Ultrastructural Development of Chloroplasts in Sacred Lotus Embryo Bud under Invisible Light Morphogenesis in in vitro Culture of Terminal Floral Apex of Banana Physiological effect of potassium chlorate on flower bud formation in Myrica rubra cv. Dongkui Seasonal dynamics of soil respiration and carbon budget of maize (Zea mays L.) farmland ecosystem Activity rhythm and behavioral time budgets of wild Reeves’s Pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii) using infrared camera Behavioural time budgets and diurnal rhythms of the female Tibetan gazelles in the Kekexili National Nature Reserve Sterilization of the Explant and Callus Induction of Feijoa sallowiana Berg. in vitro Culture Effects of Different Photoperiods on Flower Bud Differentiation and Photosynthesis in Iris germanica 'Royal touch' OPTIMIZATION FOR DIRECT BUDDING FROM EXPLANTS IN BANANA USING ORTHOGONAL DESIGN CHANGES IN ENDOGENOUS HORMONE CONTENTS IN RELATION TO FLOWER BUD DIFFERENTIATION AND ON-YEAR OR OFF-YEAR FRUITING OF LONGAN AXILLARY BUD CULTURE AND PLANTLET REGENERATION OF ACACIA AURICULIFORMIS AND A. MANGIUM Selection of in vitro Buds of Two Rattan Species for Elongation and Rooting The Differentiation of Flower Bud and Development of Male Gametophyte in Calycanthus chinensis The Effect of Cutting Top bud from Ginkgo Seedlings on Different Date Flower Buds Abortion of Paeonia lactiflora‘Qiaoling’in Different Cultivation Methods The Establishment and Optimization of Leaves Regeneration System of Pigment Marigold Morphology and Changes of Several Metabolites Content During Flower Bud Differentiation in Phalaenopsis Establishment of Plantlet Regeneration System of Tree Peony Through Lateral Buds Cutting and Carving Changes of Hormones,Polyamines and NO Content During Regeneration of Adventitious Buds from in Vitro Leaves of Red Fuji Apple Effects of Temperature and Light on Flower Bud Differentiation in Daphne odora var. marginata Effects of Temperature and Light on Flower Bud Differentiation in Daphne odora var. marginata Effect of Three Growth Regulators on Spore Germination,Protonema Development and Bud Differentiation in Entodon challengeri Study on Bud Types and Rules of Flower Bud Differentiation and Branches‘ Forming in Yulania wugangensis AN ANATOMICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY ON THE LEAVES OF WINTER BUDS OF BRASENIA SCHREBERI GMEL. THE INDUCTION OF ADVENTITIOUS BUDS AND PLANT REGENERATION OF RICE SHANGNONG HEINUO Research on tissue culture and plant regeneration for roots of Ficus hirta Bud stem tissue culture of Tulipa edulis Simultaneous determination of 10 constituents in Boyun Tuiyi Pill by HPLC Proliferation and organ differentiation of petiole-derived callus in Asarum heterotropoides Morphological and Anatomical Features of Root Sucker Propagation of Populus pruinosa Axillary Bud Propagation and Regeneration from Stem Segment Explants in Calophyllum inophyllum Effects of regulated deficit irrigation on accumulation and distribution of biomass and nitrogen, and yield of island cotton Estimation of carbon balance under different land uses and long-term fertilizations in black soils of Northeast China Comparative study of nitrogen budget in three different vegetable planting patterns under greenhouse condition Soil respiration and carbon budget in black soils of wheat-maize-soybean rotation system EFFECT OF MAGNETIC FIELD TREATMENT ON FRESH WEIGHT
