FOREIGN STUDIES ON WET HEART WOOD OF POPLARS GIS-BASED DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR WOOD TRANSPORTATION PLANNING STUDIES OF THICKNESS SWELLING ON WOOD COMPOSITE Ⅲ. ESTABLISHMENT OF EQUATIONS FOR DEFORMATION IN THE THICKNESS OF PARTICLEBOARD Subcellular Localization of PpCAD from Elephant Grass (Pennisetum purpureum cv.Huanan) and Its Heterologous Expression in Transgenic Tobacco DECOMPOSITION AMD TRANSFORMATION OF 14C-TRACED STRAW IN SOILS Effects of sulfate streptomycin treatments on bacterial number, enzyme activities and compound transformations in simulated constructed wetlands Construction of a plant expression vector containing antifreeze protein(afp)gene and it‘s transformation into banana(Musa AAA Cavendish)embryogenic cell suspension Study on the vessel elements and tylosis of secondary xylem in Averrhoa carambola Impact analysis of Shuxuetong injection on abnormal changes of ALT based on generalized boosted models propensity score weighting Nested case control study to analyze suspected cases and their related factors of allargic reactions to parenterally administered Dengzhan Xixin Analysis of questionably allergic factors to parenterally administered Shenmai——a nested case control study using hospital information system data Clinical outcomes of parenterally administered Shuxuetong——analysis of hospital information system data Retrospective real world study to explore use of parenterally administered Kudiezi in combination with other medications based on hospital information study data Literature review and hospital information system data real world clinical outcome analysis of role of parenterally administered Shenmai in treatment of shock Callus Formation and Its Isoflavonoid Accumulation in Maackia amurensis Spatial analysis of species diversity in the tropical vegetations along the vertical belt at Bawangling Nature Reserve,Hainan Island Genetic Transformation of Cotton with Embryogenic Calli as Explants and Efficient Transgenic Somatic Embryoid Germination and Plant Recovery Improving Organic Phosphate Utilization in Transgenic White Clover by Overexpression of Aspergillus niger PhyA Gene A Maximum Likelihood-Based Dynamic Clustering Method and Its Application Herbarium Collections and iFlora Genome-Wide Identification and Bioinformatics Analysis of ARF Gene Family in Setaria Italica Functional Study of a DREB homologous gene SsDREB from Suaeda salsa L. Construction and Validation of Three Convenient and Practical Constructs for Plant Transformation Construction of RNAi and Overexpression Vectors for Genetic Transformation of Monocotyledon Plants Based on Gateway Technology Development analysis of Dioscoreae Rhizoma in perspective of invention patent Genetic transformation of Pinellia ternata with Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated sHSP genes Establishment of model and standard operation procedure for biotransformation of chemical constituents of traditional Chinese medicine by human intestinal bacteria Infection progress of arbuscular mycorrhizae on tissue-cultured plantlets of Pinellia ternata Biotransformation of daphnetin by suspension transgenic hairy roots of Polygonum multiflorum Advances in studies on metabolism and biotansformation of ginsenosides in vitro Application of regular expression in extracting key information from Chinese medicine literatures about re-evaluation of post-marketing surveillance Mathematic modeling and experimental validation of macrostate quality expression for multicomponent in Chinese materia medica Effect of parthenolide on leukemia K562 cells and its leukemia stem cells Advances in studies on metabolic transformation of bioactive substances by endophytic fungi Stability of traditional Chinese medicinal materials′ quality adhered to regularity of biogenetic polymorphism The extraction of forest information and the spatial distribution of its change in Zhejiang Province Impact on water and soil conservation of different bandwidths in low-efficiency cypress forest transformation Estimation of ecological water demands based on ecological water table limitations in the lower reaches of the Liaohe River Plain, China Cloning and expression vector construction of cucumber LDC and transformation to tabacco Studies of microsporogenesis and male gametophyte formation of Michelia guangxiensis Transformation of tobacco plants by Yali PPO-GFP fusion gene and observation of subcellular localization Effects of several regulation measures on change of endogenous hormones in terminal bud at flowering stage and the flower-formation and fruit-setting of Longan Establishment of the Information Management System for the Plant Communites of chinese Forets Study on the Convert of Polygon Raster Data to Vecter Data in WINGIS A Algorithm for the Extraction of Polygonal Representation from a Thematic Classification Map Study on Algorism for Polygon Overlay in Geographic Information System (GIS) A PRELIMINARY REPORT OF GROUP-PLANTING TRIAL OF CALAMUS TETRADACTYLUS STUDY ON THE GENE DIFFERENTIATION VALUE AND GENE REGULATORY INFORMATION Isolation and Expression of ClPAL Genes in Chinese Fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) Visual Simulation of Individual Tree Information Estimation Based on Stand Characteristics Structure & Mechanism of Carbondioxide Carbon Sequestration Forest Based on Information Atlas Desertification Land Information Extraction Based on Object-Oriented Classification Method Progress in Tissue Culture and Genetic Transformation of Roses Functional Study of TFL1 Genes in Stage Transformation in Sweet Cherry Effective Transformation of Cordyceps militaris by Particle Bombardment Sequencing and Characterization of Transcriptome of Sinningia speciosa Sepals and Young Leaves Sequencing and Characterization of Transcriptome of Sinningia speciosa Sepals and Young Leaves Studies on Transformation of Lily with Dehydration Responsive Element Binding Transcription Factor AtDREB2A Secreted Expression of Cecropin B Gene Enhances Resistance to Xanthomonas
axonopodis pv. citri in Transgenic Citrus sinensis‘Tarocco’
Cloning and Function Identification of Dihydroflavonol 4-reductase Genes in Turnip Molecular Identification and Cold-resistance Analysis of the AmEBP1 Transgenic Apricot Plants Optimization of the Transgenic System and Genetic Transformation of SmARF8 Gene RNAi Vector in Red-purple Long Eggplant Overexpression of ChPSY Gene from Cerasus humilis Improved Carotenoids Synthesis in Transgenic Tomato Overexpression of ChPSY Gene from Cerasus humilis Improved Carotenoids Synthesis in Transgenic Tomato ADVANCES IN GENETIC TRANSFORMATION AND GENOME TRANSFER OF FRUIT CROPS FACTORS INFLUENCIMG GENETIC TRANSFORMATION OF HYPOCOTYL PROTOPLASTS OF PHASEOLUS AUREUS (MUNG BEAN) TISSUE AND PROTOPLAST CULTURE AND TRANSFORMATION OF MEDICAGO HISPIDA A PRELIMILARY STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HEAT SHOCK RESPONSE AND POLLEN FERTILITY TRANSFORMATION OF A CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILE LINE OF RICE(ORYZA STIVA) A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON FLACOURTIACEAE FROM CHINA THE EFFECT OF GROWTH REGULATORS ON ADVENTITIOUS SHOOT FORMATION FROM STRAWBERRY LEAVES Creating an Ethnobotanical Information Bank Studies on Adventitious Root Formation in Hypocotyls of Cucumber and Phaseolus Cultures in Vitro The Applications of GFP as a Reporter Gene in Rice Genetic Transformation Biotransformation optimization of swertiamarin by Aspergillus niger Biotransformation optimization of swertiamarin by Aspergillus niger Establishment of tissue culture and rapid propagation system of Typhonium flagelliforme An Investigation of Medicinal Concha Ostreae of Xinghua City. Jiangsu Province Genetic transformation of Erigeron breviscapus induced by particle gun with a few affecting factors Biosynthesis and biotransformation of biological active constituents from natural medicines Advances in studies on biotransformation of medicinal active components by catalysis of plant enzymes