Flowering phenology and fruiting characteristics of summer peanut under different planting systems Effects of calcium nitrate on leaf senescence in fruiting nodes and yield and quality of fruits of muskmelon Studies on the relativity between lacquer trees embryo endosperm development and its flowering fruiting Comprehensive Evaluation on Drought Resistance of Early Fruiting Walnut Cultivars Study on variation of main ingredients from spores and fruiting bodies of Ganoderma lucidum Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Talinum paniculatum Effects of compound fertilizer of (NH2)2 CO and KH2PO4 on the chestnut photosynthesis characteristics, growth and fruiting. Study on Characteristics of Flowering and Fruiting and Seed Crop Prediction of Masson Pine Effects of Fruiting Branch Position, Temperature-Light Factors and Nitrogen Rates on Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Fiber Elongation Study on the BiologicalCharacteristics of Staphy lea bumalda DC. The Influencing Factors of the Fruiting Characteristics of Ziziphus jujuba Studies on the sexual organ development and fruiting characteristics of different varieties of apricot TISSUE AND MONOCELL CULTURE AND IN VITRO FLOWERING AND FRUITING OF TALINUM PANICULATUM New Early Fruiting Walnut Cultivar‘Yuxiang’ Correlations between the characters of the mycelium vegetative growth and the formation of the fruiting body of Ganoderma luciderm FLOWERING AND FRUITING HABITS AND SEXUAL EXPRESSION IN CHESTNUT (CASTANEA MOLLISSIMA BL.) Blooming and Fruiting Habits,Microspore Genesis and Development of Male Gametes of Trigonobalanus doichangensis Flowering and Fruiting Analyses of Selected Chestnut Individuals Relationships between plant reproductive phenology and the frequency and abundance of perennial species in the meadow of Horqin Steppe, China Relationship between yield and mineral element contents in leaves of four early walnut cultivars Induction of fruiting-body of Didymella bryoniae and identification of watermelon resistance to the pathogen The lnfluence of Paclobutrazol on Walnut Trees Study on the Collection and Introduction of Rattan Species A New Early-fruiting Walnut Cultivar‘Chuanzao 1’ Variation in Different Forms of Calcium Distribution Rate in Different Tissues and Organs of Wild Cerasus humilis During Growth Stage Analysis of fatty composition from different parts of Ganoderma lucidum Fruiting Pattern of Tricholoma matsutake and Its Relationship with Meteorological Factors in Yunnan, China Effects of Water Deficiency on the Development of Cottonseeds during the Flowering and Fruiting Stages The constituents of the Basidiomycetes Russula cyanoxantha Structure identification of triterpenes from fruiting bodies of Ganoderma lucidum by NMR spectra and X-ray diffraction analysis Change of sugar in different branches during blooming and fruiting of Macrocarpium officinale Studies on the Effects of Fertiliza tion on Growthand Fruiting of O il2tea Camellia SEEDLING GROWTH AND SURVIVAL OF THE ENDANGERED TREE SPECIES SHOREA WANTIANSHUEA AFTER A MAST-FRUITING EVENT Genetic Analysis on Flowering and Boll Setting in Upland Cotton(Gossy pium hirsutum L.)  Ⅱ. The Genetic Behavior of Different Fruiting Sites Fruitage of Larix gmelini and its relation to age structure of short branches Effects of Nitrogen Level on Physiological Characters and Yield of Cucumber under Suboptimal Temperature and Light Intensity A New Early-fruiting Walnut Cultivar‘Chuanzao 1’ A New Walnut Cultivar‘Longbaoxiang 1’ A New Walnut Cultivar‘Longbaoxiang 1’ A New Early-fruiting Walnut Cultivar‘Chuanzao 2’ A New Late-fruiting Walnut Cultivar‘Aolin’ Fruiting Characteristics and Sexual Fecundity of Toona ciliata var. pubescens Populations in Jiulianshan National Nature Reserve Zinc Tolerance and Accumulation Characteristics of Armillara mellea A New Mini-fruit Walnut Cultivar‘Chuanmihe’ Effect of Different Pruning Methods on Flowering and Fruiting Characteristics Between Different Types of Male Sterile Lines in Broccoli Seed Plants A STUDY ON FORCASTING CONE CROP OF YOUNG AND MIDDLE AGE FOREST BY INFORMATION SECTION OF FLOWERING AND FRUITING FOR CHINESES FIR A STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FRUITING CHARACTERISTICS AND REPRODUCTIVE AGE,HABITAT OF ENDANGERED SPECIES TETRAENA MONGOLICA THE BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF FLOWERING AND FRUITING OF GUANLONGDAN Sources of sugar in flowers and fruits of Macrocarpium officinale during fruiting FLOWERING AND FRUITING PHENOLOGIES OF THE WOODY PLANTS IN THREE FLORAS IN CHINA CHANGES IN ENDOGENOUS HORMONE CONTENTS IN RELATION TO FLOWER BUD DIFFERENTIATION AND ON-YEAR OR OFF-YEAR FRUITING OF LONGAN Variation of Fruiting Quantity and Nut and Seed Characters of Alnus cremastogyne Clones Study On the Etiology of Pomegranate Canker Diseases A New Chestnut Variety with High Quality and Early-maturity‘Shadi Chestnut’ THE RESEARCHE OF EFFECT OF ELEVATION ON THE GROWTH AND BEARING OF TUNGOIL TREE The Effects of 6-BA on the Fruit Development and Transportation of Carbonand Nitrogen Assimilates in Grape The Effects of 6-BA on the Fruit Development and Transportation of Carbonand Nitrogen Assimilates in Grape Photosynthetic Characteristics and Its Significance of Topmost Three Leaves at Fruiting Stage in Wheat with Presenile Flag Leaf Relation between endogenous hormones in bud and on-year or off-year fruiting of Ginkgo biloba Effects of magnesium on chlorophyll fluorescence and active oxygen scavenging system of fruiting-node leaves of muskmelon A study on blossoming habit and seed filling characteristics of wild Aconitum sinomontanum Effect of Removal of Basal Fruiting Branches on Some Premature Senescence Characters of Different Cotton Genotypes A New Walnut Cultivar‘Rili’ A New Early-fruiting Walnut Cultivar‘Chuanzao 2’ A New Early-fruiting and Cold Tolerant Walnut Cultivar‘Chuanzao 3’ A New Early-fruiting and Cold Tolerant Walnut Cultivar‘Chuanzao 3’ Chemical constituents of Lepista nuda Chemical constituents from fruiting bodies of Ganoderma lucidum Early Fruiting and its RAPD Analysis of Walnut in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Fruiting Characteristics in Ginkgo biloba Irrigation of Carex leucochlora during Flowering and Fruiting Period under Different Soil Water Potentials A New Walnut Cultivar‘Rili’ Main polysaccharide fractions isolated from fruiting bodies of Hericium erinaceus Reproductive biology of endangered plant Actinidia chrysantha Zinc tolerance and accumulation characteristics of Cordyceps militaris A New Chestnut Variety with High Quality and Early-maturity‘Shadi Chestnut’ Constituents from the basidiomycetes Paxillus panuoides Compatibility of Different Pollination Combinations in Primula forbesii Constituents from Armillariella mellea A Study on Relationship Between the Seed Crop in the Chinese Fir Orchards and Meteorological Factors