Research Advance on the Biosynthesis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Plant Ecological function of the defense mediated by signal substances in plant volatiles Effects of organic material application on the structures of humic acids in low yield paddy soil Effect of pre-treatments with SA、H2O2 and 6-BA on chilling tolerance in Zoysia matrella Response of PSⅡ photochemistry efficiency and photosynthetic pigments during exposure of
alpine plants Saussurea superba to natural UV-B radiation
Advances in Nutriology of Fruits and Vegetables Products:A Review of the Abstracts of the 28th International Horticultural Congress Effects of Phenolic Compounds on the Growth and Key Enzymes in Respiration of Cerasus sachalinensis Phenolic Compounds and Their Bioactivities in Hawthorn(Crataegus spp.) Isolation and Identification of Three Steroid Compounds from Mauremys mutics Plastron Cell chamber structure and influences factors analysis on sugarcane stem tips browning in vitro Empetrum nigrum Secretory Tissue Microscopic Structure Features and Volatile Components Analysis Isolation and structure elucidation of antifungal metabolites from marine Paenibacillus polymyxa strain L1-9 Analysis on Secondary Fruit Quality and Aromatic Compounds of Kyoho Grape in Facility Condition Chemical constituents from petroleum ether fraction of ethanolextract of Acorus tatarinowii Analysis of gingerol-related compounds in fresh ginger by HPLC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS/MS Phenolic and amide constituents from Lycianthes marlipoensis Study on chemical constituents from ethyl acetate extract of Myricaria bracteata Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium deficiency on content of phenolic compounds in exudation of American ginseng Advances in Nutriology of Fruits and Vegetables Products:A Review of the Abstracts of the 28th International Horticultural Congress Allelopathic effects of phenolic compounds of melon root exudates on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis Grey correlation for main climatic factors and quality of Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge) Flower Fragrance Components of the Hybrids between Lagerstroemia caudata and L.indica Antioxidant Activity of Polyphenolic Compounds in Bulbs of Three Lilium Species Changes of Volatile Compounds in ‘Muscat Hambourg’for Various TrellisSystems during Maturity Effect of Phenolic Compounds on Efficiency of Genetic Transformation in Grape Advances in the Study on Cucumber Flavor Compounds Relationship between the Content of Phenolic Compounds and the Taste ofAstringency and Bitterness in Apple Fruit Progress in Study of Monoterpene Compounds in Grape and Wine Phenolic Compounds and Their Bioactivities in Hawthorn(Crataegus spp.) Differences of Leaf Canopy of Y Frame and Vertical Trellises on Light Intensity and Qualities of Muscat Hamburg Grape Advances in studies on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry to analysis of non-target compounds in Chinese materia medica Advances in studies on antifungal natural compounds Isolation and preparation of chalcone compounds from tuber of Millettia pulchra var. laxior by pre-HPLC Synthesis of diosgenin derivatives and their antithrombotic activity (II) Investigation on structure of protopine alkaloid ion-pair compounds Studies on the Chemical Constituentε of Acanthopanax giraldii Harms Stability Examination of the Inclusion Compounds of 8 Chinese Medicinal Volatile Oils with β-Cyclodextrin Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Aerial Parts of Bupleurum chinense DC. Studies on phenolic compounds in Aloe vera Chemical constituents of Ailanthus triphysa Improved method of extracting RNA from Anoectochilus roxburghii Studies on structure, physicochemical properties and anticancer activity of glycyrrhizic acid aniline-platinum complex compounds Studies on organosulfur compounds of Allium sativum Isolation of eugenol from volatile oil of cloves by inclusion method Volatile organic compounds emitted from vegetation and their contribution to the terrestrial carbon cycle Volatile compounds release from damaged Pinus massioniana and Pinus elliotii UPLC–PDA–MS/MS–ESI Analysis of Phenolic Compounds in Fruits of Dangshan Suli and Qiubaili Pears(Pyrus bretschneideri) Studies on the Chemical Constituents from the Water-Soluble Part of Euphrasia regelii Studies on organosulfur compounds in Allium sativum Studies on Some Non-Taxane Constituents in Yunnan Yew (Taxus yunnanensis) Root Comparison of Three Solid Phase Microextraction Fibers for Aromatic Compounds in Muskmelon Juice Degradation of Phenolic Allelochemicals in Bamboo Soil by Fenton’s Reagent Advances in studies on antitumor bioactive substances from marine Relationship between structure of medicinal fractions and accumulation of polyphenol in Echinaceapurpurea Phenolic compounds from Sagina japonica Effect of He-Ne Laser Radiation on Component,Content of the Flavonoids and Growth Parameters in Beta vulgaris under Enhanced UV-B Radiation Progress on Food Volatile Compounds Extraction Techniques SLOW-RELEASING PRESERVATION EFFECT OF β-CD-OPP CLATHRATE COMPOUNDS ON CITRUS FRUITS Analysis and identification of Liriomyza sativae-attractants from cowpea and kidney bean volatiles Effects of Sabina chinensis Volatiles on Spontaneous Behavior and Some Physiologic and Biochemical Indicators of Mice Phosphorus adsorption of iron oxideshumic acid compounds Screening of Bacillus strains with high inhibition on rape Sclerotinia disease and its lipopeptide compounds detection Appraisal of Antiox idation Activity ofMagnolia guandif lora Leaves Effects of spraying low molecular organic compounds on growth and nutrients uptake of rape (Brassica Chinensis L.) VOCs Emission Characteristics of Particle Board in Small Ventilated Chamber Grey Correlation Analysis between Main Climatic Factors and Active Compounds, Antioxidant Activity of Potentilla glabra Leaves Genetic Diversity of Phenolic Compounds in Malus sieversii Determination of 10 phenolic compounds in extract from Bidens bipinnata by HPCE Advances in studies on anti-MRSA effects of Chinese materia medica compounds combined with antibiotics Advances in studies on chemical constituents and bioactivities of plants from Flacourtiaceae Recent progress on anti-HIV research of traditional Chinese medicine and components Studies on the chemical constituents from herb of Rhodobryum roseum Advances in research of pharmacological activities and biosynthes is pathway of water- soluble phenolic compounds of Salvia miltior rhiza Research situation of Maillard reaction and its influence on research methods for processing and preparation process of Chinese materia medica Advances in studies on HIV-1 multi-target drugs from natural products Advances in pharmacologic studies on treatments of allergic diseases by Chinese materia medica Effects of Silicon on Rice Leaves Resistance to Ultraviolet-B Primary identification of organic compounds in soybean rhizospheric soil on continuous and alternate cropping and their allelopathy on soybean seed germination Analysis of Volatile Compounds of Meat Flavor Essence Through Two Comprehensive Dimensional Gas Chromatography-time of Flight Mass Spectrometry Effect of the Myofibril Proteins Concentrations on the Adsorbing Capacity for the Flavor Compounds

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