STUDIES ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF 1, 4-DISUBSTITUTED ACYL THIOSEMICARB AZIDE DERIVATIVE A~* ENHANCE THE YIELD OF CUCUMBER FRUIT ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTEGRATED STAND GROWTH MODEL OF CHINESE FIR IN HUITONG,HUNAN Systemic Resistance Induced by Fluoro-substituted Benzothiadiazole Derivatives Against Plasmodiophora brassicae in Chinese Cabbage Research advances on phloroglucinol derivatives in plants of Eucalyptus L‘Héritier Analytical method to evaluate chelating capacity of constituents in decoction of Chinese materia medica with free iron ions Synthesis of caffeic acid ester derivatives and their bioactivities Novel 11-deoxylglycyrrhetinic acid-30-acylam idederivatives Cytotoxicity and apoptosis induction of new naphthoquinone-like derivative TEISHNZ on human nasopharyngeal cancer cell Rapid Method to Estimate Tall Fescue SPAD value Using Hyperspectral Data Benzaldehyde derivatives from a marine fungus Aspergillus sp Application of Colorimetric-Equal Value Derivative Spectrometry to the Determination of Cholic Acid in Niuhuang Jiedu Pian(Tablet) A New Indole Derivative Isolated from the Root of Tuber Fleeceflower(Polygonum multiflorum) Effect of theaflavin derivatives on influenza A virus Extraction and purification technology for different extracts from Lamiophlomis rotata in industrialization Soil organic matter content estimation based on hyperspectral properties Application of Konjac Glucomannan and Its Derivatives in Food Industry Influence of Culture Conditions on Arnebia euchroma Hairy Roots Growth and Shikonin Content Effects of glycyrrhetic acid derivative on renal injury of rats Application of Equal Value Derivative Spectrophotometry to the Determination of Coptis Alkali in Wanshi NiuhuangQingxin Pills Determination of Cholic Acid in Man-made Bezoar by Derivatives Spectrometry A Study on Identification of Tinglizi by Derivative Spectrum Synthesis and herbicidal activity of the derivatives of ferulic acid Research progress in hypoglycemic mechanism of berberine Interaction of carbohydrate derivatives and sodium-glucose cotransporters 2 by molecular dynamic simulation Correlative Study on Storage Time and Quality of Rhizoma Dryopteris Crassirhizomae Determination of Total Alkaloids in Luotuopeng Tablets by First Order Derivative Spectrophotometry Oxidative damage of parental drug-sensitive KB cells and multidrug resistant KBv200 cells mediated by anthraquinone derivatives Systemic Resistance Induced by Fluoro-substituted Benzothiadiazole Derivatives Against Plasmodiophora brassicae in Chinese Cabbage Comparison of major bioactive components from leaves of Chrysanthemum morifolium Chemical constituents from Crepis crocea Determination of the Contents of Bufadienolide and Borneol in Liushen Pills Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Cynanchum thesioides K. Schum Determination of Active Priniple of Yiganning Tablet by 2nd Derivative Spectroscopy Determination of Concentration and Encapsulation Efficie ncy of Silybin Liposomes ESTIMATION OF RUMEN MICROBIAL-NITROGEN OF SHEEP USING URINARY EXCRETION OF PURINE DERIVATIVES Genetic Analysis of Yield and Physiological Traits in Elite Parent Jing 411 and Its Derivatives under Two Fertilization Environments Exploring Assessment Method of Chinese Rice Backbone Parents Review about structure-function relationships of anthraquinone derivatives
from Radix et Rhizoma Rhei
New steroid glycoside derivatives from Stelmatocrypton khasianum Effects of berbamine compounds on calmodulin content in bowes cells Quantitation of flavonoids in silymarin loaded solid dispersion system Studies on chemical constituents fromSemil iquidambar cathayensis The bioactivities and mechanism of spiro enol ether derivatives Development of a Indica Rice Restorer Line Fuhui838 and Its Derivative Lines with Strong Restoring Ability and Their Utilization Study on Adsorption of Skikonin Derivatives with Macroporous Resin Studies on the Naphthaquinone Constituents of Onosma confertum W. W. Smith and Quantitative Determination of Shikonin Chemical constituents from roots of Incarvillea mairei 2-Pyridinethiolate derivatives from branches and leaves of Polyalthianemoralis and their cytotoxic activities A new eremophilane derivative from Ligularia intermedia Effect of selenium methionine on rumen fermentation and purine derivatives in Simmental steer EFFECT OF NUTRITIONAL FACTORS ON CELL GROWTH AND SHIKONIN DERIVATIVE FORMATION IN SUSPENSION CULTURES OF ARNEBIA EUCHROMA CELLS EFFECTS OF PH VALUE AND HORMONES ON CELL GROWTH AND SHIKONIN DERIVATIVE FORMATION IN SUSPENSION CULTURES OF ARNEBIA EUCHROMA CELLS Main Agronomic Traits of 390 Wheat-Rye Derivatives and GISH/FISH Identification of Their Outstanding Materials Determination of Anthranilic Acid in the leaves of Isatidis indigotica by First Order Derivative UV Sperctrophotometry A novel phenol derivative from Gymnotheca chinensis Advances in studies on 1-deoxynojirimycin and its derivatives separated from mulberry RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DERIVATIVE SPECTRA AND PHOTOSYNTHETIC ORGAN AREA IN RAPESEED (BRASSICA NAPUS) Micronucleus induced by the derivatives of sulfur dioxide in Vicia faba root tips Nitrogen metabolism in sika deer on a low protein diet supplemented with lysine and methionine Extraction and analysis of hyper-spectral data from typical desert grassland in Xinjiang Response of urinary purine derivatives excretion to yeast RNA infusion levels in the yak abomasum Multi-level identification and analysis about infrared spectroscopy of Lophatheri Herba Chemical constituents from ethyl acetate extract of flower of Albizia julibrissin Synthesis and characterization of 9-O-alkyl substituted palmatine derivatives Synthesis of andrographolide derivatives and their activities of anti-inflammation and immunity Geographical Variation in the Characteristics of Absorption Spectra and Fluorescence Spectra of Pinus armandi Identification Mutants of Plant Pigment with Spectral Technology Preliminary Hyperspectral Estimation Models for Crude Fat Content in Corn Loganin Derivatives from Winchia calophylla Research progress on anti-colorectal cancer effect and mechanism of ginsenosides and their derivatives Application of Differential Dervative Spectrophotometry to the Determination of Total Chlorogenic Acid in Lonicera japonica Thunb. and Yinqiao Jiedu Pian Leaf Volatiles Induced by Mechanical Damage from Diverse Taxonomic Tree Species Min imum Samples for D istr ibution Pa tterns of Na tura lKorean Pine Broad2leaved Forest Hyperspectral Approaches for Detecting the Roadside Tree Chlorophyll Content Changes at Branches Scale Steroids and aromatic derivatives from Euphorbia micractina Chemical constituents of Daphne holosericea Induction of adventitious roots of Echinacea pallida and accumulation of caffeic acid derivatives Research progress of chromanone derivatives from Calophyllum Preparation and anti-oxidant activity of cinnamic acid derivatives-g-CTS Analysis of chemical components in Aconitum kusnezoffii leaves and their extracts by infrared spectroscopy