New Taxa of Euglenophyta The Preliminary Research on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Apocynum venetum under Different Shading Embryonic Callus Induction and Plantlet Regeneration of Tartary Buckwheat H2O2 Effect on Adventitious Root Organogenesis of Cucumber and Mung Bean Hypocotyls Analysis on Volatile Components and Fatty Acids in Hypocotyl of Bruguiera gymnorhiza A New Artificial Rearing Method for Apocheima cinerarius A STUDY ON THE NUCLEAR POLYHEDROSIS VIRUS OF THE POPLAR LOOPER (APOCHEIMA CINERARIUS) Ⅳ. RECOVERY TESTS OF VIRUS Laboratory Test on Control of Japanese Pine Sawyer by Two Entomopathogenic Nematode Species Induction of Polyploids on Mulberry in Tissue Culture Somatic Embryogenesis and Plantlet Regeneration of Hypocotyl Explants of Callistephus chinensis ‘Bouquet Scarlet’ CONTROL METHODS OF NAPOCHEIMA ROBINIAE CHU Changes in Inhibitory Effect of Vanadate on the Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase Under Trypsin Treatment Spatial distribution of particulate organic carbon and aggregate associated carbon in topsoil of a sloping farmland in the Black Soil region, Northeast China Optimization of the System of Protoplast Culture and Regeneration for Chinese Cabbage Effects of Maltose,NAA and ABA on Somatic Maturation and Radicle Rooting of Larix principis-rupprechtii Study on Plantlet Regeneration from Protoplasts of Brassicanapus ON THE PARTIAL APPLICATION OF STEINERNEMA CARPOCAPSAE STRAIN A24 AGAINST STRIPEDFLEA BEETLE PHYLLOTRETA STRIOLATA Identification and antibacterial effect research of a Tolypocladium strain isolated from sclerotium of Ophiocordyceps gracilis in Xinjiang Effects of Betel shisanwei ingredients pill on AC-cAMP-PKA signal transduction pathways in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of depressive rats Studies on non-alkaloid constituents from Ochrosia elliptica Effects of extractionfrom raspberry on hippocampus proteomics of mice suffered from ovariectomized-induced AD Effects of different extracts from Hippocampus japonicus on kidney-yang deficiency mice induced by extradiol Effects of Li application on the growth and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Apocynum venetum Effect of puerarin and ligustrazine on cultured hippocampal neurons injury induced by Aβ25-35 EFFECT OF NATRUAL BRASSINOLIDE ON GERMINATION OF PINUS TABULAEFORMIS AND ROBINIA PSEUDOACACIA SEEDS Triterpenoids from the Dai Medicinal Plant Winchia calophylla Research Progress of Carotenoid Cleavage Oxygenases in Plants Loganin Derivatives from Winchia calophylla The Constituents of Eryvatamia yunnanensis INDOLE ALKALOIDS FROM STEM BARK OF MELODINUS KHASIANUS Neuroprotective effects of astragalosides against amyloid β-protein and DEX-induced neurotoxicity in rat hippocampal neurons A Study on the Application of Entomopathogenic nematodes Against Ten-spotted Lema (Lema decempuntata Scopoli) Analysis on composition and medication regularities of prescriptions treating hypochondriac pain based on traditional Chinese medicine inheritance support system inheritance support platform Effects of exogenous MeJA, SA and two kinds of endophytic fungi on physiology and total phenols content of seedlings of Bletilla striata The Regulation of Leptin-mediated AMPK Signal Pathway on Lipid Metabolism in Porcine Subcutaneous Preadipocyte THE ESTABLISHMENT OF HYPOCOTYL REGENETATION SYSTEM OF BETULA PLATYPHYLLA Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration of Apocynum venetum L. STUDIES ON THE NUCLEAR POLYHEDROSIS VIRUS OF THE POPLAR LOOPER APOCHEIMA CINERARIUS Ⅵ. STORAGE EFFECT TEST ON THE VIRULENCE OF ACINPV STUDIES ON THE NUCLEAR POLYHEDROSIS VIRUS OF THE POPLAR LOOPER (APOCHEIMA CINERARIUS) V.PREPARATION AND PRODUCT DETECTION OF ACINPV FORMULATION STUDIES ON BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A NUCLEAR POLYHEDROSIS VIRUS OF APOCHEIMA CINERARIUS AND THE USE IN THE RESEARCH OF VIRAL INSECTICIDES Studies on Nuclear Polyhedrosis virus of the Poplar Looper(Apocheima cinerarius) Ⅶ. Test Efficency Evaluation of Aci NPV lnsecticide in Field