Eupatroium adenophorum Micro-propagation by Bud and Callus Culture Bud Dormancy of Grapevines in Dry and Hot River-valley Regions of Southwest China Roles of Polyamines in the Formation and Development of Plant Flowers The Mixed Inheritance Analysis of the Nodal Position for First Female Flower Bud in Luffa (Luffa cylindrica Roem. ) Correlation between Endogenous Hormones Contents and Flower Bud Differentiation Stage of Ficus carica L. Studies on Floral Organ Development Process of Precocious Walnut (Juglans regia) by Anatomia CHANGES OF POD AND SOD ACTIVITIES DURING ADVENTITIOUS ROOT AND BUD DIFFERENTIATION IN ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS L. PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON THE EFFECTS OF BAOFENGLING ON THE BUDDING AND ROOTING OF CROP SEEDS EFFECTS OF DMSO ON THE INDUCTION AND THE REDIFFERENTIATION OF CALLUS FROM RICE SEEDS OBSERVATION AND STUDY ON THE MORPHOLOGY VARIATION OF MAGNOLIA BIONDII PAMP. STUDIES ON RUBUS LACINiATUS CULTURE IN VITRO——Ⅰ. The effect of various growth regulators on adventitious bud formation from leaf explants Dynamic Changes of Endogenous GA3 and ABA Contents in Tea Cultivars with Different Phenological Characters and Their Impact on the Regulation Axillary Buds Sprouting Studies on plantlet regeneration from the mature leaves of Dioscorea zingiberensis Studies on chemical constituents in bud of Artemisia scoparia(Ⅲ) Carotenoid Metabolism and Gene Expression Analysis of‘CN9’Nectarine and Its Yellow Flesh Mutant‘CN9Y’ A New Red Fleshed Pitaya Cultivar‘Qianguo 1’ Expression Analysis of Citrate Metabolic Related Genes in Late-ripening Mutant of Navel Orange and Its Wild Type A New Zizyphus jujube Cultivar ‘Zhongqiu Sucui’ A New Good Quality and High Yield Pear Cultivar‘Chuanhua Li’ A New Good Quality and High Yield Pear Cultivar‘Chuanhua Li’ Studies on tissue culture for bud of stem in Aesculus wilsonii Phytotomical Observation on the Development of Little-Buds of Hubei Maidong(Liriope spicata var.prolifera) After Efflorescency Studies on chemical constituents of Buddleja lindleyana Quantitative determination of verbascoside in Buddleja officinalis by RP-HPLC Orthogonal test for optimization of quercetin extracting procedure from bud of Sophora japonica Changes of Metabolites and Flower Bud Differentiation of Camellia azalea Relation between endogenous hormones in bud and on-year or off-year fruiting of Ginkgo biloba Interspecific hybridization and F1 hybrids identification of Chrysanthemum morifolium Tissue culture of medical plant Erigeron breviscapus Cadmium distribution and cycling in forest-rice agroforestry systems in Northern Hunan Adventitious Bud and Root Formation of Pinus ponderosa Cultured in vitro Establishment of an Efficient Regeneration System of Populus cathayana Rehd.var. Qinghai STUDIES ON THE MECHANISM OF PROMOTING THE FLOWER BUD FORMATION BY ETHREL, PP333 AND SUMMER PRUNING Somatic Embryogenesis and Organogenesis Regeneration System of Winegrape‘Merlot Noir’ Effects of removing scales and exogenous hormone treatments on changes of endogenous hormone in sweet cherry flower buds and dormancy release during dormancy Study on the influencing factors of callus inducement and plant regeneration of Populus euramericana in vitro PROTEINS ASSOCIATED WITH CALLUS PROLIFERATION AND ADVENTITIOUS BUD DIFFERENTIATION OF POPULUS EUPHRATICA A New Early Maturing Grape Cultivar‘Fengzao’ Cloning,Constructing the Over-expression Vector and Expression Analysis of CPMAX2 in Transgenic Citrange with rolABC Genes Cloning,Constructing the Over-expression Vector and Expression Analysis of CPMAX2 in Transgenic Citrange with rolABC Genes The Analysis of Digital Gene Expression About Kernel Apricot Flower Buds at Three Development Stages Optimized Method for Detecting the Cold Hardiness of Grape Dormant Bud by Low Temperature Exotherms(LTE)Analysis and Its Utilization Direct Budding from Explants in Young Panicle Culture of Some Monocotyls Isolation and Characterization of Copia-like Retrotransposons from 12 Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) Cultivars Application of orthogonal design in tissue culture of Dioscorea opposite Studies on industrialization cultivation of Dendrobium candidum Chemical constituents of Buddlejae officinalis and their bioactivities Relationship between Mineral Nutritions, Hormone Content and Flower Bud Differentiation of Juglans sigillata Tissue culture of medicinal plant Swertia mileensis Condition for induction and differentiation of callus andpropagation of adventitious buds in Bupleurum chinese Lateral Bud Germination Characteristics of Bamboo Rhizomes of Indocalamus decorus Q.H.Dai Pot Seedlings The Study on the Radiant Energy Budget of Alpine Meadow Vegetation in the Sunny Days During the Plant Growing Season Tissue culture and rapid propagation of dwarf late pomelo Tissue culture and plant regeneration in Begonia fimbristipula Chemical constituents with antioxidative activity from the flower buds of Lonicera serreana Chemical constitutents from pre-formulation of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos in Shuanghuanglian lyophilized powder for injection Studies on the Planting Technology of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz An Observation on Differentiation of Magnolia denudata Dess Flower Buds Establishing and validation individual-based carbon budget model FORCCHN of forest ecosystems in China Influence of water turbidity on germination of Potamogeton crispus and growth of germinated seedling Effect of nitrogen application time on dynamics of nitrate content and apparent nitrogen budget in the soil of summer maize fields Absorption and apparent budget of nitrogen by direct-seeding rice cultivated in aerobic soil with or without mulching Time budget of young Amur tiger in captivity Studies on fingerprinting of Flos Buddleja by RP-HPLC Studies on chemical constituents of aqueous extract of Lonicera japonica flower buds Tissue culture and plant regeneration from Torenia biniflora Cryopreservation of Jiangxi Yanshan red bud taro (Colocasia esculenta var. cormosus cv. Hongyayu)embryogenic callus by vitrification and its plantlet regeneration Effects of several regulation measures on change of endogenous hormones in terminal bud at flowering stage and the flower-formation and fruit-setting of Longan GENETIC VARIATION AND FAMILY SELECTION ON COLD HARDINESS OF CHINESE FIR SEEDLINGS Effects of Mineral Nutrition on Formation of Wizened Bud in ‘Yuluxiangli’ Pear An Efficient Axillary Bud Multiplication System of Acacia mangium × A. auriculiformis Spring Bud Number and Dynamic of the Planted Pharmaceutical Raw Material Forest of Taxus yunnanensis Establishment of rapid propagation system of Blumea aromatica Fragment Propagation and Colonization Ability Enhanced and Varied at Node Level after Escaping from Apical Dominance in Submerged Macrophytes STUDIES ON FORMATION OF FLOWER BUD AND FLOWERING IN VITRO IN PHYSALIS PERUVIAM L. Behaviors time budget and daily rhythm of great bustard in breeding season Effect of different fertilization system on soil nutrient budget Soil solution chemistry and element budget in the forest ecosystem in Guangzhou A comparison in spring and winter habitat selection of Takin,Swtow and Groal in Tangjiahe,Sichuan Comparative Analysis on the Metabolic Compositions of Flower Bud and Rachis of Tussilago farfara Based on GC-MS Fingerprinting Approach

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