Spatiotemporal dynamics of soil seed bank of Phytolacca americana and its response to control measures in coastal protective forests in Lingshan Bay National Forest Effects of drought stress on the growth, photosynthetic characteristics, and active oxygen metabolism of poplar seedlings. Absorption and Distribution of PM2.5 NH4+ and NO3- in Populus euramericana Neva. Survival and Juvenile Growth of Populus ×euramericana (Dode) Guineir cv.‘Neva’ Cuttings from Stem and Branch of Different Parent Shoots and Planting Spaces Isolation of Ethyl Acetate Extract from Periplaneta americana and Its Antimicrobial Activity Selecting and Breeding of Transgenic Clones of Populus euramericana‘MR3’by Insertion of Multiple Genes Isolation and Expression Analysis of DNA Methyltransferase Fragments in Populus×euramericana Establishment of an Efficient Regeneration System of Populus×euramericana cl. ‘Bofeng 1’ Effect of light intensity on photosynthetic characteristics, nutritive components and yield of American ginseng Anmylsis on Effect and Stability of the Regional Test of Populus × euramericana Clones Characterization and Expression of PeMYBF1 Encoding a R2R3-MYB Transcription Factor from Populus euramericana Transformation of Zinc Finger Protein Transcription Factor Gene (ZxZF) and Preliminary Evaluation of Drought Tolerance in Populus × euramericana Ion Fluxes of Multiple Transgenic Populus×euramericana‘Guariento’ under Salt Stress STUDY ON EXPERIMENT OF AMERICAN GINSENG CULTURE UNDER THE FOREST LAND THE PRELIMINARY STUDY ON INTRODUCTI0N OF AMERICAN GINSENG TO YUNNAN Research on genetic stability to American ginseng introduced into China for 30 years Identity of Phytolacca americana L. (Phytolaccaceae), Pokeweed: a manganese hyperaccumulator plant Study on the Difference in Expression Profiles of microRNA Among Leaf Organs of Triploid and Diploid Populus×euramericana cl.‘Zhonglin46’ Cloning and Expression of a New Gene Encoding an Antifungal Protein in Phytolacca americana Short-Term Effects of Root Pruning on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Growth of Populus×euramericana cv. ‘Neva’ The Research on Effect of Irradiation American Ginseng THE SELECTION AND BREEDING NEW POPULUS EURAMERICANA CLONES-ZHONGBAO NO.28, ZHONGBAO NO.115, ZHONGBAO NO.95 Prospect of studies on four natures of ginseng,red ginseng,and American ginseng based on expression of apoptosis Microfibril Angle, Basic Density and Longitudinal Shrinkage of Different Inclined Angles in Artificial Leaned Saplings of Poplar ‘Ⅰ-107’(Populus× euramericana ‘Neva’) Variation of Branch Surface Area in Individual Tree for Poplar Shelterbelts The investigation for botanical characters, berry quality and plant resistance of introduced America wine grapes grown in Beijing Analysis on Dominant Population of Fungus and Bacteria from Healthy and Canker Disease-Infected Populus×euroamericana Bark The effect of environmental factors on American ginseng’S transpiration under different conditions Manganese Enrichment in Organs of Phytolacca americana at Reproductive Period and Its Effects on Seed Germination Wood Physical and Mechanical Properties of American Black Walnut of Different Strains Exogenous Gene Expression on Transgenic Populus×euramericana cv. ‘74/76‘ Carrying Bivalent Insect-Resistant Genes Study on effect of total matrines and extracts from Periplaneta americana on negative endometrial cancer cell JEC of progesterone receptors Effects of temperature on predation of the thrips Echinothrips americanus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) by the predatory bug Orius sauteri (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) A New Lignan fromElaeagnus lanceolata (Elaeagnaceae) A New Steroidal Glycoside from Fermented Leaves of Agave americana Influence of Light on Growth Characteristics and PAP Gene Expression of Hairy Roots Induced from Phytolacca americana Effects of soil amendments on rhizosphere microbial number, soil enzyme activity and yield of continuous cropped American ginseng Populus×euramericara cv. ‘74/76’ Nutrient Content and Soil Fertility Affected by Application of Humic Acid with Inorganic Fertilizers Primary Study