Plant Regenera tion with in Vitro Culture from Cotyledons and Hypocotyls ofEarly-ripen Nectarines (Prunus persica var. nectarina) Plant Regenera tion with in Vitro Culture from Cotyledons and Hypocotyls ofEarly-ripen Nectarines (Prunus persica var. nectarina) A NEW INDOLE ALKALOID FROM LEAVES OF MELODDINUS HENRYI Indole Alkaloids from Roots of AIstonia mairei QUINOLINIC MELODINUS ALKALOIDS FROM STEM BARK MELODINUS KHASIANUS Simultaneous determination of six flavonoids in Apocynum venetum by HPLC Neuroprotective effect of extract of Ginkgo biloba against excitotoxictycompared with ginkgolide B in neuron cell of rat Effect of Tongluo Xingnao effervescent tablet on learning and memory of AD rats and expression of insulin-degrading enzyme in hippocampus Studies on the Primary Character and Storage Method of Mangrove Kandelia candel Hypocotyl A Study on the Afforestation Techniques of Kandelia candel Mangrove The Yield Stability of the Hybrids Between Pocockia ruthenica and Medicago sativa Variation Trends of Soil Moisture and Salinity During the Growth Season of the Wild Apocynum venentum L. in West Jinlin Chemotaxonomic Studies on Equisetaceous Plants in China Inhibition of Hypocrellin A against 18 pathogenic fungi THE VASCULAR TISSUE AND THE TRACHEARY ELEMENT IN THE CALLUS ON HYPOCOTYL OF CABBAGE IN VITRO A PRELIMINARY REPORT STUDY ON POLYSACCHARIDE OF THE UMBILICARIA HYPOCOCCINEA High Efficient Organogenic Regeneration from Hypocotyl Explants of Soybean (Glycine max L.) on BA-free Medium The Development and Application of the Glucose Uptake Stimulating Cell Model Leaf Venation and Its Systematic Significance in Sapindaceae of China Studies on chemical constituents from flowers of Apocynum venetum Protective effect of gypenosides on cerebralcortex and hippocampus in vascular dementiarat Inhibition effect of high strength nutrient solution on hypocotyl stretch in cucumber and tomato seedlings Effects of Compound Ruikangxin Capsula on anxiety-like behavior and relative expression of hippocampal synaptophysin in morphine-withdrawal rats The Anti-Damage Effect of Apocynum venetum L.Leaf Extract on Chromosome Effects of Apocynum hendersonii (Hook.f.) Woodson on Cardiac Electric and Mechanical Activity Arisaema hippocaudatum,A New Species of Araceae from Central Guangxi,China QTL Analysis for Hypocotyl Traits of Cucumber Seedlings Under Low Light Stress Antidepressive-like effects of total flavonoids from Apocynum venetum leaves and their mechanisms Simultaneous determination of rutin, hyperin, and isoquercitrin in leaves of Apocynum venetum and Poacynum hendersonii located in Xinjiang by HPLC Dynamics of soil properties under secondary succession forest communities in MtJinyun Research on the Regeneration System from Hypocotyls and Cotyledon of Brassica napus L. Plan t Regenera tion from Hypocotyls of Acac ia au ricu liform is Cultured in vitro A PRIMARY STUDY ON THE MICROSTRUCTURAL FEATURES OF NUTLET SURFACES OF LIPOCARPHA,BULBOSTYLIS AND FUIRENA IN CHINA Tissue culture of stem segment and plantlet regeneration of resources plant-Apocynum venetum Protective effect of gypenosides on cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury of hippocampus and dentate gyrus of rat Physiological Characteristics of Apocynum venetum under the Stress of Drought and Heat Study on fermentation hypocrellin by Shiraia bambusicola in submerged cultures Cloning and Expression Analysis of Temperature Induced Lipocalin Gene AhTIL1 of Peanut(Arachis hypogaea) Function of MicroRNAs During the Differentiation Process of Brown Adipocytes BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF EXTRACTS OF ANAMORPHOSIS MYCELIUM