Establishment of Cell Suspension Culture and Isolation of Protoplast of Chinese fir Barley Protoplast Culture:Embryogenic Callus Formation and Albino Plantlet Regeneration Effects of culture conditions on biomass and active components of suspension cells of Panax quinquefolium Establishment of Embryogenic Cell Suspensions from Meristematic Globules ofMusa spp. Establishment of Embryogenic Cell Suspensions from Meristematic Globules ofMusa spp. CELL SUSPENSION CULTURE AND MUTANTS SELECTION FOR RESISTANCE TO PEG INDUCED WATER STRESS IN ALFALFA (Medicago sativa L.) Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes in the Suspension Cell Culture of Tripterygium wilfordii Hook.f.with Elictor MeJA Changes of Polysaccharides Contents in the Cell Suspension Cultures of Achyranthes bidentata Plant Regeneration via Somatic Embryogenesis After Cryopreservation of Embryogenic Cell Suspensions of Banana(Musa spp. AAA)by Vitrification and the Genetic Stability of Regenerated Plant Establishment of Cell Suspension Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Lilium regale Protoplast Isolation and Plant Regeneration from Somatic Embryogenic Cell Suspension Cultures in Rosa multiflora Plant Regeneration via Somatic Embryogenesis After Cryopreservation of Embryogenic Cell Suspensions of Banana(Musa spp. AAA)by Vitrification and the Genetic Stability of Regenerated Plant Primary researches on dry mycelium of Penicillium chrysogenum-induced defense responses of tobacco BY-2 cell suspensions Construction of a plant expression vector containing antifreeze protein(afp)gene and it‘s transformation into banana(Musa AAA Cavendish)embryogenic cell suspension Studies on the kinetics of cell growth and nutrient consumption in cell suspension cultures of Corydalis saxicola Biotransformation of artemisinin by Catharanthus roseus and Ginkgo biloba cell suspension cultures Establishment of Cell Suspension Culture Line and Suspension Culture from the Neem Tree Cell suspension culture of Dendrobium huoshanenes and its optimal conditions Cell suspension culture of Dendrobium huoshanenes and its optimal conditions Biotransformation of Gastrodin by Cell Suspension Cultures of Catharanthus roseus Studies on Increasing Ginkgolides Synthesized in Suspension Cell Culture ofGinkgo biloba L. Research on callus induction and cell suspension culture of Atractylodes lancea Biotransformation of 3b-Hydroxyandrost-5-en-17-one by Cell Suspension Cultures of Catharanthus roseus CELL SUSPENSION CULTURE OF LITHOSPERMUM ERYTHRORHIZON IN A 10-LITRE AIRLIFT LOOP BIOREACTOR Protoplast Isolation and Plant Regeneration from Somatic Embryogenic Cell Suspension Cultures in Rosa multiflora Effects of light waves on Cell Growth and Baicalin Accumulation in Suspension Culture of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi Effects of Different Light Treatments on Growth and PAL Activity of the Suspension-Cultured Cells of Rhodiola fastigiata Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Hedychium coccineum Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Hedychium coccineum THE PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FUNGAL ELICITORS ON THE PANAX QUINQUEFOLIUM CELLS IN SUSPENSION CULTURE Establishment of Cell Suspension Culture and Isolation of Protoplast of Pinus serotina Studies on Cell Suspension Culture and Plant Regeneration of Dendranthema×grandiflorum with Small Inflorescences Studies on Cell Suspension Culture and Plant Regeneration of Dendranthema×grandiflorum with Small Inflorescences Cell suspension culture and flavonoids production in Saussurea involucrate Studies on the Induction of Calli and Cell Culture of Rab dosia rubescens Mensuration of Physiological and Biochemical Characters on the Cell Suspension Culture of Camptotheca acuminata Decsne. Preliminary study on the cell suspension culture of Eucommia ulmoides and secondary metabolite-chlorogenic acid Anticarcinogenic Alkaloids in the Cultured Cells of Cephalotaxus fortunei Optimization of cell suspension culture system of Rhodiola fastigiata Effect of additives on accumulation of glycyrrhizin in suspension culture
