Effect of Notoginseng Radix et Rhizoma and it’s processed products on behavioral indices of mice Cloning and differential expression of chalcone synthase gene 1 in Houttuynia cordata and its protein sequence analysis Activity of anti-epidermal growth factor receptor in Calla Chinensis and UPLC/Q-TOF-MS analysis on its effective part Studies on flavonoids from Bidens pilosa Cloning and expression analysis of MPBQ MT gene in safflower Effect of drying method on transformation of bioactive constituents in Polygoni Multiflori Radix Expression pattern analysis of terpene synthases of endangered Aquilaria sinensis under different stresses Studies on Cloning and Real-time Expression of Endo-1,4-β-glucanase Gene in Persimmon Fruit Cloning and Expression Analysis of B Class MADS-box Genes from Cymbidium faberi Cloning and Expression Analysis of B Class MADS-box Genes from Cymbidium faberi Studies on Cloning and Real-time Expression of McCHS Gene in MalusCrabapple Clone and Expression Analysis of FLOWERING LOCUS T in Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. Cloning of McANS Gene in Malus Crabapple and Expression Analysis in Different Cultivars Isolation and Tissue-specific Expression of Chalcone Synthase Gene Ps-CHS1 in Tree Peony Effects of Propylene and 1-Methylcyclopropene on PG Activities and Expression of DkPG1 Gene During Persimmon Softening Process Effects of Propylene and 1-Methylcyclopropene on PG Activities and Expression of DkPG1 Gene During Persimmon Softening Process Cloning and Expression Analysis of SLG Gene in Brassica campestris L. ssp.chinensis Studies on Cloning and Real-time Expression of McCHS Gene in MalusCrabapple Cloning and Expression Pattern Analysis of NRT2 Gene in Non-heading Chinese Cabbage Monitoring the Temporal Change of the Mild and Severe Strain of Citrus tristeza virus by Real-time RT-PCR Cloning and Expression Analyzing of MdGAI Gene of Columnar Apples Transcriptional Analysis of Sugar Metabolism-related Genes During Strawberry Fruit Development Cloning and Expression Analysis of LlHSF1 from Lilium longiforum Cloning and Expression Pattern Analysis of nsLTP Gene in Celery Effects of 1-methylcyclopropene and Propylene on Expression of XTH Genes in Persimmon Fruits Cloning,Characterization and Real-time RT-PCR Analysis of a Key Gene beta-Amyrin synthase for Saponin Biosynthesis in Barbarea vulgaris Cloning,Characterization and Real-time RT-PCR Analysis of a Key Gene beta-Amyrin synthase for Saponin Biosynthesis in Barbarea vulgaris The Relationship Between the Expression of Key Genes in Anthocyanin Biosynthesis and the Color of Chrysanthemum The Relationship Between the Expression of Key Genes in Anthocyanin Biosynthesis and the Color of Chrysanthemum Cloning of Arabidopsis At-pri-miR828 Gene and Its Genetic Transformation into Tomato Research Progress on Epigenetic and Flowering-time Regulation Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of MaOPR Gene from Banana Cloning of Barley Calcineurin B-like Protein Interacting Protein Kinase Gene and Expression Analysis Detection of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum by a quantitative real-time PCR Cloning of DlWUS from Embryogenic Callus and Its Expression Analysis during Somatic Embryogenesis in Dimocarpus longan Lour. Cloning and Real-time Expression of AGL6-3 Gene from Cymbidium goeringii STUDY ON THE BIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF CITRUS PSYLLA Detection and quantification of Meloidogyne incognita in soil sample using real-time PCR Effects of temperature induction on the expression level of hsp70 and hsp90 gene in Pardosa astrigera L. Koch Innate immune response of the pattern recognition receptor βGRPs in Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Molecular cloning,sequence analysis and expression of ecdysone receptor gene from Bemisia tabaci Mediterranean (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Comprehensive yield and quality comparison of Bupleurum