Evolution of Litterfall Accumulation and the Characteristics of Its Carbon Pool in the Process of Natural Restoration of Karst Forest Vegetation The litter decomposition rate of mixed forest of poplar and black locust Vegetation carbon stocks and net primary productivity of the mangrove forests in Shenzhen, China. Decomposition characteristics and its nutrient dynamics of leaf litter mixtures of both Chinese fir and Phoeba bournei Effects of nitrogen deposition on forest litter decomposition The breakdown of leaf litter in a stream impacted by acid mine drainage Decomposing ability of filamentous fungi on leaf litter in Quercus variabilis forest Effects of species diversity of litter on the ecological functions of Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook. plantation soil The litter of Pinus massoniana ecological public-welfare forest in Zhejiang Province and its relationship with the community characters Woodland hydrological effects of birch forests in sub-alpine region of western Sichuan,China Nutrient dynamics of decomposing leaf litter in natural and monoculture plantation forests of Castanopsis kawakamii in subtropical China A review on trampling by grazed livestock A RESEARCH OF LITTER LEAF IN THE FOREST COMMUNITY OF HEISHIDING IN GUANGDONG NUTRIENT CYCLING IN BAMBOO STANDS Ⅰ. LEAF LITTER AND ITS DECOMPOSITION IN PURE PHYLLOSTACHYS PUBESCENS STANDS NUTRIENT DYNAMICS OF LITTERFALL IN LOWER SUBTROPICAL MONS0ON EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FOREST OF DINGHUSHAN Nutrient dynamics of the litters during standing and sediment surface decay in the Min River estuarine marsh Dynamic of litterfall in ten typical community types of Xiaoxing’an Mountain, China Patterns of Mass loss,Nutrient Accumulation and Release of Leaf Litter in the Moso(Phyllostachys pubescens) Stands The Hydrologic Action of Litter on Main Vegetation in Taihangshan Mountain Impacts of Rubber Plantation Intercropping toLitter,Humus and Soil Property Study on the Characteristics of Different Organic Residue Decomposition of Triploid Populus tomentosa Researches on Litterfall Distributed in Seven Forests at Varied Altitudes, on Ailao Mountain, Yunan Litterfall in the Evergreen Broadleaved Forests Dominated by Cyclobalanopsis glauca in Zhejiang, Se China Litterfall Response to Human Impacts in a Dinghushan Pine Forest Decomposition and nutrient dynamics of marsh litter in the Sanjiang Plain,China Allelopathic effects of tree-leaf litter on the germination and seedling phase of wheat in inter-planted systems of trees (fruits trees) and grain crops Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on lignin and cellulose degradation of foliar litter in natural evergreen broad-leaved forest in Rainy Area of Western China. Dynamics of microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen during foliar litter decomposition under artificial forest gap in Pinus massoniana plantation. Differences in soil organic carbon and total nitrogen and their impact factors under different restoration patterns in the Loess Plateau. Effects of elevated O3 on  leaf litter decomposition and nutrient release of Quercus mongolica in city. C, N, P stoichiometric characteristics of tree, shrub, herb leaves and litter in forest community of Shaanxi Province, China. Relationships between decomposition rate of leaf litter and initial quality across the alpine timberline ecotone in Western Sichuan, China. Decomposition dynamics and nutrient release of litters for four artificial forests in the red soil and hilly region of subtropical China Development in study of wetland litter decomposition and its responses to global change Soil CON efflux of forest ecosystem in China: distribution and controlling factors Litter decomposition processes in the pure birch (Betula platyphlla) forest and the birch and po;lar (Populus davidiana) mixed forest The litterfall of major forests in Guansi River Watershed in Mianyand City, Sichuan Province Total belowground carbon allocation in China’s forests The characteristics of community structure of soil mites from different habitats in Changchun area Litterfall of common plantations in south subtropical China Interaction of UV-B and NaCl on DNA damage of mung bean Effects of Decomposing Leaf Litter of Eucalyptus grandis on Growth and Photosynthetic Traits of Two Forage Grasses and Activities of Several Soil Enzymes Effects of Cinnamomum japonicum