SOME MATHEMATICAL METHODS FOR FORECASTING THE OCCURRENCE TIME OF FIRST GENERATION LARVAE OF CITRUS ARROWHEAD SCALE Detection and identification of Pantoea stewartii stewartii using TaqMan probe Cloning and Expression Analyses of DlPPO1 from Dimocarpus longan Lour. Cloning of a New Gene TaDRLea3 2 from Wheat and Its Expression under Different Stresses Treatments Effect of Prolonging Light Duration on Growth and Photosynthesis in Leaves of Exported Ficus microcarpa during Storage The Method of 0-1 Time Series Analysis and Its Application in the Prediction of Population Trend for Dendrolimus punctatus Study on the Fixation of Sampling Date for Nutritional Diagnosis (N, P, K) of Walnut STUDY ON THE ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF OLIVE FRUIT Ⅱ. FRUIT FOR TABLE CULTIVARS STUDY ON THE SEED QUALITY OF ALNUS CREMASTOGYNE Simulation of the Development of Greenhouse Muskmelon Salt Tolerance of betA Transgenic Populus simonii×P. nigra and Selection for Superior Transgenic Plants Diurnal Variation in Photosynthesis of Differently Directional Leaves in Hybrid Hazels (Corylus heterophylla×Corylus avellana) Neural Network Prediction Model of Wood Moisture Content for Drying Process Effects of Transgenic Populus alba×P.glandulosa on Soil Microorganism A New Variety <i>Taxodium mucronatum</i>×<i>Cryptomeria fortunei</i> Monitoring Forest Growth Disturbance Using Time Series MODIS EVI Data Transformation of Zinc Finger Protein Transcription Factor Gene (ZxZF) and Preliminary Evaluation of Drought Tolerance in Populus × euramericana Studies on the Kinetic Properties of Photosystem Ⅱ Primary Reaction Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy with 470 fs Time Resolution Prospect of Dynamic Data Driven Application System in agricultural and environmental applications Effect of herbicide spray-time on yield, quality and net photosynthesis of wheat Effect of fertilizer application on nutritive quality and growth of hybrid sorghum grass Effect of light and temperature on the germination of three annual plants Effects of tea plant volatiles on foraging behavior of Xysticus ephippiatus Simon Dynamics of sap flow density in stems of typical desert shrub Calligonum mongolicum and its responses to environmental variables. Automated mapping of urban forests’ disturbance and recovery in Nanjing, China. Dynamics of land use/cover changes in the Weigan and Kuqa rivers delta oasis based on Remote Sensing A rapid assessment method for forest disaster based on MODIS/NDVI time series: a case study from Guizhou Province Characteristics of seed rain of Haloxylon ammodendron in southeastern edge of Junggar Basin Activities of soil oxidordeuctase and their response to seasonal freeze-thaw in the subalpine/alpine forests of western Sichuan MODIS-based analysis of wetland area responses to hydrological processes in the Dongting Lake Effect of stem diameter at breast height on skewness of sap flow pattern and time lag Study on Dominant Height Growth of Fir Plantations Based on a Nonlinear Mixed Modeling Approach for Longitudinal Data Analysis of Temperature Variation Trends in Maofengshan Mt Subtropical Evergreen Broad-leaves Forest and Guangzhou City Rapid Propagation and Regeneration System of Populus simonii×Populus nigra Variation Analysis of Growth Traits of Transgenic Populus simonii×P.nigra Clones Carrying TaLEA Gene Isolation and Functional Analysis of FLC Gene from Poplar (Populus simonii×Populus nigra) Quantitative RT-PCR and its application in botany research Early detection of rice blast by TaqMan real-time flourescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction Establishment of detection method for pear decline phytoplasma by Cycleave real-time PCR Development of a real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR assay for detection of Lei-fsonia xyli subsp. xyli