on Decomposition of Lignin of Poplar ‘I-107’by Trametes trogii WT-1 Variation of Leaf Area in Individual Tree for Poplar Shelterbelts Effects of Stand Density on Growth of Populus×euramericana’Neva’ Plantations Responses of Poplar (Populus×euramericana cv. Effects of Exogenous Ca2+ on Growth and Dynamic Distribution of Stable Isotope δ13 C,δ15 N of Populus×euramericana‘Nanlin 895‘ Cuttings Pathogen identification of Populus × euramericana Canker Disease Growth and allometric biomass equations of introduced Agave americana L. in upper reaches of Mingjiang River Effects of Processing on Toxicity and Pharmacological Action of Phytolacca americana L. Physiological regulations of photosynthesis in a poplar plantation on a sandy soil Quality evaluation of American ginseng using UPLC coupled with multivariate analysis PRELiMINARY STUDlES ON RADlAL VARlATION PATTERNS OF WOOD PROPERTIES WITHIN TREES IV.STUDIES ON THE RADIAL VARIATION PATTERNSOF WOOD DENSITY IN POPULUS×EURAMERICANA CLONES STUDlES ON INSECT-RESISTANT TRANSGENlC (P.×EURAMERICANA)PLANTS Cloning and Identification of PAL Gene Amplified by RT-PCR from Populus×euramericana cv.“74/76” Second Xylem mRNA Molecular systematics and biogeography of Wisteria inferred from nucleotide sequences of nuclear and plastid genes Rediscovery of Cystoathyrium chinense Ching (Cystopteridaceae): phylogenetic placement of the critically endangered fern species endemic to China Evolution of the Madrean–Tethyan disjunctions and the North and South American amphitropical disjunctions in plants Manganese stress on morphological structures of leaf and ultrastructures of chloroplast of a manganese hyperaccumulator, Phytolacca americana Effects of manganese stress on photosythesis and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Phytolacca americana Variation of Wood Qualities along Tree Height and Growth and Correlation Analysis of Multiple-traits in Poplar Hybrid Review on investigations related to chemical constituents and biological activities of Periplaneta americana A Study on the Content of Histamine in Processed Phytolacca americana L. Study on chemical constituents of Aletris spicata A Study on Origin and Evolution of Cordaitaceae in Late Paleozoic POPIAR INTRODUCTION AND SELECTION IN THE COLD SEMIARID AREA OF THE NORTH CHINA RESEARCH ON THE ROOTING PROPERTIES OF THE NEW CLONES OF POPULUS EURAMERICANA THE EFFECT OF FERTILIZATION IN POPULUS EURAMERICANA CV. Ⅰ-214 FOREST LAND The Effect of Biochar on Grass Yield and Quality Research progress on chemical constituents, pharmacological effects, and clinical applications of Phytolaccae Radix Comparative Electromioroscopic Observation of Flowers and Stems of Different Types of American Ginseng Genetic Transformation of Soybeans by Soaking Its Seeds with the Total DNA of American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolium) Ⅱ.Determination of Isoflavone Content by HPLC THE EFFECT OF LIGHT INTENSITY AND PINCHING OFF INFLORESCENCES ON PHOTOSYNTHETIC RATE AND DISTRIBUTION OF ASSIMILATES OF AMERICAN GINSENG Analysis on Insecticidal Activity of Bt Transgenic Populus deltoides × P. euramericana cv‘Nanlin895’and Its Effects on Soil Microorganism The Input-Output and Financial Maturity for Poplar Plantations DNA Extraction,Optimization of SSR-PCR Reaction System and Primer Screening of Persea americana CULTIVATED METHOD OF SHORT ROOT AMERICAN GINSENG ( Panax quinqueflium ) Inhibition of α-glucosidase and Antioxidation Activity of Extract from Aerial Parts of Apios americana Medikus Nutrient status in rhizosphere microzone of <i>Fraxinus americana</i> under salt stress The occurrence and injury characteristics of Pnyxia scabiei in American ginseng STUDIES ON THE INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT HOST PLANT ON THE DEVELOPMENTAL DURATION OF EACH DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE OF AMERICAN LEAFMINER Predominant Species Dynamic and Diversity of Fungal Endophytes in Barks of Populus×euramericana cDNA Cloning and Sequencing of an Antifungal Protein from the Seeds of Phytolacca americana Effects of manganese on antioxidant system of manganese-hyperaccumulator Phytolacca americana  L