Analysis on landscape pattern change and its driving forces of Yancheng National Natural Reserve Gray correlation analysis on naturalness of the primary forest types on the Losses Plateau Seasonal variation of soil nitrogen pools and microbes under natural evergreen broadleaved forest and its artificial regeneration forests in Southern Sichuan Province, China Amaranthus dubius Mart. ex Thell.——A Newly Naturalized Plant of Mainland of China Acmella radicans var. debilis (Kunth) R. K. Jansen (Asteraceae), A Newly Naturalized Plant in China Studies on the Seeds Dispersal and Seedlings Regeneration in Gaps and Understory of Castanopsis kawakamii Natural Forest Damage of the Frozen Rain and Snow to Natural Secondary Forests and Its Crown Debris in Northern Guangdong Province STUDIES ON THE NATURAL POPULATION LIFE TABLE OF ASIAN CORN BORER THE INFLUENCES OF MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES ON THE POPULATION OF CHAFF SCALE ON CITRUS A STUDY ON PREDATION OF NATURAL ENEMIES TO THREE RICE PEST IN SECTS BY SEROLOGICAL METHOD Discussion on the Natural Mortality and Its Mechanism of Lac Insect (Kerria lacca) STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF SUPPRESSION OF NATURAL ENEMIES UPON MASSON PINE MOTH AT LONGSHAN FOREST FARM, ZHEJIANG PROVINCE A STUDY ON HIPPOTA DORSALIS Ⅱ. NATURAL ENEMIES AND CHEMICAL CONTROL THE GENETIC VARIATION OF NATURAL POPULATIOM OF PINUS MASSONIANA LAMB. Natural Regeneration of Larix gmelini Seedlings and Micro-habitat in old-growth Larix gmelini Forests Analysis on Natural Distribution and Related Factors of Tylenchulus semipenetrans in Fujian Province Genetic Diversity in Natural Populations of Chimonanthus praecox (L.)Link Revealed by SRAP Markers A New Citrus Cultivar ‘Yueying Tianju’ Granier’s Thermal Dissipation Probe (TDP) Method for Measuring Sap Flow in Trees: Theory and Practice Photosynthetic Characteristics of Picea schrenkiana var. tianschanica of Different Age Classes in a Natural Stand in the Central Part of Tianshan Mountains Variation Pattern of Individual Types and Wood Characters in Natural Stands of Schima superba Natural Succession and Characteristics of Pine Community after the Invasion of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus in Zhoushan Islands of Zhejiang Province Simulation of Foliage Distribution for Major Broad-Leaved Species in Secondary Forest in Mao‘er Mountain Forest Naturalness Evaluation Method Based on Stand State Characters: A Case Study of Gansu Xiaolongshan Forests Sub-areas compartmentalization of Changjiang Estuary based on the natural geographical characteristics Self-thinning of natural broadleaved forests in Baishilazi Nature Reserve Interspecific association among the plants communities in the forest at Ziwuling Area in Shaanxi Province Comparative analysis of population dynamics of Emposaca flavescens(Fab.) and its natural enemies in three Rosaceae fruit plants Selection of appropriate natural botanic chelators for mobilization of heavy metals in soils A comparative study of soil seed banks over different microhabitats in naturally stabilized sandy land PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS AND DISTRIBUTION OF 14C\=ASSIMILATES IN THE WINTER WHEAT OF LATE GROWING PERIOD\=IN DRY LAND Study on the Distribution Pattern Characteristics of DifferentStand Structures in Larix gmelinii Natural Forest Vegetation Change Monitoring for the Natural Forest Protection Based on Spatial Analysis Techniques Effects of Community Succession on Soil Organic Carbon in North Subtropical Areas Study on Natural Regeneration of Different Shrub Forest Transformation Models on Xiaolongshan in Gansu The Na tura l D istr ibution Investiga tion and Cultiva tionTr ia l of Paph iopedilum a rm en iacum Ana lysis on So il Physic-chem ica l Properties of Na tura l Forest10 Years after High Inten sity Cutting Spec ies D iversity ofMa in Commun ities in Hot and Dry Va lley, Yuanmao County Study on Physica l andMechan ica l Properties of Phoebe bou rneiWoodfrom Planta tion