Development of Sporoderm and Their Taxonomic Significance in the Fern Pteris vittata L.(Pteridaceae) A New Cabbage Cultivar‘Yugan 1’ STUDIES ON MICROSPOROGENESIS AND FORMATION OF POLLEN IN CHIMONANTHUS PRAECOX LINK STUDIES ON THE LIFE CYCLE AND ULTRASTRUCTURE CHARACTERISTICS OF PLANKTONEMA Study on the Development of Ovule and Female Gametophyte in Alpinia henryi Embryogenesis of Isolated-microspore in Cabbage(Brassica oleracea var.capitata) Influence of Exogenous Auxin on Microspore Embryogenesis in Tobacco Cytological Observation of Anther Development of Photoperiod/Thermo- sensitive Male Sterile Line Huiyou50S in Brassica napus Isolation and Structural Determination of a Glucan from the Spores of Ganoderma lucidum Micronucleus Formation in Microspores of Ginkgo biloba and Its Significance in Evolution Embryological Study on Mosla chinensis (Lamiaceae) Pollen Wall Development in Gossypium hirsutum L. Genetic Analysis of Male Gamete Abortion in Pinellia ternata Ultra-structural Observations on the Microsporogenesis in D-type CMS Line of Wheat and Its Maintainer-line A New Chinese Cabbage Hybrid—‘Yuxin 1’ Plantlet Regeneration by Isolated Microspore Culture of Somatic Hybrid ofEggplant Studies on Spore Propagation of Pteris cretica ‘Albo-lineata’ Isolated-m icrospore Culture and Plantlet Regeneration in Cabbage ( Brassicaoleracea L. var. capitata L. ) Establishment and Application of the System for Isolated Microspore Culturein Kale ( Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC. ) Research Progress in Androgenesis and Haploid Breeding of Gramineous Forage and Turfgrass Plants Optimization of spore formation conditions for antagonistic strain 6-59 of Bacillus megaterium against Ceratosphaeria phyllostachydis Antifungal activity of two quaternary ammonium cationic surfactants against Botrytis cinerea Obtaining and Genetic Stability of Chinese Cabbage – Cabbage Translocation Lines with Fragment of Cabbage Chromosome 2 Effect of Different Pre-treated Temperatures on the Microspore Embryogenesis in Broccoli Effect of Different Pre-treated Temperatures on the Microspore Embryogenesis in Broccoli Effect of Three Growth Regulators on Spore Germination,Protonema Development and Bud Differentiation in Entodon challengeri Studies on the Spore Morphology of Polypodiodes Ching (Polypodiaceae) from Southwest,China Observation on the Gametophyte Development of Dryopteris subtriangularis Isolated Microspore Culture and Plant Regeneration in Purple Flowering Stalk (Brassica compestris ssp. chinensis var. pupurea Hort.) THE CYTOLOGICAL OBSERVATION OF MICROSPORE EMBRYOGENESIS IN BRASSICA NAPUS A STUDY OF THE AIRBORNE AND ALLERGENIC SPORES AND POLLEN GRAINS IN KUNMING STUDY ON THE SPORE MORPHOLOGY OF CHINESE SECT. METAPOLYSTICHUM Study on spore and leaf epidermis morphology of Pteris (Pteridaceae) from China Morphological studies on the spores and peristomal teeth of eight moss species in Brachytheciaceae In vivo treatment for Friend marine leukemia virus with ganoderma spore oil
A New Ornamental Cabbage Hybrid‘Beijing Peony Red 2’
Effect of oil in Ganoderma lucidum spores on retina photoreceptor damage of rats induced by N-methyl-N-nitrosoure Cytological Observation of Partial Sterility of Nucleic Male Sterile Line ms86-1 in Sesame (Sesamum indicum) Early Cretaceous Sporo-Pollen Assemblage from Lingxiang Group in Southeastern Hubei Longevity of sphagnum spores in the hollow habitats of Hani Peatland, Changbai Mountains Field Response to Low Nitrogen of Barley DH Lines from Microspores Mutagenesis and Culture under Nitrogen Stress A STUDY ON THE SPORE MORPHOLOGY OF MONOMELANGIUM PULLINGERI STUDIES ON THE SPORE MORPHOLOGY OF LYCOPOD FROM NORTHEASTERN CHINA Establishment of a duplex TaqMan Real-time PCR method for quantifying Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici and Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici Morphology of uredospores and infecting structure of Melampsora pruinosae in Populus euphratica and P. pruinosa Method of the perithecium producing and ascospore germination of Diaporthe phaseolorum Study on in vitro Propagation of Endangered Plant Phyllitis japonia Study on in vitro Propagation of Endangered Plant Phyllitis japonia Androgenesis and Embryogenesis in Isolated Microspore Culture of Capsicum annuum L. Establishment and Application of the System for Isolated Microspore Culturein Kale ( Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala DC. ) A comparative study on diaspore weight and shape of 78 species in the Horqin Steppe Study on collector for spores of Ganoderma spp. An Experimental Study on Effects of Lingzhi Spore on the Immune Function and 60Co Radioresistance in Mice A Preliminary Study on Alternation of Generations of Cordyceps sinensis (Berkey)Sacc. Studies on Difference between Sporoderm broken and Nonbroken Spores of Ganoderma lucidum (Leyss. ex Fr.) Karst. by Polysaccharide Analysis A Study on Gametophytes development of Arthromeris lungtauensis A Direct Experimental Proof for Long-term Persistent Spore Bank in Hani Peatland of the Changbai Mountains Effects of Pb2+ on Spore Germination and Gametophyte Development of Three Species of Fern RELATIONSHIP OF NACL TOLERANCE BETWEEN HAPLOID
Fertility and Cytomorphology of Anthers in New Cytoplasmic Male-Sterile Lines of Chinese Cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp.pekinensis) Study on Isolated Microspore Culture and Embryo Developmental Pathway in Autotetraploid Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var.italica) Isolated Microspore Culture and Plant Regeneration in Cabbage EFFECT OF ELECTRON BEAM IRRADIATION ON
Systematic classification and community research techniques of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: A review. Detection of Paenibacillus polymyxa spores by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and its application in organic compost fermentation Effects of some common pesticides on the growth and the production of spores of Pandora nouryi Humber The relationship between infection type and spore yield of wheat powdery mildew STUDIES ON THE SPLASH DISPERSAL OF PHYTOPHTHORA CACTORUM OF AMERICAN GINSENG FACTORS INFLUENCING GERMINATION OF CHLAMYDOSPORES OF RICE KERNEL SMUT PREVENTING THE OCCURRENCE OF RAPESEED STEM ROT BY CONTROLLING THE APOTHECIA ON THE FIELD RIDGES THE CAPACITY OF GERMINATION AND INFECTION OF OVERWINTERED CHLAMYDOSPORES OF USTILAGINOIDEA VIRENS (COOKE) TAK. Effect of the Auxin and Ctytokin on the Frequency of Embryogenesis in Kale Effect of the Auxin and Ctytokin on the Frequency of Embryogenesis in Kale A Study on Obtaining Primary Trisomics by the Isolated Microspore Cultureof Autotetraploid Chinese Cabbage A Study on Obtaining Primary Trisomics by the Isolated Microspore Cultureof Autotetraploid Chinese Cabbage Spore morphology of Dryoathyrium Ching from China Microspore Culture of Hybrids Between Brassica napus and B. campestris New Materials of the Early Cretaceous Monolete Spore Ferns and Their Taxonomic Study Observations on Spore Morphology of the Chinese Liverworts Inhibition of Ageratina adenophora on Spore Germination and Gametophyte Development of Macrothelypteris torresiana