Studies on the natural enemy communities of white wax insects in the period of secreting white wax PARAMETERIZING THE MIGRATORY BEHAVIOUR OF INSECTS Ⅱ. MODELS AND VERIFICATION STUDIES ON PLANT COMMUNITY DIVERSITY IN DONGLING MOUNTAIN,BEIJING,CHINA Ⅷ VARIATION OF COMPOSITION ALONG ELEVATIONAL GRADIENT Change Rules and Genetic Analysis of Vitamin C Content in Pepper Fruits Cloning, Expression and Bioinformatics Analysis of SUT1 Gene in Sweet Sorghum The Removal Effect and Mechanism of Citrobacter freundii on U(Ⅵ) Association Analysis on Source Sink-related Traits in Rice Based on Linkage Disequilibrium Genomic Analysis of ITS Sequence for Classificat ion and Determinat ion of Monascus Strains Wheat Somaclonal Variation and Genetic Analysis on the Resistance to Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici in Smaclonal Line 4-8 Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Plastidic Glutamine Synthetase Induced by Nitrogen in Sugar Beet(Beta vulgaris L.) Drought Resistance Comprehensive Evaluation and Analysis of Valuation Indexes of Main Flax Cultivars Variance Analysis of Streptomyces Venezuelae Snea253 Mutants against Meloidogyne Incognita Genetic Analysis and Molecular Mapping of Watermelon Anthrucnose Resistance Gene Rco-1 SSR Analysis of Mutants from Maize‘Qi319’Inbred Lines Induced by Space Mutagenesis Comparative Research on Gel Properties of Inulin Flour and Inulin Optimization of Extraction Conditions of Collagen and Its Characterization from Skin of Jumbo flying squid (Dosidicus gigas) Traits Analysis and Molecular Mapping of a Cotton Supper-dwarf Mutant AS98 The Optimization of Conditions for Bacillus Subtilis Fermenting Peanut Meal Feed Analysis of Population Genetic Structure of Maize by SSR Marker and Heterotic Grouping Expression of LsICE1 Gene and Its Regulation Function of Cold Responsive Signalling Pathway in Transgenic Rice Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Stress Tolerance Relative Gene FeSOD in wheat (Triticum aestivum) Screening of CDDP Molecular Marker Primers for Tree Peony and Analysis of Its Polymorphism Development and Apply of Semi-quantitative Quick ELISA Analysis for Neomycin DETERMINATION OF 137Cs AND 210Pb USING HPGeγ SPECTROMETRY AS INFLUENCED BY DIFFERENT SIEVE DIAMETERS THE APPLICATION ANALYSIS OF HIGH ENERGY ELECTRON ACCELERATOR IN FOOD IRRADIATION PROCESSING PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE RICE BLAST RESISTANCE OF SPACE-INDUCED MUTANTS DERIVED FROM RICE CULTIVAR "TAIHANG-68" MICROVARIATION OF CHROMOSOME KARYOTYPE IN Chrysanthemum Morifolium Ramat.‘Chuju’ GENETIC ANALYSIS AND MAPPING OF LIPOXYGENASE ISOENZYME Lox1 OF RICE EMBRYO CONTENT CHANGE OF MAIN NON-VOLATILE ORGANIC ACIDS CONTENTS OF HONGDA VARIETY AND THEIR INFLUENCE TO SMOKING QUALITY COMPARISON OF ROOT PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LEADING WHEAT (Triticum aestivum L.) CULTIVARS IN HUANGHUAI WINTER WHEAT PLAINS ESTIMATING NITROGEN OF RICE LEAF AND PROTEIN OF RICE SEED BASED ON HYPERSPECTRAL DATA DIFFERENTIAL EXPRESSION OF MAIZE S-ADENOSYLMETHIONIN SYNTHETASE GENE FAMILY MEMBERS DURING SALT STRESS MEASUREMENT OF NITRATE AND ITS NITROGEN AND OXYGEN ISOTOPE COMPOSITION USING DENITRIFIER METHOD THE WAVELET ANALYSIS ON THE SOIL EROSION INTENSITY IN THE BLACK SOIL STRAIGHT CULTIVATED SLOPE BREEDING OF A HYBRID CAPSICUM VARIETY "HANGJIAO-6" AND ITS RAPD ANALYSIS GENETIC DIVERSITY OF Cucurbita moschata GENOTYPES REVEALED BY RAPD MARKERS AND AGRONOMIC TRAITS DEVELOPMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION OF AN ERECT PANICLE MUTANT OF Indica RICE AND ITS GENETIC ANALYSIS OF TRAIT STUDY ON PROPAGATION OF Trema laevigata HAND.