Effect of Acalitus phloeocoptes Injury on Morphology and Physiology of Apricot Bud ‘Huami Wuhe Gonggan’,A New Citrus Cultivar ‘Huami Wuhe Gonggan’,A New Citrus Cultivar Auxiliary Bud Proliferation of Anthurium andraeanum Lind. in Liquid Culture Studies on Chemical Constituents in Buds of Artemisia scoparia Determination of Buddlejasaponin in Clinopodium Linn.by HPLC Primary study on proliferation and rooting of stem with a bud in Dioscorea bulbifera Inducement,subculture,and plantlets regeneration of callus from Salvia miltiorrhiza Morphological Differentiation of Flower Bud of Cattleya labiata The Low Temperature, Light and Seedling Age Requirement for Seedling Vernalization in Chinese Cabbage Cryopreservation of Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertn.) Libosch by Vitrification and Encapsulation-vitrification Cryopreservation of Rehmannia glutinosa (Gaertn.) Libosch by Vitrification and Encapsulation-vitrification Comparison of Flower Anatom ica l Structure of Double Flower and Proliferation Flower Cultivars in Nelumbo nucifera During Flower Bud DifferentiationProcesses Efficient Micropropagation of Japanese Photinia [Photinia glabra (Thumb.) Maxim.] Retaining Genetic and Epigenetic Stability Research on carbon budget and carbon cycle of terrestrial ecosystems in regional scale: a review Characteristics and driving factors of energy budget over a temperate desert steppe in Inner Mongolia Studies on the Photoperiodic Responses in Short-Day Plant Helianthus tubevotus Induction of Continuous Tepal Differentiation from in Vitro Regenerated Flower Buds of Hyacinthus orientalis Age structure of tillers of Hordeum brevisulatum clone in Songnen plain of China An energy budget for individual pacific abalone (Haliotis discus hannai Ino) Heat budget or Naiman grassland in inner Mongolia Temperature characteristics of winter Buds‘ dormancy in Platanus acerifolia Carbon dioxide fluxes from soil respiration and woody debris decomposition in boreal forests The characteristics of spatial disturbance of surface processes in oasis on the background of desert Structure and development regulation on dormancy modules of Hordeum brevisubulatum clone on cultivated condition in the Songnen Plains of China In Vitro Culture of Axillary bud Sprouting of Fraxinus mandshurica The Rapid Propagation Technology of Sorbus pohuashanensis by Axillary Bud Regeneration Way Quantitative variation of endogenous hormones in Rosa rugosa leaf during flower bud differentiation Study onthe relations between the toxic effects of chromium-vion Brasenia schreberi Gmel.winter bud leaves andthe variations of the protective enzyme system EFFECT OF GIRDLING ON THE LEVELS OF ENDOGENOUS POLYAMINE IN RELATION TO FLORAL BUD FORMATION IN APPLE A New Red Fleshed Pitaya Cultivar‘Qianguo 1’ Studies on the Flower Bud Differentiation of Grape Cultivars with Different Tolerant Ability of Low Light in Greenhouse A New Chrysanthemum Cultivar‘Binfen’ Flower Formation and Endogenous Hormones Dynamic in Chinese Jujube Carotenoid Metabolism and Gene Expression Analysis of‘CN9’Nectarine and Its Yellow Flesh Mutant‘CN9Y’ Flower Formation and Endogenous Hormones Dynamic in Chinese Jujube Dormancy Module Structures of Calamagrostis pseudophragmites Populations in the Yily River Valley Area of Xinjiang, China THE PATTERN OF ENDOGENOUS HORMONES OF PISTILLATE FLOWER DIFFERENTIATION IN WALNUT (JUGLANS REGIA L.) THE OCCURANCE AND ORGANOGENSIS OF MIXED BUD OF LIRIODENDRON GHINENSE DYNAMIC CHANGES OF ENDOPHYTOHORMONES IN RHIZOMAL BUDS OF PHYLLOSTACHYS PRAECOX Study on the Physiological Mechanism of Postharvest Senescence in Flower Buds of Rosa rugosa Cultivars in Pingyin County A PIGMENT OF A FOLK RICE DYEING PLANT BUDDLE1A OFFINALIS Effects of flower bud removal and artificial