Metal uptake and root morphological changes for two varieties of Salix integra under cadmium stress Effects of cadmium on lipid peroxidation and ATPase activity of plasma membrane from Chinese kale (Brassica alboglabra Bailey) roots Effects of cadmium stress on growth, accumulation and distribution of
biomass and nutrient in Catharanthus roseus
Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on active oxygen metabolism and photosynthetic characteristics of tomato seedlings under cadmium stress. Effects of cadmium stress on growth and physiological characteristics of Panax ginseng Transcriptome Analysis of Physcomitrella patens Response to Cadmium Stress by Bayesian Network Effects of Cadmium Stress on Absorption and Distribution of Mineral Nutrients in Poplar Plants Effects of exogenous NO on mineral nutrition absorption, lipid peroxidation and ATPase of plasma membrane in Catharanthus roseus tissues under cadmium stress Analysis of differentially expressed proteins in Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. leaves under cadmium stress Research on cadmium toxicity mechanism during maize germination Effects of cadmium stress on accumulation ability, microstructure and physiological property in leaves of Trifolium repens Effect of cadmium stress on root vigor and accumulation of elements  Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Fe in Salix variegate. Regulation of EGTA on Cd and Nutrient Elements Accumulation in Ricinus communis under Cd Stress Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid on Seedling Growth,Photosynthetic and Chlorophyll Fluorescent Parameters in Melon Seedlings under Cadmium Stress Regulation of EGTA and Tartaric Acid on Cd Stress and Accumulation in Ricinus communis L. Effects of Cadmium Stress on Seedlings Growth and Active Ingredients in Salvia miltiorrhiza Physiological response and bioaccumulation of Panax notoginseng to cadmium under hydroponic Effect of Cd2+ Stress on Antioxidant System in the Leaves of Jatropha curcas Seedlings Effects of Cd Stress on Growth and Some Physiological Characteristics of Weeping Lovegrass Seedlings Ameliorating Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide on Festuca arundinacea under Cadmium Stress Hydrogen Peroxide-Mediated Growth of the Root System Occurs via Auxin Signaling Modification and Variations in the Expression of Cell-Cycle Genes in Rice Seedlings Exposed to Cadmium Stress Effects of Cadmium Stress on the Seed Quality Traits of Transgenic Cotton SGK3 and ZD-90 Effects of Sulfur and Organic Fertilizer Fertilizations on Carbon and Nitrogen Transport in Winter Wheat under Copper and Cadmium Stresses Effects of exogenous AsA and GSH on the growth of Dianthus chinensis seedlings exposed to Cd. Effects of exogenous proline on the growth of wheat seedlings under cadmium stress. Effects of cadmium stress on the activities of antioxidant enzymes, digestive enzymes and the membrane lipid peroxidation of the mangrove mud clam Geloina coaxans (Gmelin) Comparative physiological responses of cadmium stress on Enteromorpha clathrata and Enteromorpha linza Seed Germination and Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Alfalfa under Cadmium Stress Growth and Physiological Response of Tagetes Cultivars to Cadmium Stress Influence of He-Ne Laser Pretreatment on Physiological Characteristics in Wheat Seedlings under Cadmium Stress Effect of Exogenous Abscisic Acid on Tolerance of Wheat Seedlings to Cadmium Stress Physiological response of Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. to cadimium Effects of Cd Stress on the Seed Germination,Seedling Growth and Activities of Antioxidant Enzymes in Petunia hybrida Effects of Cadmium Stress on the Growth,Cadmium Accumulation and Distribution of Three Stylosanthes spp. Varieties COMPARISON BETWEEN TETRAPLOID TURNIP (Brassica rapa) AND ITS DIPLOID PROGENITOR OF DNA METHYLATION UNDER CADMIUM STRESS Regulation of exogenous brassinosteroid on growth and photosynthesis of Helianthus tuberosus seedlings and cadmium biological enrichment under cadmium stress Effect of Cadmium on Growth and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities of Lantana comara L. Effects of exogenous Ca2+ on growth, photosynthetic characteristics and photosystem II function of maize seedlings under cadmium stress Effects of Cd Stress on the Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Avena fatua Seedlings Effect of cadmium stress on yield and yield components of different wheat genotypes Physiological response of Chamaecrista rotundifolia to cadmium exposure Cadmium uptake and root morphological changes in Medicago sativa under cadmium stress Physio-chemical mechanism of cadmium tolerance of Chinese cabbage (Brassica chinensis) Effects of Cd stress on the physiological characteristics of maize Effects of Cadmium Stress on Leaf Photosynthesis and Dry Matter Allocation of Populus×euramericana (Dode)Guineir cv.‘Neva’ Oxidative stressrelated signals and their regulation under Cd stress: A review. Mitogen-activated protein kinase genes of Artemisia annua and their expression analysis under Cadmium stress