FROM Shiraia Bambusicola A Double-blind Clinical Study on Effects of Tablet Apocynum venetum L.Ex(?)ractum on Anti-Senility Research of Characteristics of Leaf Epidermis for Apocynaceae Daily Dynamics of Photosynthesis and Water Physiological Characteristics of Apocynum venetum and A.cannabinum under Drought Stress In Vitro Plant Regeneration from Callus Induced from Hypocotyl of Lettuce(Lactuca sativa) In Vitro Plant Regeneration from Callus Induced from Hypocotyl of Lettuce(Lactuca sativa) Culture of Cotyledon and Hypocotyl Protoplasts from True Potato Seedlings in Solanum tuberosum L. Cytokinin Binding Proteins from Phaseolus vulgaris Hypocotyls Effect of crocin-1 on learning, memory, and expression of SIRT1 in hippocampus of rats under acute hypoxia Research progress in pharmacological mechanisms of vinpocetine Nonflavonoid constituents from leaves of Apocynum venetum Effects of Kaixinsan on behavior and expression of p-CREB in hippocampus of chronic stress rats Effects of Rhodiola rosea on level of 5-hydroxytryptamine, cell proliferation
and differentiation, and number of neuron in cerebral hippocampus of
rats with depression induced by chronic mild stress
Effect of active site of Xiangsha Liujunzitang on behavior and injury of hippocampal neurons in depression model mice Molecular Cloning and Expression Analysis of C4 Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Gene from A. hypochondriacus L. Plant Regeneration from Hypocotyl Protoplast Culture of Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.var capitata) A COMPARATIVE ANATOMY OF DIFFERENT POPULATIONS ON APOCYNUM VENETUM AND POACYNUM HENDERSONII Isolation and Characterization of Regulators Involved in PHOT2-mediated Phototropism of Hypocotyls in Arabidopsis PLANT REGENERATION AND TRANSFORMATION OF LINUM USITATISSIMUM HYPOCOTYL IN VITRO Antioxidant and Anticancer Activities of Extracts Derived from Four Kinds of Lichen Comparative Morphology of Schistidium lancifolium and its Relevant Species Effect of emodin on proliferation and differentiation of rat preadipocytes Hypocrellins produced by anam orphosis fermentation of Shiraia bambusicola Effect of active fraction of Tiaoxin Recipe on long-term potentiation inhibited by corticosterone in area CA1 of rat hippocampal slices Effects of 3’-hydroxy puerarin on improving insulin resistance in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and their mechanisms Physiological Responses of Three Contrasting Plant Species to Groundwater Level Changes in an Arid Environment Effect of Lysophosphatidylcholine on ATP and ρ-Nitrophenyl Phosphate Hydrolysis by the Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase from Soybean Hypocotyls A comparison of stress effects between chloridion and sodium ion on grain amaranth seedlings under NaCl stress ON THE ROLE OF (14)C-α-NAA IN ROOTING PROCESS POPULUS TOMENTOSA CUTTINGS Effects of berberine on mRNA expression levels of PPARγand adipocytokines in insulin-resistant adipocytes Kudzu root (Ge-Gen) regulates on glucose and lipid metabolism to ameliorating insulin resistance on 3T3-L1 adipocytes trengthening and restoring effects of Hippocampus Capsule on kidney—deficient rats Chemical constituents from Chinese mangrove plant Cerbera manghas Tissue culture from cotyledon and hypocotyl lexplants of Chrysanthemum morifolium Cluster analysis on hypocrellin A content in anamorphsof Shiraia bambusicola Protective effects of Fufangdengzhanhua dripping pill on apoptosis induced by glutamate in cultured primary hippocampal neurons of rats Sequence Characteristics and Expression of NAD-malic enzyme in Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.