Grading Responses of Clonal Kobresia humilis to Grass Cutting Responses of contents of soil nutrient factors and water to stocking rates for yaks in Kobresia parva alpine meadow Ⅰresponses to contents of soil nutrient factors and water to stocking rates in summer pasture Revision of Kobresia (Cyperaceae) in Qinghai Characteristic Responsiveness of Modular Populations of Kobresia humilis to Grazing in Alpine Meadow The Embrology of Genus Kobresia(Cyperaceae) Characteristics of soil carbon density distribution of the Kobresia humilis meadow in the Qinghai Lake basin Plant growth analysis of Kobresia humilis meadow community in Qingzang plateau regions Effects of Grazing Intensity on the Spatial Distribution of Aboveground Biomass of Alpine Kobresia Meadow in Tibetan Effects of Yaks Grazing Methods on the Community Characteristics of Kobresia pygmaea Meadow in Tibet Identification of Endophytic Bacteria from Kobresia humilis and Determination of Phosphate-solubilizing, IAA Secretion and Antagonistic Abilities Community Composition and Interspecific Association Analysis of Kobresia capillifolia Grassland Effect of burrow entrance densities of plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) on interspecific association in Kobresia pygmaea meadow Application of Numerical Classification to Study the Grazing Retrogressive Succession Stages of the Kobresia Vegetation on the Subalpine Meadow A Study on the Geographic Distribution of the Genus Kobresia Willd. Ecological adaption study on anatomical structure of Kobresia leaf from East Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Identification of cyst nematode in alpine meadow steppe, Gansu Effect of 3-year fencing on soil seed banks of three alpine grassland communities Estimation of root production and turnover in an alpine meadow:comparison of three measurement methods TAXONOMY AND PHYTOGEOGRAPHY OF KOBRESIA SIBIRICA (TURCZ. EX LEDEB.) BOECK. AND RELATED TAXA (CYPERACEAE) Effects of Long-term Intensified UV-B Radiation on the Photosynthetic Rates and Antioxidative Systems of Three Plants in Alpine Meadows The impact of grazing on the activities of soil enzymes and soil environmental factors in alpine Kobresia pygmaea meadow GENETIC DIVERSITY OF KOBRESIA PYGMAEA POPULATIONS ALONG A GRAZING GRADIENT The main forage succession and ground surface characteristic changes during degradation and restoration of alpine Kobresia meadow Physiological response of Kobresia humilis to nitrogenous fertilizer in an alpine meadow Dynamics of the above-ground standing biomass assets of typical grassland The Photosynthesis of plant Community in Kobresia humilis Meadow Community Structure and Biomass Dynamic of the Kobresia pygmaea Steppe Meadow The Relation of Distribution Character and Diurnal Changes of Stomata Opening and Closure with Transpiration Intensity of Main Plants in Kobresia humilis Meadow Compartment model of producer subsystem on growing season in Kobresia Humilis meadow A Preliminary Study on transpiration Intensity of Plants in Kobresia humilis Meadow Soil nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry in a degradation series of Kobresia humulis meadows in the Tibetan Plateau Vertical Distributin of Soil Organic Carbon and Carbon Storage under Different Hydrologic Conditions in Zoigê Alpine Kobresia Meadows Wetland A Preliminary Study on Kobresia Meadow Degradation Forecast Model Responses of Plant Groups, Diversity and Meadow Quality to High-rate N Fertilization on Alpine Kobresia humilis Community Analysis of Growth Redundancy and Compensation of Kobresia humilis Meadow Discriminant Analysis of Annual net Production in Alpine Meadow to Meteorological Condition The Allocation of the Biomass and Energy in Kobresia humilis Meadow, Haibei District, Qinghai Province Analyses of Niche Breadths and Overlaps of Several Plant Species in Three Kobresia Communities of an Alpine Meadow A Preliminary Study of the Influence of Simulated Greenhouse Effect on a Kobresia humilis Meadow Physiological-biochemical Responses of Three Plant Species to Experimental Warming Using OTC in Alpine Meadow on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Correlation between Growing Characters of Main