Study on the Volatile Components in Flowers of 12 Camellia Species cDNA Cloning,Sequence Analysis and Physiological Role Speculation of A Dehydrin-like Protein from Camellia oleifera Population Structure and Dynamic Analysis of the Rare and Endangered Plant Camellia longistyla Study on the Anatomical Structures in Development of the Nurse Seed Grafted Union of Camellia oleifera Analysis and Evaluation of the Nutritional Components of Fleshy Fruit and Fleshy Leaf in Camellia oleifera Abel. Pollen Morphology,Storage Condition and Physiologically Dynamic Change during Storage of Camellia magniflora Resistance of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides to Benzimidazole Fungicide Carbendazim in Camellia oleifera Nurseries Preliminary Study on Physiological and Biochemical Indices Related to Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Tea Plant [Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze] Comparison and Cluster Analysis of Photosynthetic Characters and Water Use Efficiency in Tea (Camellia sinensis) Cultivars Correlation Between Spatiotemporal Profiles of Volatile Terpenoids and Relevant Terpenoid Synthase Gene Expression in Camellia sinensis Overexpression and Silence Expression of CrGA20ox1 from Camellia reticulata‘Hentiangao’and Its Effect on Plant Forms in Transgenic Tobacco Camellia pitardii var. longistaminata J. L. Liu & Q. Luo, a new variety of the Theaceae from China Cloning and sequence analysis of HMG-CoA reductase full-length cDNA from tea(Camellia sinensis) Genetic diversity analysis of Camellia oleifera in Guangxi using SSR markers Comparison of total flavonoids content in 14 species of Camellia sect.Chrysantha Observation on the plant and pollen morphological characteristics of four sect.Camellia populations and discussion on its classification from the middle reach of Jinsha River Camellia maoniushanensis, Rare and Endangered Plant,a new species of the Camellia(Theaceae)from China Molecular Characterization and Expression Analysis of Squalene Synthetase Gene (CoSQS) from Camellia oleifera The aroma components from the flowers of Camellia renshanxiangiae by HS-SPME Cloning and Expression Analysis of Full Length cDNA of Actin Gene from Camellia lipoensis Research on Branching and Photosynthetic Utilization of Oil-tea Camellia with Different Tree Shapes Effects of Bacterial Fertilizer on Growth of Young Oil-tea Camellia Analysis and Evaluation on Variation Characteristics of Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition of Camellia meiocarpa Populations Preliminary Report of Biological Characteristics of Dasychira dudgeoni Characteristics of Pollen Germination in Vitro of Camellia oleifera Population Structure and Distribution Pattern of Dominant Optimization of SRAP-PCR System for Camellia oleifera Analysis of Nutritional Components and Poisonous Elements in Flowers of Four Camellia Species Study on Root Growth Dynamic Characteristics of Grafted Seedlings of Different Camellia oleifera Cultivars Study on Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Camellia oleifera to Low Phosphorus Stress Aqueous Enzymatic Extraction of Oil-tea Camellia (Camellia oleifera) Seed Oil In tra-sp ecific G enetic R ela tionsh ip am ong 20 Cu ltiva rs fromCamellia japon ica Ba sed on ISSR M olecu lar M arkers Studies on the Effects of Fertiliza tion on Growthand Fruiting of O il2tea Camellia Identification of Oil Tea( Camellia ole ife ra ) Super iorClones by ISSRMolecularMarker Effect of Storage on Qua lity of Oil in Camellia oleifera Cake NEW TAXA OF CAMELLIA FROM YUNNAN Reference Genes for Real-time Fluorescence Quantitative PCR in Camellia sinensis A new species of the genus Camellia from Guangdong, China 9Effect of water, nutrient and brassinolides on number of blossom, leaf nutrition and seed oil content of Camellia oleifera Effects of different fertilization on soil nitrogen and microbial community and function in Camellia oleifera forest Preliminary Studies of Aromatic Constituents among Three Species ( Variation) of Camellia Preliminary Studies of Aromatic Constituents among Three Species ( Variation) of Camellia A New Green Tea Plant Cultivar‘Zhongcha 302’ Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Ten Insular Populations of Camellia japonica Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Ten Insular Populations of Camellia japonica Analysis of Codon Bias of the Cold Regulated Transcription Factor ICE1 in Tea Plant cDNA Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cyclin-dependent Kinase (CsCDK)Gene in Tea Plant Study on Micromorphology of Pollen Exine Surface in Camellia A Report on Karyotypes of Nine Species and Two Varieties of the Genus Camellia A Cytogeographical Study of Camellia,Sect.Camellia Evaluation of Camellia ptilophylla Germplasm Resource in Hunan Province A KARYOMORPHOLOGICAL STUDY OF SEVENTEEN SPECIES OF CHINESE CAMELLIA Phylogenetic Relationships Among Eleven Yellow-Flowered Camellia Species Based on Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA The Discovery of Tetraploid Camellia reticulata and Its Implication in Studies on the Origin of This Species Changs laws of nutrient elements, veins density, physiological index in Camellia oleifera leaves with different tree ages and their correlation with yield Extraction of tea saponin from Camellia cake Karyological Study on the Endangered Species Camellia azalea (Theaceae) HPLC Analysis of Theanine and Gallic Acid in
the Species of Camellia sect. Thea
Overexpression and Silence Expression of CrGA20ox1 from Camellia reticulata‘Hentiangao’and Its Effect on Plant Forms in Transgenic Tobacco THE TEST FOR COMPARING CAMELLIA OLEIFERA CLONES PLANTING THE NURSE SEED GRAFTINGS Cloning and Expression Analysis of Gibberelin 20 Oxidase Gene from Camellia lipoensis Chang et Xu Amplification and Sequence Characterization of ITS in Camellia Analysis on the Aroma Components of Different Floral Organs of Aromatic Camellia ‘Kramer’s supreme’ Based on HS-SPME/GC-MS Investigationand Cluster Analysis of Main Morphological and Economical Characters for Oiltea Resource in Hainan Characteristic of distribution and chemical forms of Pb in tea plant varieties. Discrimination of Camellia Oils by Near Infrared Spectroscopy and CARS-PLS-LDA Isolation and Transcription Activation Analysis of the CsCBF1 Gene from Camellia sinensis STUDY ON ECOPHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CAMELLIA SINENSIS GROWN IN INTERCROPPING TEA PLANTATIONS CULTURAL DISTRIBUTION AND SITE CLASSIFICATION FOR CAMELLIA OLEIFERA Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Camellia oleifera Germplasms Cloning and Expression Analysis of Gibberellin Receptor Gene CsGID1a in Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis) Molecular Cloning and Expression of a bZIP Transcription Factor Gene CsbZIP1 in Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis) Morphology and physiological characteristics of flower development in Camellia changii Ye, an endangered and rare plant
Effect of Inorganic Nitrogen Forms on Growth and Kinetics of Ammonium and Nitrate Uptake in Camellia sinensis L.
Cloning and Expression of Three Genes Involved in the Biosynthesis of Chlorophyll in Different Albescent Stages of “Baiye 1” Cloning and Expression Analysis of Auxin Efflux Carrier Gene CsPIN3 in Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis) Establishment of a DNA Extraction Method Suitable for RAPD Analysis of Trace Arnounts of Camellia japonica L. Study on Camellia japonica Poperties of Vegetation Pattern Changes in photosynthetic parameters and antioxidant enzymatic activity of four tea varieties during a cold wave Camellia changii, a legitimate and correct name with priority