Studies on Morphological Diferentiation of Floral Buds in Chinese Cabbage Studies on Morphological Diferentiation of Floral Buds in Chinese Cabbage A Study on Morphological Differentiation of Flower Bud of Osmanthus fragrans‘Houban Jingui’ Studies on the Floral Buds Differentiation in Spring Rapes (Brassica campestris L.) A STUDY ON THE GENUS BUDDLEJA L. OF CHINA Accumulation of flavonoids and coumarins during adventitious bud growth in Stellera chamaejasme Studies on Chemical Constituents from Buddleja lindleyana Fert. Tissue culture and clonal propagation of Gastrodia elata Studies on germination of dormant bud and seed of Elaeagnus mollis under tisssue culturing n vitro Propagation of Common Yam (Dioscorea opposita) Study on Wsing Gamma Irradiation Combined with in Vitro Culture to Select Mutant in Sweet Potato Studies on the Sensitive Stage to Environment during Differentiation and Development of Tiller Buds in Rice Plant Studies on Somatic Embryo and Adventitious Bud Differentiation Rate among Different Tissues of Camellia sinensis L. The Effct of Gamma Irradiation on Shoot Regeneration from Leaf and BudGrowth of Pear and Apple in Vitro The Effect of Temperature and Bud Stage Treatment on ParthenocarpicGene Expression of Eggplant A New Apple Cultivar ‘Wangshanhong’ The Induction of Multiple Buds and Soma tic Embryogenesis of Musa AAB Silk ‘Guoshanxiang’ THE OPTIMIZATION FOR HIGH-FREQUENCY PROLIFERATION OF ADVENTITIOUS BUDS OF Emmenopterys henryi Oliv. TISSUE CULTURE OF AXILLARY BUDS OF PEONY VARIATY WEIZI EFFECT OF 5-AZACYTOSINE ON FLOWERING AND DNA METHYLATION LEVEL OF STEM APICES IN RADISH (Raphanus sativus L.) VARIATIONS OF ADVENTITIOUS BUD PLANTS INITIATED FROM CUTTING SCALES OF IRRADIATED LILY Hormonal Control of Sex Differentiation of Potentially Female Floral Buds of Lagenaria siceraria var. hispida In Vitro Studies on Formation of Flower Bud and Prerequisite of Flowering in Vitro in Gentiana manshurica Kitag Regulation effects of short sunlight on two electron transport pathways in nectarine flower bud during dormancy induction. Relationships between reactive oxygen metabolism and endodormancy release of peach bud under short-term heating. Chilling and Heat Requirements of Main Cultivars of Ping‘ou Hybrid Hazelnuts (Corylus heterophylla×Corylus avellana) Behavior rhythm and seasonal variation of time budget of sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) in captivity Numerical Taxonomy of Leaf Color Phenotypes for Tea (Camellia sinesis) Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of α-tublin Gene in Longan Floral Reversion Buds Analysis of Differential Proteins during Development Stages of Flower Bud and Leaf Bud in Longan Identification and biological characteristic of blueberry Diaporthe bud blight pathogen The Sequencing Analysis of Transcriptome of Vernicia fordii Flower Buds at Two Development Stages Progress in the Death Mechanism Research of Paulownia spp. Terminal Buds Dynamic Changes of Endogenous Hormones in Terminal Buds from Different Crown Position of One-Year-Old Paulownia The Requirements of Chilling for Bud Dormancy and Caloric for Blooming for 12 Peach Varieties The Seasonal Variations of Radiation Budget and of CommunityBiomass in the Haibei Alpine Meadows Experimental Studies on Daily Energy Budget for Four Species Rodents Effect of Different Treatment of Alnus cremastogyne Clones Expression Profile of PtLFY in Floral Bud Development Associated with Floral Bud Morphological Differentiation in Populus tomentosa Effect of the Status of Adventitious Buds In Vitro Cultured from Mature Embryo of Pinus tabulaeformis on Its Rooting Drought Resistance Identification of Mungbean Germplasm Resources at Bud Stage Quantitative analysis of quercetin in bud of Sophora japonica by RP-HPLC Morphological and Endogenous Hormones Characteristics of Flower Bud of Siraitia grosvenorii during Its Differentiation Research on Tissue Culture for Rapid Propagation and in vitro Bulbils Regeneration System of Dioscorea opposita Thunb Photosynthetic and Physiological Responses of Red Bud Taro Transplantating Seedlings under Salt Stress Research progresses in carbon budget and carbon cycle of the coastal salt marshes in China Cryopreservation of Jiangxi Yanshan Red Bud Taro (Colocasia esculenta var. cormosus cv. Hongyayu) Embryogenic Calli by Encapsulationdehydration Cryopreservation of in vitroGrown Shoot Tips of Red Bud Taro by Encapsulation-Vitrification Cytological Observation of Bud Formation on the Leaf Surface of Test Tube Seedlings of Ramie A New Apple Cultivar‘Hongguang 3’ The Establishment of the Efficient Regeneration System of the Tender Stems of Aconitum sungpanense A New Red Fleshed Pomelo Cultivar‘Zheyou 1’ The Critical Period Affecting Fruit Setting of Sweet Cherry in Nanjing Effects of Endogenous Hormone,Carbon and Nitrogen Nutrition on Development of Wizened Bud in‘Yulu Xiangli’Pear Concentration of biyankang extracts using multi-stagemembranes separation Construction of the High-efficiency in Vitro Regeneration System for Two Cucumis melo Cultivars Tissue Culture Technique for Rapid Propagation of Lippia triphylla Effects of vernalization temperature on flower bud differentiation and bolting of Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L.ssp.pekinensis) Studies on flower bud differentiation and changes of endogenous hormones of Gossypium hirsutum CO2 flux characteristics and their influence on the carbon budget of a larch plantation in Maoershan region of Northeast China Module structure of Leymus chinensis clones under cultivated condition in Songnen Plains of China Fate of Larix chinensis apex buds and its influence on branching pattern Effects of drought stress at the bud stage on quality of cut lily. The Spatio-temporal Variations of Soil NO_3~--N and Apparent Budget of Soil Nitrogen Ⅱ. Summer Maize Adaptive analysis of apical buds and branching pattern in a woody plant Larix chinensis Inter-annual and seasonal variations of energy and water vapour fluxes above a tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna, SW China Accumulation characteristics of biomass and nitrogen and critical nitrogen concentration dilution model of cotton reproductive organ Studies on flower bud differentiation in ‘‘‘‘Kyoho‘‘‘‘ grapevine Studies on endogenous hormone changes in the stem terminal of Gossypium hirsutum during flower bud differentiation In vitro formation of adventitious buds from embryos of pinus ponderosa Study on the cold hardiness physiology of winter buds of Brasenia schreberi Gmel. A New Red Fleshed Pomelo Cultivar‘Zheyou 1’ The Critical Period Affecting Fruit Setting of Sweet Cherry in Nanjing The Analysis of Digital Gene Expression About Kernel Apricot Flower Buds at Three Development Stages A New Plum Cultivar‘Lingxili’ A New Plum Cultivar‘Lingxili’ A New Citrus Cultivar‘Yuefeng Zaoju’ A New Citrus Cultivar‘Yuefeng Zaoju’ Using Differential Thermal Analysis to Analyze Grape Buds Cold Hardiness of 8 Rootstocks and 6 Cultivars A New Navel Orange Cultivar‘Longhuihong’

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