Species Belonging to Different Functional Groups and Ground Temperature in Kobresia Meadow Impact of GGR on the Antioxidant Physiological Indices of Kobresia humilis(C.A.Mey ex Trauvt..) Alpine Meadow Long-term Partitioning of Ammonium and Nitrate Among Different Components in an Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Comparison of Photosynthetic Adaptability Between Kobresia humilis and Polygonum viviparum on Qinghai Plateau Notes on Cyperaceae of China Effects of Simulated Greenhouse Effect on Growth Characteristics of Kobresia humilis Correlation between Growing Character of Main Species and Ground Temperature in Kobresia Meadow Study on Grazing Yak Performance and Soil Nutrient Changes in Warm-season Pastures of Alpine Region DYNAMICS AND REGULATION OF CLONAL RAMET POPULATION IN KOMRESIA HUMILIS UNDER DIFFRENT STOCKING INTENSITIES Response of Kobresia pygmaea Phenology and Biomass to Climate Change in the Yangtze River Headwaters Region Comparison of antioxidative system in Kobresia humilis grown at different altitudes on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Study on simulated vitro digestibility of 2 species sedge family herbage grown at different altitudes in Tibetan Plateau Geographical distribution pattern and climate characteristics of adaptation for Kobresia in China Validation of Kobresia inflata P.C.Li (Cyperaceae) and affinity of the species RAPD analysis of genetic diversity of Kobresia humilis along the eastern of QinghaiTibet Plateau of China STUDIES ON MATTER PRODUCTION AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN TIANZHU ALPINE KOBRESIA CAPILLIFOLIA GRASSLAND:Ⅲ DYNAMICS OF CALORIFIC VALUES OF SWARO AND EFFICIENCY FOR SOLAR ENERGY UTILIZATION PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON WATER CONTENT AND DEGREE OF REQUIRED WATER OF MAIN PLANTS IN KOBRESIA HUMILIS MEADOW. Study on Seed Germination Characteristics and Molecular Phylogeny of Kobresia Tibetan Plateau A Comparative Study of Photosynthetic Response of Kobresia humilis to Different Environmental Factors Zeaxanthin Content of Kobresia humilis and Polygonum viviparum in Relation to Solar Radiation at Haibei Research Station Effects of grazing intensity on decompositions of two dominant plant species litters in alpine meadow on the Northwester Sichuan Protein Level Analysis of Kobresia pygmaea (Cyperaceae) Response to Diurnal Environment on the Tibetan Plateau The despondences of carbon and nitrogen reserves in plants and soils to vegetations cover change on Kobresia pygmaea meadow of Yellow River and Yangtz River source region Culm anatomy of Kobresia (Cyperaceae) from China A study on acid detergent lignin content and digestibility of 5 species herbage in Tibetan Plateau Effect of Fencing on Community Structure and Distribution Patterns of Main Populations in Degraded Kobresia humilis Meadow Evaluation of Nutritional Value and Carrying Capacity of Kobresia Grassland during the Period of Withered Grass in Sanjiangyuan Region Classification of Kobresia fragilis C. B. Clarke (Cyperaceae) and related taxa Changes of Total Nonstructural Carbohydrates of Kobresia humilis in Alpine Meadow Hierarchical responses to grazing defoliation in a clonal plant Kobresia humilis Influence of Simulated Warming to the Carbon, Nitrogen and Their Stability Isotope (δ13C,δ15N) Contents in Alpine Meadow Plant Leaves Litter Decomposition of Potentilla fruticosa Shrub and Kobresia humilis Meadow in Qinghai Tibet Plateau Effects of a 5-years mimic Temperature Increase to the structure and productivity of kobresia humilis meadow A Quantitative Study on the Plant Population Phenology in Kobresia humilis Meadow Distribution and Utilization of Kobresia pygmaea type Pastures in Naqu Prefecture of Tibet The Relationship Between Seasonal Changes of Kobresia Humilis Meadow Biomass and the Meteorological Factors COMPARTMENT MODELLING OF ENERGY DYNAMICS IN KOBRES1A HUMIL1S MEADOW Response of biodiversity and productivity to simulated rainfall on an alpine Kobresia humilis meadow Study on reproductive ecology of Kobresia pygmaea population in alpine meadow Optimization of ISSR-PCR system on Kobresia tibetica

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