Soluble organic carbon in plant litters on Loess Plateau: Content and biodegradability. Effects of litters and tannin on forest soil inorganic nitrogen. Short-term effects of understory vegetation removal on nutrient cycling in litter layer of Chinese fir plantation.  Decomposition of different plant litters in Loess Plateau of Northwest China. Effects of litterfall and root input on  soil physical and chemical properties in Pinus massoniana plantations in Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. The accumulation, decomposition and ecological effects of above-ground litter in terrestrial ecosystem Decomposition of above and belowground organ litters of mid-subtropical woody plants Response of leaf litter decomposition of two dominant trees to simulated acid rain in southern China Effects of decomposing leaf litter of Juglans regia on growth and physiological characteristics of Triticum aestivum Study on Function of Litter Water Interception Capacity under Different Bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) Plantations in the North of Fujian Province Litter‘s Reserve and Water-Holding Capacity for Major Secondary Forest Communities in Changbai Mountains Comparative Study on Germination of Bretschneidara sinensis Seeds Treated with Solution Extracted from Forest Litter and Other Methods A Prelim inary Study on L itter Fa lls of Six Kinds ofPlanta tions in the Tropica l South Asia Effects of additional nitrogen on litter decomposition in Stipa baicalensis grassland Impact of different use patterns and degrees of grassland use on vegetation carbon storage in the Aba grassland pastoral area Productivity responses of different functional groups to litter removal in typical grassland of Inner Mongolia Effect of alfalfa flavonoids on reproductive performance of female rats in pregnancy and on gene expression in the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian gonadal axis Effect of alfalfa flavonoids on growth and reproduction performance of female rats Identification of cellulose decomposing fungi strain F1 and decomposition activity to two kinds of lawn grass litter Main species litter decomposition and function of soil fauna in Leymus chinensis grassland Effects of Eucalyptus grandis leaf litter on growth and resistance physiology of Elymus sibiricus in the initial decomposition process of litter in soil Effects of microbial agents on litter decomposition in urban protective greenbelts of arid zone. Dynamics of litterfall and its decomposition and nutrient return of shoot-used Dendrocalamus latiflorus in Mountainous areas of Fujian Province Effects of site condition on litterfall and related nutrient return in Pinus luchuensis plantations Litter decomposition of typical forests along an altitude gradient in Mt. Shennongjia, Hubei, China. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on litterfall production and nutrient dynamics in a Schima superba forest in Zhejiang Province of East China. Effects of environmental factors on litter decomposition in arid and semi-arid regions: A review. Effects of Chinese fir litter on soil organic carbon decomposition and microbial biomass carbon. Variations of soil respiration flux components in a Larix gmelinii plantation during growth season. Biomass and carbon storage of Phragmites australis and Spartina alterniflora in Jiuduan Shoal Wetland of Yangtze Estuary, East China. Effects of topographical condition and sampling number on the interpolation precision of forest litter carbon density. Effects of Eucalyptus grandis leaf litter at its early stage of decomposition on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of Cichorium intybus. Soil nutrient accumulation and its affecting factors during vegetation succession in karst peak-cluster depressions of South China. Estimation of leaf area index of three forest types in Xiaoxing’an Mountains of Northeast China. Litter decomposition and its main affecting factors in tidal marshes of Minjiang Riverestuary, East China. Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle: A review. Litterfall production and dynamic for twenty years of a successive replanting Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation at Huitong, Hunan The influence of acid rain on the leaf litter decomposition of three dominant trees in the subtropical forests Leaf litter decomposition of plants with different origin time in the mid\|subtropical China The eluviations and acid buffering effect of litterfall in Shaoshan conifer and broad-leaved mixed forest Regional patterns of soil respiration in China’s forests Relationships of fresh leaf traits and leaf litter decomposition in Kerqin sandy land Influence of litter importation on basal respiration and labile carbon in restored farmland in Sanjiang Plain Impacts of exotic plant invasions on terrestrial ecosystem below-ground carboncycling and carbon pool A review on the effects of global environment change on litter decomposition Releasing dynamics of phenolic acid during Zanthoxylum bungeanum litter decomposition and effects of its aqueous extract on soil chemical properties Litterfalls of 6 Major Forest Stands at Maoershan Mountain of Heilongjiang Province Mass Losses and Nitrogen and Phosphorous Dynamics during the Decomposition of Different Organic Residues of Triploid Populus tomentosa Effect of Ground Cover on Early Regeneration of Pinus tabulaeformis Plantation Variation Characteristics of Respiration Efflux of Soil Components in Betula platyphylla Plantation Litter Product Dynamics and Nutrient Returns of Typical Returning Farmland to Bamboo Plantation in the Mountainous Region of Southern Sichuan Water-Holding Characteristics of Litters in Three Forests at Different Successional Stages in Dinghushan Characteristics of Soil Carbon Storage of Abies fargesii Forest in Shennongjia DECOMPOSING DYNAMICS OF SEVERAL CONIFEROUS AND BROADLEAVED LITTERS IN MONGOLIAN SCOTS PINE PLANTATION RESEARCHES ON BIOMASS AND NUTRIENTACCUMULATION OF UNDERSTOREY IN THE SECONDGENERATION OF YOUNG CHINESE FIR PLANTATION Ⅱ.ACCUMULATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF NUTRIENT ELEMENTS IN UNDERSTORY Impact of forest community species composition on litter species composition Ecological stoichiometry characteristics of leaf litter of Robinia pseudoacacia in the Loess Plateau of Shaanxi Province The litter-fall characteristics and their response to drought stress in the Masson pins forests damaged by acid rain at Chongqing, China Dynamic characteristics of litterfall and nutrient return of four typical forests along the altitudinal gradients in Mt. Shennongjia, China Enhancement of soil quality in a rice-wheat rotation after long-term application of poultry litter and livestock manure Mass loss and element release of litter in the subalpine forest over one freeze-thaw season Decomposition process and nutrient dynamic of litterfall in a Larix principis\|rupprechtii stand in Guandishan Mountains Researches on litterfall decomposition rates and model simulating of main species in various forest vegetations of Changbai Mountains,China Studies on Detritus Energy During the Decomposition of Kandelia candel Leaf Litter Change of Organic Matter in the Decomposing Oak Twigs in the Temperate Forest Ecosystems Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on litter decomposition in Neosinocalamus affinis stands in rainy area of West China The CH4 uptake flux by soils of main forest ecosystems in Dinghushan Effects of litter thickness on leaf litter decomposition and enzyme activity of three trees in the subtropical forests The impacts of the Southwest China drought on the litterfall and leaf area index of an evergreen broadleaf forest on Ailao Mountain Litter production and decomposition of different forest ecosystems and their relations to environmental factors in different climatic zones of mid and eastern China The effects of leaf stoichiochemistric characters on litter turnover in an arid-hot valley of Jinsha River, China Effects of simulated temperature increase and vary little quality on litter decomposition Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on substrate quality of litterfall in a Pleioblastus amarus plantation in Rainy Area of West China Effects of thinning on macro fungi and their relationship with litter decomposition in Pinus tabulaeformis plantations Early effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on annual nutrient input from litterfall in a Pleioblastus amarus plantation in Rainy Area of West China Amount and dynamic characteristics of litterfall in four forest types in subtropical China Litter fall production and nutrient dynamic of Cinnamomum camphora and Pinus massoniana mixed forests in subtropics China Litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics of Carex lasiocapa under different water conditions Relationships between litter substrate quality and soil nutrients in different-aged Pinus massoniana stands Water-holding capacity of an evergreen broadleaf forest in Ailao Mountain and its functions in mitigating the effects of Southwest China drought

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