Role of Cell Wall Calcium in Red Light- inhibited Elongation of Hypocotyls of Etiolated Phaseolus radiatus Effects of Huannao Yicong decoction on cognitive function and expression of Bcl-2 and Bax protein of hippocampus in cognitive impairment rats Neuroprotection and neurontrophism effects of liquiritin on primary cultured hippocampal cells Separation and purification process of total flavones and total tannins from Apocynum venetum leaves with macroreticular resin Effects of Indian Hemp (Apocynum venetum) Leaf Extract on Monoamine Transmitter and Cell Membrane Fluidity in Brain Characteristics and dynamic changes of stomata on the hypocotyl of Brassica chinensis var.parachinensis Effects of the inhabitation by Hippochaete ramosissimum on heavy metal speciations and enzyme activities in copper mine tailing soil Isolation and Expression of Phytoene Synthase Gene in Gardenia jasminoides Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Jacaranda mimosifolia ON THE APPLICATION OF STEINERNEMA CARPOCAPSAE STRAIN A24 AGAINST ABIRUS FORTUNEI(BALY) STUDY ON THE IEAF SURFACE ANTIDESICCATOR BENEFICIAL TO ENTOMOPATHOGENOUS NEMATODE STUDIES ON THE POPULATION SYSTEM CONTROL OF STEINERNEMA CARPOCAPSAE(WEISER) AGAINST STRIPED FLEA BEETLE PHYLLOTRATATA STRIOLATA (FABRICIUS) (COLEOPTERA: CHRYSOMELIDEA) MASS APPLICATION OF ENTOMOGENOUS NEMATODE AGAINST LICHI STEM BORER THE APPLICATION OF CODLING MOTH NEMATODE AGAINST THE LARVAE OF LICHI LONGICORN BEETLE A Studies on the Technology of Propagation of the Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus of the Poplar Looper,Apocheima cineraius Relationship between Respiratory Metabolism and Diapause of Pupae of Apocheima cinerarius Studies on the Biological Characteristics and Control Method of Hypocala subsatura Guenee Effects of Exogenous H2S on the Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of the Cucumber Hypocotyls and Radicles under Cadmium Stress Effects of Exogenous H2S on the Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of the Cucumber Hypocotyls and Radicles under Cadmium Stress QTL Analysis for Hypocotyl Traits of Cucumber Seedlings Under Low Light Stress The Establishment and Optimiza tion of a Highly Efficient System of ShootRegeneration from Hypocotyl Explants of Phyllanthus emblica L. Cloning and Expression Analysis of Temperature-induced Lipocalin in Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis THE EFFECTS OF ANTIOXIDANTS ON THE TRANSIENT EXPRESSION OF GUS GENE IN SOYBEAN HYPOCOTYLS MEDIATED BY AGROBACTERIUM TUMEFACIENS Effect of total flavonoids in Apocynum venetum leaves on rat hypertension induced by high fat and high salt and its molecular mechanism Effect of ginsenoside Rb1 on insulin signal transduction pathway in hippocampal neurons of high-glucose-fed rats Effects of tillage type on soil organic carbon and its distribution in oasis irrigation area. In vitro Culture and Plant Regenera tion of Pa rthenoc issus qu inquefolia Characteristics of Photosynthetic Physiology and Growth with 8 Luobuma Ecotypes in the Apocynum and Poacynum from Altay of Xinjiang,China Responses of Apoceynum venetum seed germination to drought and salt stress Green manure returning effect of Amaranthus hypochondriacus harvested at different times on soil fertility COMPARATIVE RESEARCH ON GROWTH AND WOOD PROPERTIES BETWEEN ROTTEN POPLAR TREE AND NORMAL ONE ON FLOOD BEACHES ALONG YANGTZER RIVER Effects of Sodium Hypochlorite Solution Water-Curing Treatment on Respiration and Amylase Activity of Chestnut Release of Seed Dormancy of Paeonia ludlowii Effect of different metal ions for submerged culture of Shiraia bambusicola Advances in studies on extract from seeds of Aesculus hippocastanum Establishment of HPLC fingerprint and its application in identification of Folium Apocyni Veneti Direct inducement of adventitious bud by hypocotyl and cotyledon and establisment of regeneration system of Eucommia ulmoides Effects and mechanism of PNS on synaptic transmission in hippocampal CA1 region of rat The uptake and accumulation of Cu in Hippochaete ramosissimum