chinense’s seeds of different harvesting time from Qingchuan County with Topsis approach CHARACTERIZING POPULATION SPATIAL PATTERNS AND SPATIOTEMPORAL CORRELATION USING ONE DIMENSIONAL SERIES MODELS Physiological Characteristics of Different Elaeagnus angustifolia L. Provenances Under NaCl Stress Conditions of Co-Culture Affecting on the Efficiency of Agrobacterium-Mediated Transformation of Cotyledonary Node of Soybean Cloning and Expression Analysis of WRKY4 Gene from Juglans regia L. Cloning of Heat Shock Protein Gene Hsp70 in Agasicles Hygrophila and its Expression in Relation to High Temperatures Research on Rational Intercropping Plants and Time of Flue-cured Tobacco in Wenshan Area Effects of Mulching Time and Methods on Soil Hydrothermal Status and Potato Yield on Rain-fed Field Expression of Genes for Gibberellins Synthesis and Signal Transduction in Dwarf Mutant DC20 of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Effects of Sowing Date on Tuber Growth and Main Medicinal Components of Corydalis decumbens Effective Time of the Effect of Electric Field on Germination of Oil Sunflower Seeds Spatial pattern of hawthorn spider mite population and its application Ⅰ. Three-dimensional spatial pattern of adult mites in apple tree A review on rm and relative parameters Distribution of Oncomelunia hupensis in various silvi-agricultural ecosystems on river beach Simulation of Cunninghamia lanceolata growth by wave-type time series analysis Influence of host age on the epizootic of nuclear polyhedrosis virus of Spodoptera litura Spatial pattern of Tetranychus urticae population in apple tree garden Effects of sowing times on the spike differentiation of different wheat varieties under the climate of warm winter BIOLOGICAL EFFECT OF EMS MUTAGENSIS IN VITRO ON BEGONIA×RIEGER Effects of Transplanting Time and Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Yield, Market Value and N Uptake of Flue-cured Tobacco by using 15N Tracing Technique Transgene stability of transgenic hybrid of Populus〔(Populus tomentosa ×P. bolleanaP. tomentosa〕 and its effect on soil microorganisms Transformation of Drought and Salt Resistant Gene ( DREB1C ) in Populus×euramericana cv. Nanlin 895 Correlations of the Nut and Catkin Quantity Properties of Corylus heterophylla×C.avellana Relation between Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy Parameters and Frost Hardiness in Stems and Needles of Pinus bungeana Dynamic Change of Free Ca2+ during Pollen Development of Liriodendron tulipifera×L. chinense Biomass and Distribution Patterns of Populus×xiaohei Plantation in Sandy Land of North China Change of Endogenous Plant Hormones of Vitrificated Plants of Hybrid Aspen by Tissue Culture Analysis on Trunk Sap Flow Time Lag Effect of Sophora japonica f. pendula Compared to Meteorological Factors Effects of the Age of the Ortet on Oxidize-Resistant Physiology of Young Forest of Eucalyptus grandis×E.urophylla Fractal Characteristics of Tree Crown of Populus×xiaozhuanica in Shelterbelts Cloning and Tissue Expression of Acting1 Gene in Different Fiber Development Phases of Ramie [Boehmeria nivea (Linn.) Gaud] Tillering Characteristics of Multi-tiller Maize and Influence of Plant Density and Sowing Date Effects of Nitrogen Forms and Its Application Time on Plant Growth and Tuber Yield of Potato Studies on Femtosecond Fluorescence Properties of Light-harvesting Complex in Photosystem ¢ò Study on correlation between decocting time, administration dose and efficacy of warming Yang of crude lateral root of aconite Establishment of a real-time monitoring and forecasting system on main crop diseases and pests of China based on GIS THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS AND ITS FORMATIVE FACTORS ON THE GENUS HIPPOPHAE L Software Design of Time-Sharing and Multitask Temperature Control System for Wood-Based Panel Continuous Press Construction of Stress Wave Time Isolines on Log Cross Section and Analysis of Its Effect Factors