Time Budgets and Diurnal Activity Rhythms of Re-Introduced Wild Bactrian Camels in Semi-Free Environment during Early Winter Economic values of nitrogen transformation in rice field ecosystems Dynamics of bud flow and bud bank of Phragmites communis population in dry land habitat of alkalinized meadow in the Songnen Plains of China A population dynamics model of Helicoverpa assulta (Guenée)(lepidoptera:noctuidae) Influence of Three Nuclides upon Seed and Bud Mortality of Plants Effects of long-term N application and straw returning on N budget under wheatmaize rotation system Relationship between External Morphology and Anatomical Structure of Precocious Walnut during Pistillate Flower-bud Differentiation The Effect of Different Temperature Treatments on Dynamic Changes of Endogenous Hormones and Flower-bud Differentiation of ‘Green World‘ Cattleya Plant Regeneration of Grape Rootstock ‘‘‘‘5BB‘‘‘‘(Vitis berlandieri × V. riparia) in vitro Construction of the High-efficiency Regeneration System of Blueberry with Its Leaves In Vitro Plant Regeneration with Adventitious Buds of Zizyphus jujuba Leaves Culture of Mature Pinus bangeana Embryo Absorption,Distribution and Utilization in Ziziphus jujuba var.inermis ‘Zhanhua-Dongzao’ to 15N-Urea Fertilizer before Bud-Break The Laws of Branching and Trunk Extension Sprouted from Lateral Buds in Paulownia trees QTL Analysis of Leaf Morphology and Spring Bud Flush in (Populus tomentosa×P. bolleanaP. tomentosa Development of Artificial Seed in Ziziphus jujuba Study on the Temperature Characteristics of Dormancy Development of Terminal and Lateral Buds in Paulownia Behavior Time Budget and Activity Rhythm of Saunders‘s Gull (Larus saundersi)During Different Period of Breeding Cycle at Yancheng of Jiangsu,China CHANGES IN ENDOGENOUS HORMONES AND CARBOHYDRATES FROM DORMANCY TO SPROUTING OF TOONA SINENSIS BUDS Construction of the Suppression Subtractive Hybridization Library and Analysis of Related Genes of Floral Buds in Prunus persica During Dormancy-releasing Flower Buds Abortion of Paeonia lactiflora‘Qiaoling’in Different Cultivation Methods Studies on Floral Organ Development Process of Precocious Walnut (Juglans regia) by Anatomia Analysis of Aroma Components and Related Enzymes of Fatty Acid Metabolism of Red Bud Sports Analysis of Aroma Components and Related Enzymes of Fatty Acid Metabolism of Red Bud Sports The Temporal and Spatial Changes of Flower Development Gene LLGLO1 in the Floral Buds of Lilium longiflorum The Temporal and Spatial Changes of Flower Development Gene LLGLO1 in the Floral Buds of Lilium longiflorum cDNA Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cyclin-dependent Kinase (CsCDK)Gene in Tea Plant Studies on Flower Bud Differentiation and Leaflike Proliferate-flower Bud of Osmanthus fragrans‘Tianxiang Taige’ Effects of Cutting Back,Branch-bending and Bud-notching Treatments on Endogenous Hormones in the Buds of Fuji Apple The Apical Bud Cell Ultra-structure Changes of Lilium pumilum Bulbs During Breaking Dormancy Under Refrigerated Condition Floral Bud Differentiation and Photoperiodic Characteristics of Pelargonium hortorum‘Horizon’ Effects of Different Plumpness Buds on the Distribution and Utilization of
13C and 15N in Gala(Malus × domestica/Malus micromalus Makino)
Initiation and Development of the Flower Bud in Zingiber zerumbet Efect of Exogenous Polyamines on Female and M ale Flower Diferentiationand Content of Endogenous Polyamines in Leaves of W alnut A comparative study on the growth and energy budget of Chinese shrimp (Fenneropanaeus chinensis Osbeck) at constant and diel fluctuating temperature ENERGY REQUIREMENT MODELS OF THE BAIJI, Lipotes vexillifer CHEMICAL MUTATION AND SCREENING FOR TOLERANCE TO FUSARIC ACID ON SHOOT TIP OF Musa AAA Cavendish cv. ‘Baxijiao’ Study on economic benefit analyzing methods for precision agriculture The exploration on national green budget Characteristics of