What is the Basionym of Litsea rotundifolia var. oblongifolia (Nees) Allen (Lauraceae) A Two-step Method for the Efficient Micropropagation of Lilium longiflorum CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS IN ESSENTIAL OIL FROM THE LEAVES OF LITSEA ROTUNDIFOLIA VAR. OBLONGIFOLIA APORPHINE ALKALOIDS OF LITSEA ROTUNDIFOLIA AND L. ROTUNDIFOLIA VAR. OBLONGIFOLIA Adjustment of the Status of Embryogenic Callus and Plant Regeneration of Lilium longiflorum Genetic Diversity of Mango (Mangiferca indica L.) in Nujiang Dry-hot Valley Revealed by Morphological Charaters and AFLP Apoptotic mechanism of leukemic K562 cells induced by mangiferin Identification and biological characterization of the pathogen causing a new black spot disease on Musa spp. THE COMPOSITION OF FATTY ACIDS IN KERNEL FATS OF 32 VARIETIES OF MANGIFERA INDICA Micromorphological Characteristics and Enzyme Analysis of Some Chinese Pinellias and Their Taxonomic Significance Determination of Mangiferin in Qingqiliangying lnjection by Reversed phase HPLC STUDY ON CALLUS INDUCTION AND PLANT REGENERATION FROM THE MATURE ORGANS OF Lilium longiflorum Thunb. IN QINLING MOUNTAIN Cloning and Expression Analysis of MDHAR from Lilium longiflorum Observation of Vessel Elements of Secondary Xylem in Mangifera indica Determination of five components in Guizhi Shaoyao Zhimu Decotion by HPLC mothod Erpodium mangiferae C. Muell.(Erpodiaceae)——a newly recorded species from China Pollen Morphology of Different cultivars of Mangifera indica Revision the Variety Nyssa sinensis var. oblongifolia Cloning of Flavonoid-3‘, 5‘-hydroxylase Gene and Its Transformation into Lily ( Lilium longiforum ) Adjustment of the Status of Embryogenic Callus and Plant Regeneration of Lilium longiflorum Isolation and Expression Analysis of an Ethylene Receptor Gene MiETR1b in Mango Isolation and Expression Analysis of an Ethylene Receptor Gene MiETR1b in Mango Transcriptome Profiling of Ripening Mango Fruit Treated with 1-MCP Using Digital Gene Expression(DGE)Sequencing Cloning and Expression Analysis of a GTP-binding Protein MiRab11 Gene from Mangifera indica Studies on several physiological and biochemical indices of the heat-resistance of Lilium longiflorum and its comprehensive evaluation STUDIES ON POSTHARVEST PHYSIOLOGY OF MANGO FRUITS Distribution and Transmission of Endophytic Guignardia mangiferae Isolated from Tea Plant, Camellia sinensis Cloning and Expression Analysis of hsf from Lilium longiforum Molecular Cloning APX from Lilium longiforum and Overexpressing to Arabidopsis thaliana Enhanced Salt Tolerance Determination of mangiferin in rat plasma and aqueous humor by HPLC Study on the chemical constituent of volatile oil from the leaves of Mangifera persiciformis Antioxidant activity constituents from root of Rubus crataegifolius Effect of media and fertilization on bulblets regeneration and flowering of Lilium longiflorum Cloning and Expression Analysis of LlHSF1 from Lilium longiforum Cloning and Expression Analysis of LlHSF1 from Lilium longiforum The Temporal and Spatial Changes of Flower Development Gene LLGLO1 in the Floral Buds of Lilium longiflorum The Temporal and Spatial Changes of Flower Development Gene LLGLO1 in the Floral Buds of Lilium longiflorum Histological Reproductive Barriers for Intergeneric Cross Between Sinocalycanthus chinensis and Calycanthus floridus var. oblongifolius A NEW VARIETY OF CHENOPODIUM GRACILISPICUM KUNG AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE REJUVENATING AGED MANGO TREES IN DAQIAOTOU MANGO PLANTATION, JINGGU THE TRIGLYCERIDES FROM FOUR VARIETIES