in sugarcane Use of conventional and real-time quantitative PCR to detect Pestalotiopsis, the cause of bayberry twig blight 甘南亚高山草甸群落的物候谱研究──兼论群落种多样性维持的机制 THE LESLIE MATRIX MODEL FOR THE POPULATION DYNAMICS OF DENDROLIMUS TABULAEFORMIS A STUDY ON THE VIBRATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE HIGH-HANDLED CHAIN SAWS INHIBITING EFFECT OF 38 WOOD PECIES ON CEMENT HYDRATION Study on the Optimum Harvest Time for Isodon rubenscens STUDY ON DOMINANCE DYNAMICS AND SELF-THINNING OF PINUS SYLVESTRIS VAR.MONGOLICA POPULATIONS ON SAND LAND AT HONGHUAERJI Effect of Irrigation Times on the Photosynthetic Charcteristics of Flag Leaf and Grain Yield in Wheat Hybrid Ji’ai 1/ C6-38 Research about effect of spray drying conditions on hygroscopicity of spray dry powder of Gubi compound’s water extract and its mechanism Study on inhibitory effects and mechanism of lipophilic components in Salvia miltiorrhiza on angiogenesis in vitro Impact of storage conditions and time on herb of Lonicera macranthoides Quantitative determination of 5 active ingredients in different harvest periods of Ligusticum chuanxiong by HPLC Chicory extract’s influence on gut bacteria of abdominal obesity rat Seasonal shift of rumen bacteria quantity of grazing Tibetan sheep and forage nutrition by grazing sheep Studies on filling dynamic and germination characteristics of Rheum palmatum seeds Studies on seed filling characteristics of Astragalus membranaceus var. mongholicus Effects of silicon addition on seed germination and seedling growth of alfalfa Growth dynamics and optimum harvest period of sorghum hybrid sudangrass Effects of Different Interstocks on Key Enzymes Activities and the Expression of Genes Related to Malic Acid Metabolism in Apple Fruit Cloning and Expression Analysis of Terpene Synthase Gene from Jasminum sambac Expression Analysis of the SUPERMAN Family Genes in Apple(Malus × domestica Borkh.)and Function Analysis of MdSUP3 Identification of the Copy Number of Exogenous Gene in Transgenic Citrus by Quantitative Real-time PCR Identification of Interaction Sites in K-domains of Flowering Signal Integrator SOC1 and AGL24 in Brassica juncea The Temperature Compensation Point and the Start Time of Photosynthesis of Cucumber Leaves The Temperature Compensation Point and the Start Time of Photosynthesis of Cucumber Leaves Selection of Appropriate Reference Genes in Solanum aculeatissimum for Quantitative Gene Expression Studies Under Different Experimental Conditions Effects of Propylene and 1-methylcyclopropene on Expression of Two EXP Genes in Persimmon Fruits solation and Expression Analysis of a CRT/DRE-binding Factor Gene FaCBF1 from Fragaria × ananassa Phylogenetic Relationship Between Xinjiang Wild Apple(Malus sieversii Roem.)and Chinese Apple(Malus × domestica subsp. chinesnsis)Based on ITS and matK Sequences Genome-wide Analysis of SBP-box Gene Family and Molecular Cloning of Its Typical Members in Malus × domestica New Cultivars of Viola × wittrockiana‘Bingzi’,‘Maomi’and‘Weixiao’ Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cysteine Protease Gene CpCP from Papaya Cloning and Expression Analysis of Terpene Synthase Gene from Jasminum sambac Influence of Different Nighttime Temperatures on the photosynthesis of the Flag Leaf and Yield in Wheat The Effect of Top-dressing and Irrigation Time on the Root System,Root Activities and Plant Characters in Winter Wheat An Analysis of the Dynamic Relationship Among the Quality Characters of Brassica napus L Studies on the Relationship between the Range of Seeding Dates and the Yield Stability of Some New Octoploid Triticale cultivars Studies on Tissue-specific Expression of Bitter Gourd BAG Gene Studies on Tissue-specific Expression of Bitter Gourd BAG Gene Cloning of McANS Gene in Malus Crabapple and Expression Analysis in Different Cultivars