Leaf Litter Addition on the Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Impatiens balsamina Effect of Cinnamomum japonicum Leaf Litter Addition on the Physiological Properties of Impatiens balsamina Responses of soil microorganisms to Artemisia annua leaf litter or artemisinin Restoring Effects of Grass Litter on the Soil Polarization of Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis Pure Forests in the Loess Gullied Area Study on Litter Water Interception Capacity of Phyllostachys edulis Plantations with Different Densities Effects of Soil Fauna to Nitrogen and Phosphorus Releases during Litter Decomposition at Different Phenological Stages in the Subtropical Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest in Sichuan Basin Seasonality and Spatial Pattern of Leaf Area Index of a Spruce-Fir Forest at the Valley in Xiaoxing’an Mountains Nutrient Release in Decomposition of Leaf Litter in Neosinocalamus affinis Stands in Response to Simulated Nitrogen Deposition in Rainy Area of Western China Isolation and Identification of Cellulose-Decomposing Microorganisms in Deep-litter System A STUDY ON THE LITTERFALL AND SOIL FERTILITY OF THE DIFFERENT PLANTED FORESTS IN GUANGXI STUDY ON LITTER DECOMPOSITION IN LEYMUS CHINENSIS GRASSLAND——RELATION OF LITTER DECOMPOSITION TO ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT STUDY ON LITTER DECOMPOSITION IN LEYMUS CHINENSIS GRASSLAND——DECOMPOSITION RATE AND LOST RATE OF DOMINANT PLANTS ANALYSIS ON THE LITTER-FALL DYNAMICS OF CHINENSE FIR PLANTATION AND ITS CORRELATION TO CLIMATIC FACTORS IN NORTH GUANGXI ROLE OF TERMITES IN DECOMPOSITION OF SOIL LITTER UNDER THE ARTIFICIAL BROAD LEAF MIXED FOREST IN XIAO LIANG CHARACTERISTICS AND FUNCTION OF DECOMPOSER SUBSYSTEM IN LEYMUS CHINESIS STEPPE Effects of Elevated Nitrogen Deposition on the Activities of Enzymes in Forest Litter Decomposition: a Review Soluble and Spectral Characteristics of DOM in Leaching Solution from Leaves and Litter-fall of Pinus massoniana and Dicranopteris dichotoma Litter Interception Simulation of Pinus tabulaeformis Plantation on Loess Plateau Effects of Glucose Addition on Soil Nitrogen Transformation and Net Mineralization and Nitrification in Chinese Fir Plantation Hydrological Effects of Litters and Soil under Different Forests in Jiulongshan of Beijing Study of Litter Layers’ Water Retention Capacity under Different Forest Communities in the Lashi Lake Catchment, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, China The Comparison and Dynamic Calibration between the LAI Values of a Larix principis-rupprechtii Plantation Determined by Canopy Scanner and Litter-fall Collection Water-Holding Characteristics of Litter Layers of Main Forest Types in the Upstream Small Watershed of Ashi River Evaluation on resource utilization of litters in pig-on-litter farming system Research on the Effect of Litter on the Nutrient Characteristics in Chinese Fir Plantation Influence of Litter Layer on Microenvironment in Northeast Leymus chinensis Grassland The Dynamics and Composition of Litter Fall of Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest on Mt. Jinyun Litter Accumulation and Its Impact Factor of Three Main Forest Communities in Xinglong Mountain, Gansu Province Effect of Cutting on Soil Respiration in Phyllostachy edulis Forest, Mubushan, China Forest Litter and Its Decomposing Processes in Riparian Forests of the Upstream of Wenyu River The Relationship between Physical Characteristics of Litterfall and Soil in Slash Pine Plantation and the Occurring of Hylobitelus xiaoi Zhang Effect of Litterfall Cover on Runoff and Potassium Loss in Pinus caribaea Stands Carbon Dynam ics of L itter Decomposition in Six Forest Standsof Subtropica l China Study on Eco-hydrolog ica l Function of Forest-litter and So il in the SouthSide of L iupan Mounta ins, Ningx ia Hui Autonomous Region, China Effects of Simulated Nitrogen Deposition on Leaf Litter Decomposition in a Plantation of Eucalyptus grandis, in a Rainy Region of West China Characters of Litter-Fall in Damaged Pinus massoniana Forests and Its Responses to Environmental Factors in the Acid Rain Region of Chongqing, China Litter dynamics of Pinus massoniana and Michelia macclurei mixed forest and its effect on soil nutrients Decomposition of Cryptomeria fortunei leaf litter in subtropical and tropical China

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