Effects of Plucking Hearts in Bud Stage on the Hormones in the Process of Tuber Formation in Solanum tuberosum L. Changes of Hormones,Polyamines and NO Content During Regeneration of Adventitious Buds from in Vitro Leaves of Red Fuji Apple The Establishment and Optimization of Leaves Regeneration System of Pigment Marigold he Establishment of the Adventitious Bud Regeneration System of Thymus mandschuricus he Establishment of the Adventitious Bud Regeneration System of Thymus mandschuricus Tissue culture system of Cynanchum otophylum in genetic transformation Rapid propagation and breeding seedling techneque for Dendrobium chrysanthum In vitro Culture and Regeneration System of Non-heading Chinese Cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp. chinensis Makino) In vitro Culture of Top Buds of Osmanthus fragrans Content comparison of buddleoside and pectolinarin in Cirsium japonicum, C.leo and C.leducei A New Chinese Jujube Cultivar ‘Cangdong 1’with Bud Mutation of Short Branch A New Chinese Jujube Cultivar ‘Cangdong 1’with Bud Mutation of Short Branch cDNA Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cyclin-dependent Kinase (CsCDK)Gene in Tea Plant Studies on Flower Bud Differentiation and Leaflike Proliferate-flower Bud of Osmanthus fragrans‘Tianxiang Taige’ Effects of Cutting Back,Branch-bending and Bud-notching Treatments on Endogenous Hormones in the Buds of Fuji Apple The Apical Bud Cell Ultra-structure Changes of Lilium pumilum Bulbs During Breaking Dormancy Under Refrigerated Condition Characteristics of Two Dormancy-associated MADS-box Genes in Pear and Their Expression Analysis During the Dormancy Effects of Different Plumpness Buds on the Distribution and Utilization of
13C and 15N in Gala(Malus × domestica/Malus micromalus Makino)
A New Early Maturing Grape Cultivar‘Fengzao’ Protocol for the Micropropagation of Tree Peony (Paeonia × lemoinei ‘High Noon’) Effects of Endogenous Hormone,Carbon and Nitrogen Nutrition on Development of Wizened Bud in‘Yulu Xiangli’Pear Comparison of Cytology, Apical Buds and Gutta Content Between Staminate and Pistillate of Eucommia ulmoides Trees A Preliminary Study on Direct Regeneration of Flower Buds from Peduncle Calli in Dracaena fragrans cv. massangeana Natural inducing factors of grape bud dormancy and their regulation on respiratory metabolism during dormancy induction. Regional differences of inputs of organic matter and chemical fertilizer in South Central China. Net anthropogenic nitrogen input to Huaihe River Basin, China during 1990-2010. Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus budgets of bottomcultured clam Ruditapes philippinarum. Bud population dynamics of Phragmites australis in heterogeneous habitats of Northeast grassland, China. Relationships between H2O2 metabolism and Ca2+ transport in dormancybreaking process of nectarine floral buds. Evaluation of root and bud cold hardiness of wine grape varieties based on temperatureinjury relation. Nitrogen budget modelling at the headwaters of Urumqi River Based on the atmospheric deposition and runoff Relationship between accumulated NO3-N in soil profiles and apparent nitrogen budget in winter wheat fields under nitrogen fertilization Bourgeon and Main Stem Extension of Terminal Buds of Paulownia elongata Seedlings Tissue Culture Technique of Taxus media ‘Hecksii’ Hormonal Regulation Mechanism of Flowering of Phyllostachys violascens under Mulching Cultivation Study on the Reproductive Technique for Qinzhong No.1~4 of Eucommia ulmoides Sequencing of cDNA Clones and Analysis of the Expressed Sequenced Tags(ESTs)Properties of Male Floral Buds of Populus deltoides The Structure of Mimengoside C Tissue culture of Swertia bimaculata Researched on morphological differentiation of flower bud in early stage of red flesh navel orange Adventitious buds formation from immature or near mature embryo cultures of Ginkgo biloba Developmental Morphology and Anatomy of Direct Shoot Organogenesis from Melon Cotyledon Construction and Identification of a cDNA Library for the Flower buds of Epimedium brevicornu Maxim A Preliminary Study on Population,Seed Germination Characters and Adaptability of Buddleja davidii Franch. Establishment of rapid propagation system of Blumea aromatica Optimization of tissue culture conditions for Pfaffia paniculata Study on lateral buds induction and culture of Huperzia serrata Screening of reference genes in Lonicera macranthoides and spatio-temporal expression analysis of LmAGL15 in Mads-box family Bud demography of Quercus liaotungensis:the fates of buds Comparison of floral properties and breeding system in dimorphic Buddleja delavayi (Scrophulariaceae) Dynamic Forest Biomass Carbon Pools in China and Their Significance The Exogenous Hormornal Control of the Development of Regenerated Flower Buds in Hyacinthus orientalis COMPENSATORY GROWTH RESPONSES OF TWO PLANTS WITH DIFFERENT GROWTH FORMS AFTER CLIPPING THE USE OF FLOWER BUD MEASUREMENTS FOR FORECASTING FLORESCENCE IN PRUNUS SARGENTII The Characteristics of Budget of Radiation and Energy as Well Microclimate of Dunhuang Oasis on a Typical Clear Day In Summer Investigation of bud burst, shoot growth and leaf expansion in Populus euphratica of different ages Variation of the carbon budget and comparison between static chamber method and eddy covariance method in the Reaumuria soongorica -Salsola passerina community in the Tennger Desert Dynamics of module structures on Arundinella hirta populations in Songnen Plains of China Short-term response of farmland carbon emission to straw return, two-year plastic film mulching and intercropping Simulating the responses of forest net primary productivity and carbon budget to climate change in Northeast China Establishment of Culture System of Rabdosia rubescens(Hemsl.)Hara and Content of the Main Secondary Metabolites in Its Regenerated Plantlets Effects of Photoperiod on Floral Buds Differentiation and Polyamine Contents in Buds and Leaves of Chrysanthemum Germination of Axillary Buds from Stem Segments and Proliferation of Multiple Shoots of Cyclocarya paliurus Selection of Proper Hormone Combinations for Direct in vitro Plant Regeneration from Bud Tips and Their in vitro Preservation for Fraxinus mandshurica Biological Characteristics of Variegated Bud Sports of Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum Cloning and Expression Analysis of GmMYB Induced by Abiotic Stresses Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on the Growth of Rice Tiller Bud and the Changes of Endogenous Hormones The Effect of Polyamines on the Floral Bud Construction of in vitro Cotyledons in Cucumis sativus ( Cucurbitaceae) Differences in Heat Requirements of Flower and Leaf Buds Make  Hysteranthous Trees Bloom before Leaf Unfolding Chemical constituents in Buddleja albiflora Inhibitory effect of buddlejasaponin Ⅳ on hepatocarcinoma 22(H22)in mice Morphological observation on floral bud differentiation of Lilium formolongi under night-break condition Effect of Nitrogen and 6-BA on Development of Tillering Bud and Its Physiological Mechanism Development of Gossypium barbadense Chromosome 18 Segment Substitution Lines in the Genetic Standard Line TM-1 of Gossypium hirsutum and Mapping of QTLs Related to Agronomic Traits

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