Studies on screening and breeding of alkaline pullulanase producing bacterium and regulation of nutrition Effect of the carrying test by high space balloon on flavonoids in the inflorescence of Celosia cristata Phenotypic Variation and Gene Polymorphism of First Generation(SP1) of Spaceflight Carrying Alfalfa Seeds ISSR Maker Analysis of Stylosanthes spp.Strains by Space Mutation Analysis of Cell Wall Components and Ultra-structure for Brittleness Mutation Rice Anti-mutation Experiment of White Wax Scale(Ericerus pela) and Analysis of Main Function Factors Study on Breeding of High LI-F Type Antibiotics Producing Mutant Strain of Paenibacillus Polymyxa JSa-9 Variance Analysis of Streptomyces Venezuelae Snea253 Mutants against Meloidogyne Incognita Effects of 60Co-γ Ray Radiation on Color Lily‘Parfait’and Their Physiological Responses to High Temperature and Humidity RAPD Analysis of Soybean Mutants by Space Mutation The Development of TILLING Technique and its Application in Plants Research Progress on the Space-flight Mutation Breeding of Woodyplant Selection And Breeding Of The New Mixoploid Lycium Chinense Miller Variety Tianjing 3 Mutagenic Effect of Space Environment and 60Co-γ Ray on Rice Quality EFFECT OF CORONA DISCHARGE ON Flavomycin PRODUCTING STRAIN PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE RICE BLAST RESISTANCE OF SPACE-INDUCED MUTANTS DERIVED FROM RICE CULTIVAR "TAIHANG-68" CHARACTERISTIC DIFFERENCES OF WHEAT 1Ax1 AND 1Ax2* NILS COMPARATIVE PROTEOMIC ANALYSIS OF A HIGH-TILLERING DWARF MUTANT INDUCED BY SPACEFLIGHT AT DIFFERENT TILLERING STAGES Genetic and Cytological Analysis of a Rice Male Sterile Mutant tda Derived From Radiation Mutation Analysis of the Dwarfing Mutagenic Effect on a Wheat Mutant Line DMR88-1 by Space Mutation Mutagenic Effects and Variation of Leymus chinensis Embarked on Shijian-8 Satellite Screening of the Diversity Mutat ional Strains of Converting D-xylose to Ethanol by 60Co-γ Irradiat ion and Its Fermentat ion Characterizat ion Reaserch Plant Mismatch Repair Deficiency and Its Significance for Mutation Breeding Comprehensive Evaluation on the Mutant Progenies of Hybrid Bermudagrasses Effect of EGCG on apoptos is andmutation of human skin fibroblasts damaged from long-term ultraviolet radiation A New Red Pear Cultivar‘Nanhong Li’ A New Grape Cultivar‘Ziti 988’ A New Chinese Jujube Cultivar ‘Cangdong 1’with Bud Mutation of Short Branch A New Chinese Jujube Cultivar ‘Cangdong 1’with Bud Mutation of Short Branch A New Flammulina velutipes Cultivar‘Hangjin 1’ HRM Identification and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics on Leaf Color Mutants in Chinese Cabbage A New Early Maturing Grape Cultivar‘Fengzao’ Preliminary Studies on Polyploidy Mutation of Cut Flower Gerbera jamesonii Bolus Studies on Anthocyanin Biosynthesis and Activities of Related Enzymes of‘Ralls’and Its BudMutation ‘A New Late-maturing and Crack Resistance Sweet Cherry Cultivar‘Jinglin ’ A New Red Pear Cultivar‘Nanhong Li’ A New Grape Cultivar‘Ziti 988’ A New Early Maturity Grape Variety ‘Luopu Zaosheng’ A New Apple Variety ‘Tianwang 1’ A New Apple Variety ‘Hongjinfu’ Mutational Mechanism of Self-compatible Pear Cultivar‘Jinzhuili’(Pyrusbretschneideri) Mutational Mechanism of Self-compatible Pear Cultivar‘Jinzhuili’(Pyrusbretschneideri) The