Spatial pattern of seedling regeneration of Ulmus pumila woodland in the Otindag Sandland
Functional Identification of Wood-property Candidate Gene PdCYTOB in Populus deltoides
A Preliminary Study on the Wood Anatomy of Manglietia aromatica Dandy [
Research Progress on the Degradation Mechanism of Wood-rot Fungi with Spectral Analysis Methods
Seasonal dynamic and influencing factors of coarse woody debris respiration in mid-subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest
Forest carbon sequestration and carbon sink/source in Jiangxi Province
Seed dispersal and seedling recruitment of Ulmus pumila woodland in the Keerqin Sandy Land, China
Influence of MYB Genes on Secondary Vascular System Developement of Arabidopsis thaliana
Rooting Response of Catalpa bungei Softwood Cutting to Different Hormone Treatments and Medium Mixture
Effect of Stem Bending Angle on Formative Tissue During Wood Formation of Pinus koraiensis
Genetic Variation in Growth, Wood Density and Bark Thickness of\n Eucalyptus dunnii
Study on the Biological Characteristics of Stain Fungi and Mould\n Fungi on Bamboo Wood
Screening of Wood-rotting Fungi to Treat Stumps of Dead Pine Trees Caused by PWN(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)
Wood-decay ing Fungion Timber orWooden Constructions in Ch ina( Ⅱ)
Study on Physica l andMechan ica l Properties of Phoebe bou rneiWoodfrom Planta tion and Na tura l Forest
Water Consumption ofEucalyptus urophy lla P lantations on the Leizhou Peninsula
Selecting on the Optimum Operation Model of Transportation in Artificial Forest Area
Identifying the Patterns of Defects in Timber Using Ultrasonic Test Based on Wavelet Neural Networks
Estimation of Longitudinal Tensile Strength of Tracheids with Zero-Span Tension Technique
The Theory Computational and Beneficial Analysis on Wood Cutting Power
Anti-Mold Effects of CMC Wood Preservatives on Bamboo Wood
Wood Defect Edge Detection Based on Watershed Algorithm
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) of FRW Fire-Retardant Plywood
Effects of EPDM-MA on the Properties of Wood Flour/Polypropylene Composites
Strength Analysis of Rectangle-Section Symmetrical Curve Woods in Bending and Milling Shape Process
Quantitative Measurement of Surface Roughness of Wood by Laser Displacement Sensor
Absorption of Liquids in Capillary and Non-Capillary of Wood and the Effects of Liquid Properties
Structural Change of Wood Molecules and Chemorheological Behavior During Chemical Treatment
The Burning Behaviour of Plantation Wood Treated with Ammonium Phosphate
Separated Frequency Features Extraction and Analysis of Wood Texture Based on Wavelet
Effect of Pretreatment with Freezhing on Carbonization of Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) Sapwood
Study on Wood Thermal Conductivity in Transverse Direction by Analogism
Study on the Properties of Plantation Timber
GIS-Based Decision System of Wood Landing Location
Study on Scaling-Up Method for Stand Water Consumption of Quercus variabilis Water Conservation Forest
Study on the Strategic Value of Materials Base ——an Option Model Applied
Study on Wood Thermomechanical Pulp Reinforced Nylon Composite
Spatial difference and regularity of seed dispersal of Ulmus macrocarpa in Horqin Sandy Land, China
A New Species of Araucarioxylon Kraus from the Early Early Permian, Nei Mongol, China
Effect of Light on Scavenging Capacity for Organic Free Radical in Leaves of Four Woody Plants
Coarse Woody Debris in Monsoon Evergreen Broad-leaved Forests of Dinghushan Nature Reserve
Canonical Correspondence Analysis on Relationship of Woody Plants With Their Environments on the Northern Slope of Changbai Mountain
Effect of climate resource on the grass resuming in east of Qilian Mountains
Study on appraisal methods system of woodland
Study on external effect of woodland and its appraisement and compensation-A case study from Zhejiang Province Wenzhou Chashan forest park
Frost-resistance of subtropical evergreen woody plants: An evaluation based on plant functional traits.
Transfer characteristics of cadmium from soil to Salix × aureo-pendula
Responses of elm (Ulmus pumila) woodland to different disturbances in northeastern China
Effect of wood vinegar on soil properties and plant growth
Effects of regulating of C/N ratio and adding different concentrations of microbe fungus and wood vinegar on composting of landscaping waste
Advances of Drought Tolerant Mechanism in Woody Plant
Study on Anatomical Property of Xylem Cells of the Eight Woody Xerophytes Grown in China
Integrative Evaluation of Populus×euramericana cl.‘Bofeng 1’and Populus×euramericana cl.‘Bofeng 2’
Heat Error Modeling Methods of NC Machine Tool Machining Holes or Slots of Wooden Door Based on the BP Neural Network Algorithms
Effect of Heat on the Surface Properties for Wood/Polyethylene Composites Treated by Silicane Coupling Agent
Mathematical Model and Simulation of Cross Section Curve for Wooden Door Casing
Wood Identification Method Based on Microstructure Images in Cross-Section
A Preliminary Study on Modeling of Earlywood and Latewood Density Distribution during the Fast Growth Period
Prediction of Mature Wood Anatomical Properties of Pinus banksiana Plantation Based on Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on Growth, Heartwood Formation and Oil Composition of Young Santalum album
Wood Identification Based on Feature Fusion of PCA and FisherTrees
Preparation and Characterization of Isocyanate Adhesive Based on Soybean Oil for Wood Bonding
A Comparative in SiO2 Gel Loading Performance of Wood, Bamboo and Their Carbonized Products
Characteristics of VOC Emission from Plywood in Different Environment Factors
Discrimination of Wood Biological Decay by NIR Coupled with Regression Analysis Prediction Method
Empirical Analysis on Determinants and Status of Intra-Industry Trade of Wood-Based Panel in China
Research Progress on Rheological Behavior of Wood-Plastic Composites
Relationship between the Salt Accumulation and the Drought Resistance in Several Woody Plants in Arid Zone
Adsorption of Pb2+ on Wood Flour/Chitosan Graft Acrylic Acid-Acrylamide Adsorption Resins
Storage and Decomposition of Fallen Wood in a Pinus tabulaeformis Secondary Forest at Huoditang Forest Region in the Qinling Mountains
Estimation of Wood Mechanical Properties of Eucalyptus pellita by Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Evaluation of Growth and Heartwood Formation of Young Sandal Plantations in Guangdong Province, South China
Comparison of Quality of Pulping and Paper-Making between Normal Wood and Tension Wood of Poplar Clone 107 (Populus×euramericana ‘Neva’) Tree
Growth and Wood/Bark Properties of Abies faxoniana Seedlings as Affected by Elevated CO2
Conifer Woods of the Pliocene Age from Yunnan, China
Some new floristic findings in Xinjiang, China
Paleocene Wuyun flora in Northeast China: Woodwardia bureiensis, Dryopteris sp. and Osmunda sachalinensis
Characteristics of Wood Structure in Gymnosperms and Their systematic Significance
Contributing factors and control strategies of pine wilt disease
Ecological protection of medicinal woody plants