Carbon fixed by phytoplankton and cultured algae in China coastal seas Feature of phytoplankton assemblages in Yangtze River estuary and its relationship with environmental factors in summer 2005 Marine phytoplankton and biological carbon sink Spatial and temporal variation of phytoplankton and impacting factors in Jiulongjiang Estuary of Xiamen, China Community structure characteristics of phytoplankton in argun River Drainage Area in autumn Abundance and biomass of planktonic ciliates in the sea area around Zhangzi Island, Northern Yellow Sea in July and August 2010 The stable nitrogen isotope of size-fractioned plankton and its relationship with biomass during winter in Daya Bay Phytoplankton community structure in Shijiuyang constructed wetland of Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province of East China in winter. Phytoplankton community structure in Mingzhu Lake of Chongming Island, Shanghai. Annual change of phytoplankton ecological features in Fangchenggang Bay of Guangxi, South China. Large-scale spatial distribution of virioplankton in several wetlands in Hubei Province Impact factors of photosynthesis energy utilization in the coastal fish ponds of Jiangsu Province The relationship between planktonic algae changes and the water quality of the West Lake,Hangzhou,China Annual dynamics of phytoplankton abundance and community structure in the Xionghe Reservoir Seasonal changes of phytoplankton community structure in Jinshuitan Reservoir, Zhejiang, China SUMMER DISTRIBUTION OF PICOPHYTOPLANKTON IN THE NORTH YELLOW SEA Phytoplankton functional groups and their spatial and temporal distribution characteristics in Hongfeng Reservoir, Guizhou Province Impact of the tidal front on the distribution of bacterioplankton biomass in the southern Yellow Sea Plankton ecology in Artemia culture ponds Phytoplankton and bacterial biomass and their relationship with the environmental factors in autumn and winter in the Sanya Bay, China Effect of N,P concentration on growth rate and biomass of phytoplankton in eutrophical water Statistical analysis to ecological group of Thaliacea in the East China Sea Spectral absorption coefficients of particulate matter and chromophoric dissolved organic matter in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu Responses of phytoplankton growth on nutrient enrichments in the northern South China Sea Analysis dynamics of phytoplankton community characteristics in Daya Bay Ecological characteristics of phytoplankton in Suining tributary under bio-remediation Chlorophyll a content and primary productivity of phytoplankton in Meiliang Bay of Taihu Lake Growth of Platymonas helgolandica var.tsingtaoensis,Cylindrotheca closterium and Karenia mikimotoi and their survival strategies under different N/P ratios Ecological characteristics of phytoplankton in coastal area of Pearl River estuary Phytoplankton population dynamics and Coscinodiscus concinnus blooms in the west-coast water of Schleswig-Holstein,Germany in 1996 STUDIES ON THE QUANTUM YIELD OF SOME MARINE PHYTOPLANKTON COMMUNITY OF PHYTOPLANKTON IN ZHANGYE MAM-MADE FISHPONDS Seasonal Variation in Phytoplankton Community in a Tropical Riverine Reservoir: A Case Study of Feilaixia Reservoir Population variation of phytoplankton in West Lake of Hangzhou before and after diluting sewages with erupting into river water and effect of controlling eutrophication Effect of silver carp stocking and fertilization on plankton community in enclosures in saline-alkaline ponds Temporal dynamics of phytoplankton and nutrients during red tides The abundance and diversity of nanoplankton in Arcitic Ocean Phytoplankton community structure in Qinzhou Bay during flood season by analysis of HPLC photosynthetic pigment signatures Primary production in the Bay of Bengal during spring intermonsoon period Structure and Dynamics of Phytoplankton Community in Hedi Reservoir, South China Variation of the Phytoplankton Community in the Pumped Storage Reservoirs and the Non-pumped Storage Reservoirs in Zhuhai Structural Characteristics of Phytoplankton in Liuxi and Bajiang River,China Monthly variation of net-phytoplankton composition in Dongtou Island Distribution of net-phytoplankton and its influence factors in spring in Xiangshan Bay Characteristics of phytoplankton community in the northern South China Sea in summer and winter Distribution of bacterioplankton communities in cage culture and non-cultured areas of Xiangshan Bay, Ningbo, China Seasonal changes of the phytoplankton along hypoxia area and adjacent waters in the East China Sea CANONICAL CORRESPONDENCE ANALYSIS OF SUMMER PHYTOPLANKTON COMMUNITY AND ITS ENVIRONMENT IN THE YANGTZE RIVER ESTUARY, CHINA DYNAMIC CHANGE OF PHYTOPLANKTON CELL DENSITY AFTER THERMAL SHOCK AND CHLORINATION IN A SUBTROPICAL BAY IN CHINA CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PHYTOPLANKTON COMMUNITY IN WETLANDS OF MACAO Chlorophyll-a concentration and phytoplankton size-fractionated composition in Jiaozhou Bay Community composition of phytoplankton in Fujian-Guangdong coastal upwelling region in summer and related affecting factors. Abundance distribution of virioplankton in Yangtze River estuary and its adjacent East China Sea in summer and winter. Phytoplankton’s community structure and its relationships with environmental factors in the rivers of Tongling City, Anhui Province of East China in winter. Annual changes of phytoplankton’s ecological features in Qinzhou Bay of South China. The DNA polymorphism of plankton community and eutrophication in Lake Donghu, Wuhan Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) and aggregation web in marine environments A review of ecological research on mixotrophic plankton The dominant species of euphausiids in the east China sea and their ecological adaptability Corresponding relations between DNA fingerprinting topological structure and species composition of plankton community in Dongting Lake STUDY ON THE PHYTOPLANKTON AND WATER POLLUTION OF ERLONGSHAN RESERVOIR IN HARBIN Studies on Temporal and Spatial Variations of Phytoplankton in Lake Chaohu Characteristics of net phytoplankton community and their relationships to environmental factors in the waters around Nansha Islands Distribution pattern of microphytoplankton in the Bering Sea during the summer of 2010. Abundance and biomass of planktonic ciliates in the shelf of East China Sea in spring and autumn. Characteristics of particle size structure of plankton community in turbidity zone of nearshore waters, Liaoning Province of Northeast China. Dynamic changes of phytoplankton’s community structure in Beixi of Jiulongjiang River, Fujian Province of East China and related affecting factors. Niche analysis of phytoplankton’s dominant species in Dianshan Lake of East China. Phytoplankton assemblages in East China Sea in winter 2009 Community characteristics of phytoplankton in the coastal area of Leizhou Peninsula and their relationships with primary environmental factors in the summer of 2010 Dynamics and Structure of Phytoplankton Community in Spring in a Tropical Pumped-water Reservoir Species of Prorocentrum (Dinophyceae) in Daya Bay China TAXONOMY AND LIFECYCLE OF GENUS PHAEOCYSTIS (PRYMNESIOPHYCEAE) Investigation on Phytoplankton in Xiangxi River Watershed and the Evaluation of Its Water Quality STUDIES ON QUANTITATIVE DISTRIBUTION AND SPECIES COMPOSITION OF PHYTOPLANKTON IN STAR LAKE AND THE EVALUATION OF ITS TROPHIC STATUS STUDY ON PHYTOPLANKTON IN LARGE SCALE ENCLOSURE AND FENCE IN AN EUTROPHIC LAKE Variations of phytoplankton in Chaohu Lake in spring and summer seasons Analysis on planktonic alga composition and eutrophication characteristics of artificial lakes on campus Molecular genetic diversity of phytoplankton rbcL gene in Jiaozhou Bay Phytoplankton’s community structure and its relationships with environmental factors in an aquaculture lake, Datong Lake of China.