Effects of total isoflavones of Pueraria DC. on bone mineral density and bone strength in ovariectomized rats Inhibitory effects of total flavones of Metasequoia glyptostroboides on experimental cardiac hypertrophy and expression of c-Fos protein in ventricle Studies on chemical constituents of Eucalyptus camaldulensis var. pendula Effects of total flavones from Epimedium L on IL-2 and NK activity in immunodepressant mice Isolation of a new isoflavone from soybean germ Production of puerarin and other isoflavones in cell suspension cultures in leaves of Pueraria lobata seedlings Studies on chemical constituents of Selaginella stauntoniana (Ⅰ) Purification of Ginkgo biloba leaf extract and flavone on β-cyclodextrin-Superose 12 pg Advances in research of chem ical constituents and pharmacological activities of Pongam ia pinnata Study on chemical constituents of Thesium chinensis Study on chemical constituents of Belamcanda chinensis(Ⅱ) Chemical constituents of Equisetum ramosissimum Chemical constituents of Solanum torvum Determination of five flavonoids in Cacumen Platycladi Carbonisatum by UPLC Determination of five flavones in Cacumen Platycladi Carbonisatum by UPLC Chemical constituents in Ecdysanthera rosea Chemical constituents of Limonium sinense Study on antiviral material basis and component structure in plants of Stellaria L. Chemical constituents in leaves of Cyclosorus parasiticus Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Rhododendron capitatum Maxim ISOFLAVONE ACCUMULATION IN WILD SOYBEAN UNDER SALINE CONDITIONS AND ITS ECOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE Chemical structure of capsicuoside A from fruits of Capsicum annuum A study of total flavone contents on various organs of different Polygonum capitatum accessions Study on separation and purification of total flavones from Smilax china by macroporous absorption resin Studies on chemical constituents from Stellaria media Chemical constituents of isoflavones from vine stems of Millettia nitita var. hirsutissima Optimal extraction of nuciferine and flavone from lotus leaf based on
central composite design and response surface methodology
Simultaneous determination of four glycosylflavones from Lophatherum gracile by RP-HPLC Studies on absorption kinetics of puerariae flavones in rats intestine Effects of flavones of buckwheat flower and leaf on insulin resistance and liver PTP1B in type 2 diabetic rats Chemical constituents in Buddleja albiflora Chemical constituents from leaves of Sterculia foetida Simultaneous determination of flavones and saponins of Rhizoma Anemarrhenae by HPLC-DAD-ELSD A new biflavone from needles of Taxus canadensis Chemical constituents of Huperzia serrata Chemical constituents of Artemisia frigida (II) Chemical constituents of Artemisia frigida (II) Chemical constituents from Osbeckia chinensis Inducing effect of total flavones in rhododendra on endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor responses in cerebral basilar artery of rats subjected to global cerebral ischemia reperfusion Effect of isoflavone extract from Cicer arietinum on learning and memory abilities in senile mice induced by D-galactose Chemical constituents in twigs and leaves of Sabina pingii var. wilsonii Research and thinking on characteristics and mechanisms of absorption and metabolism of Glycyrrhiza Radix et Rhizoma and its compatible interactions with other herbs Chemical constituents from twigs and leaves of Fordia cauliflora Callus culture of embryos in Sophora japonica and analysis on isoflavones content Chemical constituents from rhizomes of Cyperus rotundus Chemical constituents in root tubers of Euphorbia kansui and their activities Chemical constituents from effective fraction of leaves of Microcos paniculata with protection on acute myocardial ischemia injury Effect of secondary fermentation on processing technology for fermented soybeans Solidifying of ginkgo flavones phospholipid complex using colloidal silica Isoflavones from Crotalaria sessiliflora Research progress on chemical constituents of Paeoniae Rubra Radix and their pharmacological effects

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