-MAZZ. BY SOFTWOOD CUTTING BLAST RESISTANT GENE ON RICE MUTANT R 917 AND ITS TRANSLATION Cloning and Bioinformatics Analysis of Squalene Synthase Gene (SQS) from Jatropha curcas L. Cloning of CsCCD7 and Its Expression in Cucumis sativus L. Modeling for Primary Branch Length and Branch Diameter of Mongolian Scots Pine Trees Spatial variability analysis of soil particle compositions and soil profile horizon in field Study on long-term experiment of crop rotation and fertilization in the loess plateau Ⅱ. Relationship between soil enzyme activities and soil fertility Karyotype Analysis of Prunus domestica L.Germplasm Resources in Xinjiang Identification and transcriptional analysis of the MAPK genes in Phytophthora sojae Sequence analysis of P1 gene of PVY tobacco isolate from Qianxi,Guizhou Inheritance and SSR mapping of a stripe-rust resistance gene YrH122 derived from Psathyrostachys huashanica Keng Situation and problems with herbage variety registration in China Diversity and anti-microbial activity of endophytic actinomycetes isolated from Stellera chamaejasme sampled in Aba, Sichuan Analysis of variation in physio-biochemical characteristics and cold resistance in winter rapeseed F2 populations Comparison of the production performance of ryegrass cultivars and screening of dominant varieties Evaluation of the nutritive value of 42 kinds of forage in Guizhou Province by grey relational grade analysis Quantitative analysis of the effects of Stipa krylovii and Leymus chinensis on the factors of vitiality of Oedaleus decorus asiaticus Research on the feeding quality and related stem morphological traits of rice (Oryza sativa) straw Analysis on different populations of Cynodon dactylon by RAPD Relationship between Planting Density and Tree Growth Process of Betula alnoides Mid-young Plantations in Pingxiang, Guangxi A Preliminary Report on Provenance Trial of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Impacts of Tree Species and Tissue on Estimation of Nonstructural Carbohydrates Storage in Trunk Analysis on Heavy Metal Accumulation in New Shoots of Ornamental Trees Distributed at Different Vertical Distances away from a Forest Belt along the Yong-Tai-Wen Highway Operating Efficiency of Forestry Specialized Cooperatives Tourism Efficiency and Influence Factors of Chinese Forest Parks Temporal and Spatial Characteristics and Risk Analysis of Forest Fires in China from 1950 to 2010 Functional Characterization and Expression Analysis of Aquaporin Genes (HbPIP 1 and HbPIP 2) in Hevea brasiliensis Integrated Correlative Analysis between Occurrence of Hylobitelus xiaoi and Ambient Factors Construction of a Dense Genetic Linkage Map and QTL Analysis of Trunk Diameter in Chinese Jujube RAPD Analysis of Phylogenetic Relationships in Chinese Gallnut Aphids (Homoptera: Pemphigidae) and Genetic Differentiation in Four Populations of Schlechtendalia chinensis Research Progress on Expression Regulation Mechanism of Genes Encoding Granule-bound Starch Synthase in Plants Analysis of Transgenic Tobacco with Overexpression of Arabidopsis WUSCHEL Gene Advances in Studies on Nitrogenase Crystallography Vegetation Changes and Human Influences on Qian’an Basin Since the Middle Holocene Genome Analysis in Wheat Breeding for Disease Resistance Investigation on Physiological Status of Regional Vegetation Using Pushbroom Hyperspectral Imager Data Climate Analysis of Endemic Species-A Novel Method for Quantitative Analysis of Global Climate Change Since Tertiary Characteristics and Quantitative Analysis of Elements in Plants in Alashan Area, Nei Mongol Meta-analysis*of*the Response*of*Plant Ecophysiological Variables to Doubled Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations Effect of Armillaria mellea Elicitor on Accumulation of Tanshinones in Crown Gall Cultures of Salvia miltiorrhiza The Application of RAPD Markers in Diversity Detection and Variety Identification of Porphyra Spatial Pattern Analysis and Topographical Interpretation of Species Diversity in the Forests of Dalaoling in the Region of the Three Gorges STUDY ON SPECIES DIVERSITY AND PRIORITY AREA OF WILD OROHIDS IN HAINAN ISLAND

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