OF MANGIFERA INDICA Simultaneous determination of seven active components in Zangyinchen Capsule by HPLC Chemical constituents from seeds of Taxus yunnanensis Establishment of UPLC-PDA-ELSD fingerprints of Xiaokeqing Granules and determination of its five main constituents Studies on the Botanical Survey and Quality Evaluation of Chinese Drug Shiwei (Folium Pyrrosiae) Cytogeographical study on Pedicularis longiflora from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,China Impacts of Beauveria bassiana Cloning and Expression Analysis of hsf from Lilium longiforum Histological Reproductive Barriers for Intergeneric Cross Between Sinocalycanthus chinensis and Calycanthus floridus var. oblongifolius The utilization of RAPD technique for the differentiation of mango anthracnose resistance cultivars FLOWERING PATTERN AND PROTANDRY IN BOESENBERGIA LONGIFLORA Impact of atmospheric total suspended particulate pollution on photosynthetic parameters of street mango trees in Xiamen City. Cloning and Expression Analysis of HSFA2b from Lilium longiflorum Cloning and Expression Analysis of HSFA2b from Lilium longiflorum Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Small Heat Shock Protein Gene(MiHSP17.6)from Mangifera indica Cloning and Expression Analysis of a Small Heat Shock Protein Gene(MiHSP17.6)from Mangifera indica Analysis on the Genetic Relationship of Some Mango (Mangifera indica L. )Germplasms by ISSRMarkers Chemical constituents of Mangifera indica leaves (Ⅰ) New Materiales for Chinese Ectocarpaceae (Phaeophyta) EMBRYONIC CALLUS INDUCTION AND PLANT REGENERATION OF Lilium longiflorum Effect of Low Temperature on Nucleolus and Chromosomes’ Behavior of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) PMC During Meiosis Screening of anti-inflammatory components in Mangiferae Indicae Semen based on bioactivity-integrated UPLC-Q/TOF analysis RP-HPLC Determination of Mangiferin in the Leafs of Folium mangiferae Sampled in Different Months and Regions New Materials For Chinese Ectocarpaceae Notes on three species of the genus Kadsura Juss. (Schisandraceae) Effects of fluctuating thermal regime on cold tolerance of parasitoid wasp Aphidius gifuensis. ANALYSIS OF COMPOUND IN TWO LICHEN PLANT The Anatomical Study of Plagiozamites oblongifolius and the Systematic Position of Plagiozamites Role of Wall-bound β-Glucanases in Regulating Tip-growth of Lilium longiflorum Pollen Tubes A Novel Endo-1,4-β-Glucanase Gene (LlpCel1) Is Exclusively Expressed in Pollen and Pollen Tubes of Lilium longiflorum Overexpression of the maize GRF10, an endogenous truncated growth-regulating factor protein, leads to reduction in leaf size and plant height Cloning of Flavonoid-3‘, 5‘-hydroxylase Gene and Its Transformation into Lily ( Lilium longiforum ) Chemical constituents from the leaves of Garcinia oblongifolia Cytochemical study on the developing anthers of Mangifera indica Simultaneous determination of six main constituents in Swertia of Qinghai province and Sichuan province by HPLC Molecular Cloning APX from Lilium longiforum and Overexpressing to Arabidopsis thaliana Enhanced Salt Tolerance The Glucosides from Swertia mussotii Franch Ecological characteristics of preferred habitat of reindeer of Daxing’an Mountain forest area, Northeast China in summer. Predicting the dispersal routes of alpine plant Pedicularis longiflora (Orobanchaceae) based on GIS and species distribution models. Physiological Response of Rubus crataegifolius Bge.Seedlings to Saline Stress and Its Salt Tolerance Threshold

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