Stage Identification and Morphological Types of Bud Maturity or Floweringin Paeonia lactiflora Cultivars Comparison of Flower Anatom ica l Structure of Double Flower and Proliferation Flower Cultivars in Nelumbo nucifera During Flower Bud DifferentiationProcesses Studies on Anthocyanin Biosynthesis and Activities of Related Enzymes of‘Ralls’and Its BudMutation Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of 14-3-3 Gene in Longan A New Apple Cultivar ‘Wangshanhong’ Morphological Studies on Floral Organ Development of the Flowers with Single- and Triple-whorled Petals in Lisianthus ( Eustoma grandiflorum ) Morphological Studies on Floral Organ Development of the Flowers with Single- and Triple-whorled Petals in Lisianthus ( Eustoma grandiflorum ) The Effects of 6-BA on Multi-topbud Plant Growth of Dracaena sanderiana‘Virens’ Morphological Differentiation of the Flower Bud of Rosa persica Construction and Identification of a cDNA Expression Library from Dendrobium nobile Effects of Plucking Hearts in Bud Stage on the Hormones in the Process of Tuber Formation in Solanum tuberosum L. Studies on Anthocyanin Biosynthesis and Activities of Related Enzymes of‘Ralls’and Its BudMutation A New Zizyphus jujube Cultivar ‘Zhongqiu Sucui’ Optimization of AFLP System for Fuji and Identification Early-maturing Sport from Changfu 2’ Establishment of Plantlet Regeneration System of Tree Peony Through Lateral Buds Cutting and Carving Morphology and Changes of Several Metabolites Content During Flower Bud Differentiation in Phalaenopsis The Absorption Dynamics of MET and It’s Effect on Rice Regeneration Plantlet Cloning and Characterization of Beclin1-like Gene in Eupatorium adenophorum Buds Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Acanthopanax senticosus Cryopreservation Technique of Jiangxi Yanshan Red Bud Taro(Colocasia esculenta L. Schott var. cormosus CV.Hongyayu) Embryogenic Callus by Droplet-vitrification Adventitious bud induction and endogenous hormones changing of lamina from Zanthoxylum dissitum in vitro Nicotine Concentration in Leaves of Flue-cured Tobacco Plants as Affected by Removal of the Shoot Apex and Lateral Buds Immunolocalization of Arabinogalactan Proteins and Pectins in Floral Buds of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) During Sex Determination Clone growth and its age structure of Leymus secalimus modules in the Songnen Plain of China The seasonal variation of CO2 flux in a wheat field of the Loess Plateau Effects of aestivation on energy budget of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) Establishment and Optimization of plant regeneration of Hybrid larch(L.gmelinii 10×L.kaempferi 13) Rapid Propagation and Regeneration System of Populus simonii×Populus nigra Effect of coated compound fertilizer on yield,nitrogen use efficiency and soil available nitrogen in summer maize Insecticidal activity of ethyl acetate extract from dry buds on dark condition and flowers of Solanum tuberosum Study on Biological Characteristics of Bamboo Shooting from Base of Sympodial Bamboo Buds Effects of Various Factors on the Growth and Development of Cultured Axillary Buds of Ginkgo biloba in vitro The Effects of Bud-scale Removing and Chemical Treatments on Dormancy-release and Phenolics of Sweet Cherry Flower Buds The Effects of Bud-scale Removing and Chemical Treatments on Dormancy-release and Phenolics of Sweet Cherry Flower Buds Construction and Identification of a cDNA Expression Library from Dendrobium nobile Relationships of Total Phenolics, Reactive Oxygen Species and DormancyRelease in Nectarine Bud Treated by Heating Relationships of Total Phenolics, Reactive Oxygen Species and DormancyRelease in Nectarine Bud Treated by Heating Dynamic Changes of Endogenous Hormones in Allium ovalifolium Regeneration Buds from Dormancy to Sprouting under Different Temperatures Dynamic Changes of Endogenous Hormones in Allium ovalifolium Regeneration Buds from Dormancy to Sprouting under Different Temperatures The Changes of Phenolics and Related Enzymes Activity in Sweet CherryBuds during Endo-dormancy Period The Effects of 6-BA on Multi-topbud Plant Growth of Dracaena sanderiana‘Virens’ Morphological Differentiation of the Flower Bud of Rosa persica The Changes of Phenolics and Related Enzymes Activity in Sweet CherryBuds during Endo-dormancy Period A New Early Maturity Grape Variety ‘Luopu Zaosheng’ The Induction of Multiple Buds and Soma tic Embryogenesis of Musa AAB Silk ‘Guoshanxiang’ Process of Flower Bud Morphological Differentiation in Salvia splendens ‘Wancui’—A New Variety of Actinidia deliciosa The Relationship of H2O2 Content Changes in Buds with the Endodormancy ofFruit Trees A New Early Mature Grape Variety‘90- 1’ Establishment of Plant Regeneration from Leaves Explants of Rosa hybrida Changes in Carbohydrate Content of Stem Apices and Leaves during Floral Bud Difierentiation in Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) Endogenous Phytohormone changes in the Release of Dormant Tillering Bud in rice Cloning and Expression Analysis of Gibberellin Receptor Gene CsGID1a in Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis) Cloning of MADS-box gene AGL15 from Lonicera macranthoides and analysis on its bioinformatics and expression HPLC-ELSD for determining contents of three triterpenoidal saponins in fruits of Buddleja lindleyana from different habitats Each leaf of buddleia iridoid glycoside Cryopreservation of in vitroGrown Shoot Tips of Red Bud Taro by Encapsulation-Vitrification Density and Growth Dynamics of Leymus chinensis Population Studies on Evapotranspiration from Different Plant Communities in Steppe Region of Inner Mongolia Effect of different fertilization modes on nutrients budget of crop-soil system Effects of temperature and photoperiod on body mass, energy budget and digestive tract morphology in Pycnonotus sinensis. #br# Effects of cold-shock on the growth and flower bud differentiation of tomato seedlings under high temperature stress. Carbon storage and its sequestration potential by ecological service forest in Zhejiang Nitrogen budget estimation based on precipitation and runoff in the source of Yangtze River The Observation on Floral Organs of an Alien Species, Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze Induction of Adventitious Buds from Stems without Axillary Bud of Aristolochia debilis Sieb. et Zucc Studies on Adventitious Bud Proliferation of Chinese Fir Research on the Shoot Growth and Bud Propagation In Vitro Culture SEM Observations on Flower Bud differentiation of Super Prematurity Cultivated Strawberry Content Changes of Endogenous Hormones during Flower Bud Differentiation of Picea crassifolia THE EFFECT OF GETTING RID OF FLOWER BUDS ON THE YIELD AND QUALITY OF BROODLAC Tissue Culture of Taiwania flousiana Gaussen Effect of Hormones,Rare Earth and Micronutrient on Promoting Bamboo Rhizome Buds to Produce Shoots The Effect of Temperature and Bud Stage Treatment on ParthenocarpicGene Expression of Eggplant In Vitro Culture and High Frequency Propagation of Chinese Wild Vitis KCIO3 Induces Floral Bud Formation in Longan and the Changes of Endoge—nous Hormones The Callus Induction of Anthurium andraeanum Linden and Bud Differentiation Main Factors Influencing the Frequency of Direct Organogenesis of Cucumberin Vitro A New Pear Cultivar—— ‘Huagai rang’ Researches on Flower Bud Morphodiferentiation of Daphne odora var. narginata

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