cells of Glycyrrhiza uralensis
STUDIES ON SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS FROM CELL SUSPENSIONCULTURE OF LOBLOLLY PINE Study on Cell Suspension Culture and lsolation of Protoplfast Of Dendrocalamus membranceus Study on Culture in vitro of Bamboo The Physiological Effects of Elicitor Ginseng-oligosaccharides on oell Culture of Carthamus tinctorius Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts Derived from Suspension Cultures in Leymus racemosus In vitro Selection for Fusarium Wilt Resistance in Gladiolus Chemical constituents from cell suspension cultures of Cudrania tricuspidata Regulation of syringin, chlorogenic acid and 1, 5-dicaffeoylquinic acid biosynthesis in cell suspension cultures of Saussurea involucrata Callus Induction and Preliminary Study of Cell Suspension Culture in an Endangered Plant,Davidia involucrata Review on Taxus chinensis var.mairei tissue culture research Allelopathy Potential of Intracellular Secondary Metabolic Products and Cell Suspension Culture of Carpesium macrocephalum Sav. Studies on Increasing Ginkgolides Synthesized in Suspension Cell Culture ofGinkgo biloba L. Primary study on suspension cell culture and polysaccharides
content of Achyranthes bidentata
ESTABLISHMENT OF CELL SUSPENSION CULTURE AND SCREENING OF SALINE-TOLERANT SOMATIC VARIANTSOF POPULUS POPULARIS“39” An Investigation on the Mechanism Involved in Defense Response Induced by Methyl Jasmonate in Grape Cell Suspensions EFFECT OF NUTRITIONAL FACTORS ON CELL GROWTH AND SHIKONIN DERIVATIVE FORMATION IN SUSPENSION CULTURES OF ARNEBIA EUCHROMA CELLS EFFECTS OF PH VALUE AND HORMONES ON CELL GROWTH AND SHIKONIN DERIVATIVE FORMATION IN SUSPENSION CULTURES OF ARNEBIA EUCHROMA CELLS Research on callus  induction and cell suspension culture of Changium smyrnioides Research on ursolic acid production of Eriobotrya japonica cell suspension culture in WAVE bioreactor Biotransformation of cantharidin by cell suspension cultures of Platycodon grandiflorus CHANGES IN GROWTH PARAMETERS OF EMBRYOGENIC CELL SUSPENSION CULTURES OF LOBLOLLY PINE (PINUS TEEDA) The Effect of Precursor Feeding on Flavonoids Biosynthesis in Cell Suspension Cultures of Glycyrrhiza inflata Bat. Research Progress on Production of Taxol by Plant Cell Engineering In vitro Transient Expression System of Latex C-serum was used for Analysis of Hevein Promoter in Response to Abscisic Acid in Hevea brasiliensis Studies on Cell Suspension Culture and Plant Regeneration in Rice A study on cell suspension culture and flavonoids accumulation of Stellera chamaejasme Establishment of Cell Suspension Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Lilium regale Plant Regeneration from Protoplast of Trititrigia (Triticum sect. trititrigia Maekey) Bud Regeneration by Cell Suspension Culture of Sunflower EFFECT OF 60Co γ-RAYS IRRADIATION ON SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS
OF Musa AAA CAVENDISH cv. ‘Baxijiao’
Effects of boron-calcium nutrition on suspension-cell of rape cultivars with different boron efficiency Effects of Medium pH Decrease on Salidroside Release and Cell Viability in Cell Suspension Culture of Rhodiola sachalinensis Plant Regeneration from Cell and Protoplast Cultures of Triticum aestivum-Haynaldia villosa Hybrid Suspension Culture of Endosperm Callus Cell and Amitosis In Vitro Optimization of cell suspension culture system of Rhodiola fastigiata

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