Variation of DNA Methylation During Successive Transfer Culture of Chrysanthemum(Dendranthema ×grandiflorum Study of Polyploid Development Induction of Lilium sargentiae Wilson by Two Herbicides in vitro Resistance of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides to Benzimidazole Fungicide Carbendazim in Camellia oleifera Nurseries Trends and risk of spring low-temperature damage to early rice in southern China against the background of global warming Prokaryotic Expression of Deletion Mutation CP Gene of Potato leafroll virus and Preparation of Antiserum Prokaryotic Expression of Deletion Mutation CP Gene of Potato leafroll virus and Preparation of Antiserum Preliminary Identification of Leaf Color Mutational Strain from Oxalis triangularis Using RAPD and ISSR Markers Preliminary Identification of Leaf Color Mutational Strain from Oxalis triangularis Using RAPD and ISSR Markers A New Early Maturing Grape Cultivar‘Fengzao’ A New Celosia Cultivar‘Jiaoyang’ A New Celosia Cultivar‘Rainbow’ A New Celosia Cultivar‘Ronghua’ Analysis of Powdery Mildew Resistance in Wild Melon MLO Mutant Variation Analysis of Four Microsatellite Loci Within Maire Yew Species Development of Molecular Markers Used to Identify Two Types of Fragrant Rice and Analysis of Mutation Sites of BADH2 Gene in 24 Varieties of Fragrant Rice Bioeffect Comparison of Mutation Induction by Mixed High Energy Particle Field and γ-rays Irradiation in Alfalfa ’Longmu 803’ THE EFFECT OF ~(60)Coγ-RAYS IRRADIATION ON MAIZE SELF-BRED LINE A New Early Maturity Grape Variety ‘Luopu Zaosheng’ Topographic Correlates of Understory Plant Species Distribution in Nanling National Nature Reserve,Guangdong Selective Breeding of a New Breed of Magnolia denudata from Radiation􀀁induced Mutation of Callus The Anther Development Research on Three Male-sterile Lines Cotton A DETECTION METHOD FOR POINT MUTATIONS BASED ON CEL I CRUDE EXTRACT Mutagenic Effect Comparison of Different Spacecrafts on Aboarded Indica Rice Seeds Developement of A New Soybean Variety‘Keshan No.1’by Using Space-induced Mutation Influence of MYB Genes on Secondary Vascular System Developement of Arabidopsis thaliana RESEARCHES ON THE SE ABSORPTION AND ACCUMULATION CHARACTERISTICS OF APPLE THE EFFECTS OF DAMAGE AND MUTAGENESIS OF GAMMA RAYS COMBINED WITH CAFFEINE ON BARLEY Identification, Heredity and Breeding of Indica Giant Embryo Rice STUDIES ON BIOLOGICAL AND CYTOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF HYBRIDS POLLINATED WITH IRRADIATED POLLEN IN UPLAND COTTON TEMPERATURE-SENSITVE LEAF COLOR MUTATION IN RICE(Oryza sativa L.) MUTATION INDUCED BY γ IRRADIATION, ELECTRON BEAM AND BENZAMIDE IN SOYBEAN A THERMO\|SENSITIVE PURPLE LEAF RICE MUTANT—— PLM12 AND ITS GENETICAL STUDY BIOLOGIGAL EFFECTS ON SP_1 GENERATION BY SPACESHIP-CARRIED DRY SEED OF PLATYCODON GRANDIFLORUM SPACE MUTATION IN SULAO MUSTARD, FUTIAN-FLOWERING CHINESE CABBAGE AND PACHI-RADISH BREEDING AGRONOMIC CHARACTERS OF 86134-32-3,THE NEW MUTANT OF Chamaecrista rotundifolia CV. MINYIN INDUCED BY IRRADIATION STUDY ON VARIATION OF SELECTED PROGENY BY SPACE INDUCED MUTATION IN SPRING WHEAT Breeding and Application of a New Millet Variety Fugu 7 with High Yield and Drought Resistance GENETIC ANALYSIS AND MAPPING OF A GENE CONFERRING ORANGE-RED ON LEAVE AND HULL IN RICE