mRNA DIFFERENTIAL DISPLAY AND EST SEQUENCE ANALYSIS OF ABORTED BUD AND NORMAL BUD IN RADISH(Raphanus sativus) MASS REARING OF THE ORIENTAL TOBACCO BUDWORM FOR STERILE INSECT TECHNIQUE PROGRAMS AN EFFICIENT PLANT REGENERATION SYSTEM VIA DIRECT ADVENTITIOUS BUD FORMATION IN CHICORY Components and age structures of Calamagrostis pseudophragmites population modules in the Yily River Valley area, China Morphological Observation on flower bud differentiation of Lilium formolongi Bulb Morphological Observation on flower bud differentiation of Lilium formolongi Bulb A New Bud Mutation Plum Cultivar ‘Longyuan Taoli’ A New Bud Mutation Plum Cultivar ‘Longyuan Taoli’ Effects of Subculture Times on Organogenesis Character istics of Apple inV itro Shoot Explants Effects of Subculture Times on Organogenesis Character istics of Apple inV itro Shoot Explants Relationship Between the Types of Flower-bud D ifferentiationand Forcing Successive Secondary Flowering of Tree Peonies Changes of Endogenous Hormones During the Process of Flower Bud Differentiation of Welsh Onion Effects of Photoperiod on Floral Bud Differentiation and Flowering ofChrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. ‘J inba’ Flower Bud Differentiation and Changes of Carbohydrate in New Shoots inAverrhoa carambola Flower Bud Differentiation and Changes of Carbohydrate in New Shoots inAverrhoa carambola Expression Analysis of Ovule Identity Gene homads1 During in Vitro Flowering of Hyacinthus orientalis L. A New Apple Variety ‘Hongjinfu’ Morphological Differentiation of Flower Bud of Osmanthus fragrans ‘Zao Yingui‘ and ‘Xiaoye Sugui‘ Morphological Differentiation of Flower Bud of Osmanthus fragrans ‘Zao Yingui‘ and ‘Xiaoye Sugui‘ In itia tion and Development of Flower Buds in Forsythia suspensa A New Apple Variety ‘Tianwang 1’ STUDY ON THE INHIBITORY EFFECT OF LONGDAY TREATMENT ON PHARBITIS NIL Ⅱ.THE RELATION BETWEEN DIFFERENT DARK LENGTH PHOTOPERIODS AND FLOWER BUD DIFFERENTIATION AND GENE EXPRESSION IN THE COTYLEDONS The Anatomical Study on Vegetative Organs and Adventitious Buds of Convolvulus arvensis Studies on the Histology of Organogenesis in Isolated Culture of Mature Embryo of Melilotoides ruthenicus(L.) Sojak cv.‘Zhili‘ Changes of Endogenous Hormone Contents During Floral Bud and Vegetative Bud Differentiation in Thin Cell Layer Culture of Cichorium intybus L. Explant Inhibition of Auxin Polar Transport Affecting the Model of Leaf Growth and Development Changes of Endogenous Polyamines in Leaf and Floral Buds of Pear Trees During Growth and Dormancy The Developmental Anatomy of the Monkshood-Tuber of Aconitum kusnezoffii Phenylethanoid Glucosides from Flos Buddlejae Effects of TDZ on Polyamines Concentration Changes during the Construction of Floral-buds in Derooted Seedlings of Dendrobium officinate Kimura et Migo in vitro Contamination Control of Underground Buds in Peony Tissue Culture Rapid Propagation Technique System of Blueberry Simulation of forest net primary production and the effects of fire disturbance in Northeast China Classification system of China land cover for carbon budget EFFECTS OF γ-IRRADIATION ON THE EMBRYONIC BUD STRUCTURE OF CHESTNUT THE EFFECTS OF ~(60)Co γ-RAY TRRADIATION ON LEGUMES GERMINATION AND GRAIN QUALITIES OF CEREAL PLANT REGENERATION FROM COTYLEDON OF IMMATURE EMBRYO OF JUJUBE Application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Technique on Mornitoring Flower Bud Differentiation of Tulip Establishment of a highly efficient regeneration system of switchgrass artificial spike buds Cloning and Sequence Analyzing of Malate Dehydrogenase Gene in Chinese Cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis (Lour.) Olsson) Optimization of AFLP System for Fuji and Identification Early-maturing Sport from Changfu 2’ Cloning and Sequence Analyzing of Malate Dehydrogenase Gene in Chinese Cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis (Lour.) Olsson) Stage Identification and Morphological Types of Bud Maturity or Floweringin Paeonia lactiflora Cultivars

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