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Evaluation on agricultural production efficiency of Guangdong Province by using DEA window analysis
Using SWAT to simulate runoff under different land use scenarios in Xiangjiang River Basin
Spatio-temporal variation of karst ecosystem service value and its correlation with ambient environmental factor
Evaluation of soil quality under conservation tillage via factor and cluster analyses
Regression and cluster analysis on fruit bodies protein compost of
Lentinus giganteus
radiation strains
Correlation analysis on selected traits of high-yield wheat
Application of traditional ecological footprint and its derivatives in evaluating utilization of croplands
Effect of chemical fertilizer application on grain yield in Qitai County,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
Spatial variation in agro-ecosystem based on county level emergy analysis in Fujian Province
Path analysis between dehydrogenase activity and chemical property of wasteland in Yellow River Delta
System dynamics scenario analysis of circular economic development in Guangdong Province
Evolution of ecological carrying capacity of western Jilin Province via set pair analysis and principal component analysis
Desire for standardization transformation of live pig breeding farms based on supply conditions
Time-series analysis of grain production characteristics in Guangdong Province from 1949 to 2006
Eco-economic regionalization of the Loess Plateau
Canonical correlation analyses of sub-suitable mineral elements and chemical composition of flue-cured tobacco leaf with soil ecosystem index in Nanyang
Emergy comparison for different agro-ecological regions in Shanxi Province
Diagnosis of cotton N status using digital image analysis technique
Identification and fungitoxicity of volatiles of invasive plant
Wedelia trilobata
Application of Apack software on analyzing spatial pattern of wetland landscape on the Zoige Plateau
A research of Matter-element Model of comprehensive evaluation on fragile eco-environment
Cloning and sequence analysis of hepcidin-like cDNA Hepc2 from liver of
Lateolabrax japonicus
Effect of
Co γ- ray irradiation on
spp. nutrient
Emergy analysis of Guangzhou National Agricultural Science and Technology Area.
Characteristics of soil enzyme activities and their relationships with soil properties in southern Ningxia Loess hilly region
Cloning and sequencing of the tandem arginine biosynthetic genes
Corynebacterium crenatum
Systemic design and analysis technology of product map
Path analysis on the factors affectting salt accumulation of topsoil in a depression of Hai River Plain
Study on economic benefit analyzing methods for precision agriculture
Advance in the research on the mechanism of degradation of sulfonylurea herbicides in soils
lnquirement to adjusting and controlling index of flowering period of the comlnon calla
Study on the relationship between the soil nutrient elements and the apple fruit quality of the newly reclaimed apple orchard in Taihang mountain gneiss area
Benefit analysis for combination of farming with animal husbandry in cool irrigation area of Hexi--Case studies from Touba and Xinhua villages of Xinhua Township,Wuwei City
The Influencing Factors to Dry Land Rice Production in Salinized and Easily Waterlogged Lowland--A case study from Qiwanmu of Nanpi County,Hebei Province
Analysis on the evolutionary trends of regional agrometeorological disasters in China
Influence Factors to Agricultural Technical Innovation in China
Material-flow Structure and Nitrogen-recycling Efficiency of Kangji Ecological Farm
Correlative Analysis of the Relationship of the Comprehensive Exploitation the Rural Energy Resources and the Development of the Rural Economy in Huabei Plain
A monosomic analysis of the awness gene of wheat variety Gaoyou503
The benefits analysis on
aleurites fordii-crops
agroforestry system in Nujiang River Valley Area,Yunnan Province
Cost of soil erosion at household level
Agro-ecoeconomic division at Caoduhe River valley
A study on comprehensive ecoagricultural programming in the hilly loess region of West Shanxi
Four-in-one eco-agricultural model and its application
Compound eco-agricultural model and its benefit analysis in swale in Baodi County
Courtyard Ecoagricultural Engineering Model and Its Beneficial Results in North China
Study on the ecological analysis of genetic variation and ecological differentiation of
Avicennia marina
Effects of different amounts of
Cassia rotundifolia
appended on the yield and amino acid of
Tricholoma loba tense heim
A study on the comprehensive assessment of agro—ecosystem in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area
Study 0ntheiIldex system of eco-agriculturalland evaluatiow-A csse studyfrom ShandongProvince
Prediction of soil erosion intensity based on the land use structure—A case study from Sichuan Province
The system analysis and countermeasures research on eco-agriculture development of Shandong Province
Comprehensive evaluation of eco-economic benefits of different cropping systems in slope-land purple soils
Evaluation of soil quality in reclaimed coastal regions in North Jiangsu Province
Effect of transgenic Bt cotton leaves on soil microbial community diversity
Dynamic analysis of arable land use via productivity sustainable index — A case study of Farm 45 Irrigation Area of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps
Relational analysis of soil enzyme activities, nutrients and microbes in
Robinia pseudoacacia
plantations in the Yellow River Dalta withdifferent degradation degrees
Response of anammox bacteria community structure to nitrogen in paddy soils
Characteristics of ammonia volatilization and nitrous oxide emission of different fermentation beds in pig pens
Genetic diversity of
Acyrthosiphon pisum
(green form) from differentgeographical populations
Gray correlation analysis of the impact of land use type on soil physical and chemical properties in the hilly area of central Sichuan, China.
Emergy analysis on different planting patterns of typical watersheds in Loess Plateau.
Gene cloning and expression analysis of an inducible heat shock protein 70 gene from the polychaete
Perinereis aibuhitensis
under Cu
Agro-household livelihood vulnerability and influence factors of ethnic villages under different geomorphology backgrounds.
Predicting the potential suitable distribution area of the apple snail
Pomacea canaliculata
in China based on multiple ecological niche models.
Herb diversity and its affecting factors of community invaded by
Praxelis clematidea
in karst mountainous area of Guangxi Province, China.
Analysis of grey correlation between energy consumption and economic growth in Liaoning Province, China.
Influencing factors of non-point source pollution of watershed based on boosted regression tree algorithm.
Variation of rhizosphere environmental factors of sugarbeet seedlings under Na
stress and their correlation.
Effects of cultural factors on yield of
Linum usitatissimum
(Tianya 9).
Response of phenophase to meteorological conditions and flowering forecast model on
Amygdalus communis
in Shache County, Xinjiang, China.
Parameter sensitivity of simulating net primary productivity of
Larix olgensis
forest based on BIOME-BGC model.
Spatial pattern analysis and associations of
Quercus aquifolioides
population at different growth stages in Southeast Tibet, China.
Demographic analysis of the blue shark,
Prionace glauca
, in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Early selection of drought-resistant superior families of
Reaumuria soongorica
based on the analysis of osmoregulation substances and chlorophyll.
Evaluation of three-dimensional flammability of eight forest fuels based on thermogravime-tric analysis in Nanchang region, China.
Spatial variation in riparian soil properties and its response to environmental factors in typical reach of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River.
Estimation of Hunan forest carbon density based on spectral mixture analysis of MODIS data.
Relationships between characteristics of ground bryophyte communities and environmental factors in urban area of Chongqing, China.
Assessment of landscape ecological security and optimization of landscape pattern based on spatial principal component analysis and resistance model in arid inland area: A case study of Ganzhou District, Zhangye City, Northwest China.
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