and Na tura l Forest The nutritive composition research of apples in natural storage Sicyos, A Naturalized Genus of Cucurbitaceae in Mainland China Genetic Diversity in Natural Populations of Syringa oblata Detected by AFLPMarkers Genetic Diversity in the Natural Populations of Rhododendron fortuneiRevealed by ISSR Molecular Markers Effect of Natural Brassinolide on Drought Resistance and Yield of Red FujiApple Effect of Natural Brassinolide on Drought Resistance and Yield of Red FujiApple Phenotypic Variation of Natural Populations in Lilium regale Wilson STUDIES ON THE WOODY PLANTS FLORA OF JIGONG MOUNTAIN IN HENAN NATURAL DOUBLING OF CHROMOSOMES OF HYBRIDS BETWEEN WHEAT AND RYE Clustering Analysis on Natural Plant Communities of Nanshan in Shenzhen City Application of the Ecological Niche Theory in Community Succession and Health Evaluation of Natural Pasture Kinetic mathematical models for extraction process of natural medicines SU Hui, Kinetic mathematical models for extraction process of natural medicines Application of high-speed counter-current chromatography in separation and purification for alkaloids in natural products Advances in studies on antifungal natural compounds Advances in studies on natural medicines and their action mechanism for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis Development in chemistry of natural medicine and its relationship of related disciplines Interspecific associations between south subtropical forest plant community species in Daqingshan of Guangxi Historical story on natural medicinal chemistry of Taxol Modulation of Lianbizi Jnjection (Andrographolide) on Some Immune Functions Investigation on Occurrence of Lycium Pests and Their Natrual Enemies Studies on Pharmacological Functions of Hatry Root of Astragalus membranaceus Advances in studies on HIV entry inhibitors from natural products EFFECTS OF NATURAL FIRE DISTURBANCE ON STRUCTURE OF TREE SPECIES IN KANAS TOURISM DISTRICT, XINJIANG, CHINA PHENOTYPIC DIVERSITY IN NATURAL POPULATIONS OF PICEA BALFOURIANA IN SICHUAN, CHINA Seed mass variation in common plant species in Wanfoshan Natural Reservation Region, Anhui, China Water Absorbency and Water Retention of the Natural Seed Coat of Seriphidium transiliense Comparison and Improvement of Polymorphism Amplification Methods Used for Detecting DNA Diversity of Plants Differences and relationships between farmland productivity and farmland natural quality Characteristics of humic-like acid of Aphodius-processed cow manure and natural cow manure compost Effect of Brassica chinensis intercropping with Glycine max or Colocasia esculenta on Spodoptera litura and natural enemy predatory diversity in protected vegetable fields Anzlyzing about the assessment of the recreational value of the natural spaces in ecotoruism districts:—applying contingent valuation method and travel cost method to analyze the recreational value of Wulingyuan Scenic Resort Landscape processing response analysis on landuse development trend of natural resources based city:a case study in Daqing city Evaluation of landscape restoration in the northern slopes of Great Xing‘an Mountains after the 1987 catastrophic fire Content and distribution of unprotected soil organic carbon in natural and monoculture plantation forests of Castanopsis kawakamii in subtropical China Nutrient dynamics of decomposing leaf litter in natural and monoculture plantation forests of Castanopsis kawakamii in subtropical China The role of diaspores and microsites in restoring degraded grasslands Responses of soil respiration to soil rewetting in a natural forest and two monoculture plantations in subtropical China THE VERTICAL BELTS OF NATURAL VEGETATION PARTITIONING OF THE GUANDI MOUNTAINS BY USING ORDERED PLOT CLUSTERING,SHANXI,NORTH CHINA THE APPLICATION OF B.T.EMULSION AGAINST COTTON BOLLWORM AND ITS PRESERVING EFFECT FOR NATURAL ENEMIES TO SUPPRESS SUMMER COTTON APHID STRUCTURES AND SEASONAL DYNAMICS OF INSECT PESTS-NATURAL ENEMIES IN NANYUE TEA PLANTATION, HUNAN PROVINCE