evapotranspiration and energy budget of soybean field in the Sanjiang Plain Tissue culture of Lilium wardlii Study on cold resistance of top buds of Paulownia elongata‘s seedlings Comparison of growth, energy budget of Southern-China-cultured Stichopus japonicus fed with three types of sediment-feeds A review for evaluating the effectiveness of BMPs to mitigate non-point source pollution from agriculture Changes of Free Amino Acids in Developing Buds of a Dominant Male Sterile Line in Sesame Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Induction of Multiple Shoots From Stem Apex of Immature Embryo in Wheat Construction of Full-length cDNA Library of MaleFloral Buds of Popu lus de ltoides Adaptive changes in the young leaf cell ultrastructure of crown buds in Medicago sativa (Leguminosae) during overwintering Development of phytomers produced by root crown shoots in Medicago sativa Change in starch grains and flower bud differentiation of Lilium pumilum bulbs during breaking of dormancy under refrigerated conditions Changes of Endogenous Hormones of Precocious Crabapple During Development Characteristics of Two Dormancy-associated MADS-box Genes in Pear and Their Expression Analysis During the Dormancy Floral Bud Differentiation and Photoperiodic Characteristics of Pelargonium hortorum‘Horizon’ ‘Huawan Wuzi Shatangju’,A Late-maturing Mandarin Cultivar Plant Regeneration from Corm Segments and Evaluations on Physiological and Photosynthetic Characteristics in Plantlets of Red Bud Taro Cryopreservation of Jiangxi Yanshan Red Bud Taro Embryogenic Calli by Encapsulation-vitrification Establishment for Culture In Vitro and Plant Regeneration System of Citrus grandis cv.Chandler Studies on Rapid Propagation Technology of Common Buckwheat Stem Segments Morphological and developing characteristics of the young leaves in dormant buds of Magnolia grandiflora Monomer ginsenosides dynamic change of reproductive organs of Panax ginseng A STUDY ON IN VITRO CLONAL PROPAGATION OF MEI FLOWER (PRUNUS MUME SIEB. ET ZUCC.) EFFECTS OF HEAT SHOCK ON THE CULTURAL EFFICIENCY OF STEM SEGMENT CULTURES OF CARNATION ULTRASTRUCTURAL CHANGES OF CHLOROPLAST DURING CALLUS INDUCTION IN LEAF EXPLANTS OF STEVIA REBAUDIANA BERTONI MORPHOLOGICAL STUDIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND COLD RESISTANCE OF THE WINTER BUDS OF ZIZANIA CADUCIFLORA HAND.-MAZZ. ANALYSES OF ELECTROPHORETIC PATTERN OF AMYLOPLAST PROTEIN AND TOTAL PROTEIN IN PLANT STORE ORGANS REGENERATING PLANTS FROM CRYOPRESERVATED ADVENTITIOUS BUDS OF HAPLOIDS AND THEIR GENETIC STABILITY IN RICE The Pattern of Budburst Phenology for Castanopsis fargesii in Tiantong Mountain,Zhejiang,China Callus Induction and Plantlet Regeneration Systems from a Resources Plant Apocynum venetum L. Population Age Structures of Calamagrostis macrolepis under Two Habitats in Yili of Xinjiang Ornamental Germplasm Resources of Genus Buddleja L. in Yunnan Study on Red Globe Grape Leaf and Petiole Adventitious Bud RegeneratingSystem Influence of Vitrifying Cryopreservation Conditions on Cell Viability and Ultrastructure of Cercidiphyllum japonicum Normal Buds Variation of Active Oxygen Metabolism,Anti-oxidation System in Grapevine Buds Tissue during Bud Dormancy Inducing and Releasing Tissue culture of chinese wild grape Studies on individual sexual reproductive process of Juglans mandshurica Effects of the artificial low temperature on the dormant buds and shoots of Dangshan pear in the central part of Yunnan The primary study on the breedingof Yulan Magnolia Research on high efficient plantlet regeneration of Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn. Role of Exogenous Hormones in Inducing Cells in different Positions of Perianth Explants to Regenerate Flower Buds in Hyacinthus orientalis Morpho-Histological Investigation of Plantlet Formation In Vitro in Taiwania flousiana Gaussen

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