Taihu Application of DG-DGGE to analyze microbial community diversity and population dynamics in fermentative hydrogen-producing system Studies on Transgen ic Acceptor System of Ground-CoverChrysanthemum Via Indirect Soma tic Embryogenesis Influences of sunflower sowing dates on preventing Homoeosoma nebulellum and Verticillium dahliae The Chromosome Analysis of 5 Diptera Insect Cell Lines Somatic Embryogenesis Induction and the Difference of Callus of Eucalyptus urophylla×Eucalyptus grandis Clone and Expression of AaSERK Gene in Anthurium andraeanum’s Somatic Embryogenesis Establishment and application of rapid molecular detection for Fusarium oxysporum In vivo Reconstitution of Anabaena sp.PCC7120 Core-membrane Linker Protein ApcE with Phycocyanobilin Megasporogenesis and Development of Female Gametophyte in the Apomictic Monosomic Addition Line M14 of Beta corolliflora in Sugar Beet Analysis of a Mosaic Monosomic Alien Addition Line of Rice with Chromosome 7 of Oryza officinalis C-Genome and Its Backcross Progeny Effects of Two Kinds of Rootstocks on the Growth of Navel Orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck)Young Tree and the Annual Changes in the Contents of Carbohydrates in Leaves