pollination on growth and yield of Tulipa edulis Impact of TDZ and NAA on adventitious bud induction and cluster bud multiplication in Tulipa edulis Factors Influencing the Production of Chinese Yam (Dioscorea batatas Decne. ) Rapid propagation in a Tibetan medicine--Przewalskia tangutica A Study on Seedling Breeding and Cuttage Reproduction of Michelia chapensis Industrialized Propagation of Psammophyte The Relationship between Flower Bud Differentiation of Torreya grandis and Nucleic Acid Study on Hydrochemical Cycling in Tropical Mountain Rainforest Ecosystem ESTABLISHMENT OF CELL SUSPENSION CULTURE AND SCREENING OF SALINE-TOLERANT SOMATIC VARIANTSOF POPULUS POPULARIS“39” Changes of Endogenous Hormones,Carbohydrate and Mineral Nutritions during the Differentiation of Male Flower Buds in Ginkgo biloba Cloning and Characterization of Beclin1-ike Gene in Eupatorium odoratum L. buds Time budget of daily activity of Francois‘ Langur (Trachypithecus francoisi francoisi) in disturbed habitat Effects of photoperiod on body mass, organ masses and energy Diurnal activity patterns and environmental factors on behaviors of Bar-headed Geese Anser indicus wintering at Caohai Lake of Guizhou, China Morphological Differentiation of Male Flower Bud of Ginkgo biloba L. The Changes of Enzymes Activity during the Flower Bud Differentiation of‘Pingguoli’ Effects of Gibberellin3 on Leaf Lignin levels, Related Enzymes and Flower Formation in Bayberry The Changes of Enzymes Activity during the Flower Bud Differentiation of‘Pingguoli’ Effects of Gibberellin3 on Leaf Lignin levels, Related Enzymes and Flower Formation in Bayberry The Relationship of H2O2 Content Changes in Buds with the Endodormancy ofFruit Trees A New Early Mature Grape Variety‘90- 1’ Plant Regeneration from in Vitro Adventitious Roots of Chinese Cherry‘Duiyingtao’( Prunus pseudocerasus) Plant Regeneration from in Vitro Adventitious Roots of Chinese Cherry‘Duiyingtao’( Prunus pseudocerasus) A New Pear Cultivar—— ‘Huagai rang’ Researches on Flower Bud Morphodiferentiation of Daphne odora var. narginata Studies on the Flower Bud Differentiation of Grape Cultivars with Different Tolerant Ability of Low Light in Greenhouse Construction of the Suppression Subtractive Hybridization Library and Analysis of Related Genes of Floral Buds in Prunus persica During Dormancy-releasing Self-pollination in buds and homostyly in Mussaenda shikokiana (Rubiaceae), a monomorphic species in a distylous clade Morphological characteristics of leaf epidermis and size variation of leaf, flower and fruit in different ploidy levels in Buddleja macrostachya (Buddlejaceae) Clonal growth characteristics of the endangered species Populus euphratica oliv and Populus pruinosa schrenk Evaluating the carbon budget pattern of Chinese terrestrial ecosystem from 1960 to 2006 using Integrated Biosphere Simulator Diurnal activity patterns of Whooper Swan wintering at Pinglu, Shanxi,China Age structure and output regularity of Phragmites australis rhizome buds from populations occurring in heterogeneous meadow habitats in Northeast China Comparison of trapping efficacy of various colours for insects in tea gardens Diurnal activity rhythm and time budgets of the Dwarf Blue Sheep (Pseudois schaeferi) in Zhubalong Nature Reserve STUDY ON HISTOGENESIS AND ORGANOGENSIS OF THE IN VITRO DEVELOPMENT FROM PINUS KORAIENSIS EMBRYOS HISTOLOGICAL STUDY ON ADVENTITIOUS BUD FORMATION AND SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS OF PEANUT (ARACHIS HYPOGAEA L.) LEAFLETS Establishment of Callus Induction and Regeneration System of Jiangxi Yanshan Red Bud Taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott var. cormosus CV.Hongyayu) Virus-Free Plantlet Corms

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