STUDIES ON SOME PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS IN LEAVES OF MEI TREE (PPRUNUS MUME) Effect of Soil Drying-Wetting Alternation on Dry Biomass Accumulation and Reallocation at Maize Flowering Stage The Photosynthetic Characteristics of Camellia euphlebia A Study on the Over-Compensation Effect of Poplar from Leaf Loss Optimal Harvest Decision Model for the Forest:A New Analysis Framework to Chinese Forestry Economic Policy Discussion of Biodiversity Protection Regulation Problems under the Forest Carbon Sequestration Mechanism Effects of ecological compensation on sustainable development of economy in forest area Impact of mowing on plant regrowth under different resource conditions Regional ecological compensation based on ecosystem service value in the area surrounding Beijing and Tianjin Ecological compensation standards and compensation methods of public welfare forest protected area. Research progress of contingent valuation method for application to agricultural ecological compensation Overcompensation and competitive effects of Microcystis aeruginosa and Scenedesmus obliquus after low temperature and light stresses Ecological Adaptability and Cultivating Techniques of two Festuca Varieties Analysis of Growth Redundancy and Compensation of Kobresia humilis Meadow Does urban land use decrease carbon sequestration? —A case study in Taizhou, China Differences in NH3 compensation point among tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum L.) cultivars and its relationship with N metabolization Analysis of ecological compensation and capital management from the service value spectrum of ecosystems Overcompensation in Chlorella pyrenoidosa (Chlorococaceae) under light stress A study on the compensation of spring wheat for clipping A STUDY ON THE EFFECTS OF COMPENSATION AND SUPER COMPENSATION OF CHINESE PINE DAMAGED BY CHINESE PINE CATERPILLAR Analysis of Herdsmen Willingness to Accept Grassland Ecosystem Compensation in Xinjiang Review and trend of eco-compensation mechanism on river basin Growth tediousness as an explanation of over-compensation of crops for insect feeding Study on external effect of woodland and its appraisement and compensation-A case study from Zhejiang Province Wenzhou Chashan forest park On the compensation mechanism of forest ecological resources Analysis of the Ecoagricultural Models in Major Type of Regions in China Review of ecological compensation in China‘s mining exploitation regions Ecological compensation boosted ecological protection and human well-being improvement Environmental cost of pond aquiculture in Shanghai: an empirical analysis based on double-bounded dichotomous CVM method Studies on the Breeding System of Ceratoides arborescens Ecological Compensation Quantitative Study on Nature Reserve Ecological Emigrants:Taking the Urad National Nature Reserve as An Example DE-FARMING AND REAFFORESTATION POLICY EFFICIENCY REVIEW AND ANALYSIS OF WEST DEVELOPMENT COMPARISON ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF FIVE YULANIA SPECIES Effects and Mechanisms of Alternate Water and Nitrogen Supply to Partial Root Zone of Maize A MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF COTTON COMPENSATION FOR COTTON BOLLWORM DAMAGE Soil water condition of terraced orchard in loess hilly and gully region A StUDY ON RESPUNSE OF CHINESE PINE (PINUS TABULAEFORMIS CARR.) ENDAMAGED BY PINE CATERPILLAR QUALIFICATION, EVALUATION, AND COMPENSATION FOR FOREST BENEFITS IN HEILONGJIANG PROVINCE A STUDY ON THE SIMULATION OF ECONOMICAL THRESHOLD OF ENERGY FLOW IN PHYLLOSTACHYS PUBESCENS ECOSYSTEM Study on Leaf Anatomy and Photosynthesis of Cymbidium sinense Removal experiment of species or function groups and its applications in ecology The impacts of fertilization and clipping on compensatory growth of Poa crymophila PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PURE ARTIFICIAL LARIX OLGENSlS FOREST AND ITS MIXED FOREST WITH NATURAL FRAXINUS MANDSHURICA RUPR.MIXED FOREST Ammonia Volatilization Characteristics and Its Physiological Regulation in Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves during Senescence Study on Seedling Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Taiwan Pine Response to cutting treatment of interspecific relationships of leguminous forages in semiarid regions Light Response Characteristics of Azadirachta indica Provenances in Different Growing Seasons Within Crowns Effects of potato/soybean intercropping on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of three soybean varieties. Ecological compensation based on farmers’ willingness: A case study of Jingsan County in Hubei Province, China. Effects of nitrogen nutrition and water stress on compensation effect of the yield of soybean Evaluation of ecological value compensation using exchange of farmland:a case study with data from Jiangyin and Xinghua, China Regional eco-compensation based on ecosystem service assessment:a case study of Shandong Province The impact of ecological compensation on farmers’ ecological footprint: an empirical study on Giant Panda habitat Photosynthetic Characteristics of Some Anemone Species at Reproductive Growth Stage Comparison of the Photosynthetic Characteristics in Four W ild Primula Species Research on ecological compensation standards for island tourist destinations:the construction and application of methodology Key issues for the development of a forest ecological compensation mechanism Accounting for eco-compensation in the three-river headwaters region based on ecosystem service value Hydraulic responses of whole tree transpiration of Schima superba to soil moisture in dry and wet seasons Review of the ecological compensation efficiency A method of determining standards for ecological compensation in agricultural areas, giving priority to environmental flows in water allocation The watershed eco-compensation system from the perspective of economics: the cases of pollution compensation An analysis of photosynthetic parameters among Schima superba provenances Ecological compensation standard for controlling nitrogen non-point pollution from farmland: a case study of Yixing City in Jiang Su Province Practice and the research progress on eco-compensation for cultivated land Impacts of clipping time,clipping intensity and fertilization on plant compensation of Avena sativa Responses of Net Photosynthetic Rate to Light Intensity and CO2 Concentration in Leaves of Wild and Cultivar Artemisia annua Effect of clipping at seedling stage on growth and yield of spring wheat Evaluation of ecological compensation based on leading ecosystem service function value—A case study in Ruoergai Study on Standards of Ecological Compensation in Qinghai Lake Watershed Study on the Regrowth Ability of Pinus tabulaeformis after Damaging by Pine Caterpillar

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