Determination of active constituents in fifteen species Swertia of genus by high performance liquid chromatography A karyomorphological study on 5 species of Swertia (Gentianaceae) NOTES ON GENTIANACEAE FROM SOUTH CHINA Investigation on medicinal plant resources of Swertia in Yunnan province Determination of three glycosides from herbs of Swertia punicea by RP-HPLC Simultaneous determination of four constituents in wild Gentiana lawrencei from Qinghai province by RP-HPLC Transport mechanism of swertiamain metabolite across Caco-2 model Embryology of Swertia davidii(Gentianaceae) Studies on chemical const ituents of Swertia przewalskii Biotransformation optimization of swertiamarin by Aspergillus niger Biotransformation optimization of swertiamarin by Aspergillus niger Genetic relationship and resources evaluation of medicinal plants in Swertia L. Chemical constituents of Swertia phragmitiphylla Advances in study on iridoids in plants of Swertia L. and their pharmacological activity Chemical constituents of Swertia kouitchensis Franch. Characters of leaf epidermis in Swertia L. EMBRYOLOGY OFSWERTIA ERYTHROSTICTA MAXIM. Systematic Study on Lomatogonium A. Br. (Gentianaceae) Floral syndrome and insect pollination of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau endemic Swertia przewalskii(Gentianaceae) Chemical constituents of Swertia macrosperma Glycoside constituents from Swertia franchetia na Tissue culture of medicinal plant Swertia mileensis Image analysis on epidermal cells of leaves in medicinal plants of Swertia L. A New QinghaiTibet Plateau Endemic Genus Sinoswertia and Its Pollination Mode Chemical Constituents of a Tibetan Medicine Gentiana tizuensis Franch. MORPHOLOGICAL AND HISTOLOGICAL STUDIES ON SEVEN SPECIES OF SWERTIA STUDIES ON THE POLLEN MORPHOLOGY OF 7 SPECIES OF SWERTIA The Xanthones of Swertia erythtrosticta Maxim A Study on the Introduction and Cultivation of Swertia davidii Franch Microsporogenesis and the development of male gametophyte in Swertia bimaculata Simultaneous determination of six main constituents in Swertia of Qinghai province and Sichuan province by HPLC Chemical constituents of Swertia patens Chemical constituents of Swertia angustifolia On the Xanthone Glycosides and Flavonoid Glucoside from Swertia franchetiana H. Smith Floral Nectaries in Swertia:Anatomy and Morphology Chemical Constituents of Swertia pubescens Franch. Comparison on progeny regeneration capacity among different mating patterns and optimization of cultivation condition in Swertia mileensis STUDIES ON BITTER PRINCIPLES FROM SWERTIA MILEENSIS T. N. HE ET W. L. SHI. HPLC Determination of Contents of Four Active Constituents in Tibetan Medicine Gentiana straminea ( Gentianaceae) During Different Growing Period Studies on chemical constituents of essential oil from Swertia chirayita Study on the chromatographic fingerprint of Tibet herb Swertia franchetiana by HPLC Chemical constituents of Swertia kingii Xianthone constituents in Swertia decora The Seed Germination of Swertia bimaculata Identification of the original plant of Tibetan material medica “Zangyinchen” The Chemical Constituents of Swertia przewalskii Pissjauk. The Glucosides from Swertia mussotii Franch HISTOL OGICAL STUDIESON THE LEAVESOF MEDICINAL SWERTIA Preliminary studies on natural resource of Swertia davidii Simultaneous determination of four constituents in wild Gentiana lawrencei from Qinghai province by RP-HPLC Embryogenesis of Swertia bimaculata Dynamic Changes in Terpenoid Contents in Gentiana rigescens Studies on the Chemical Components of Swertia devidi Frauch Chemometrics Characterization of Iridoids in Gentiana rigescens and Swertia mileensis Chemical constituents of Swertia bimaculata Optimum extracting process for Swertia mussotii by central composite design/response surface method Tissue culture of Swertia bimaculata Preliminary comparative study of swertiamarin and swertisin on three kinds of Digeda-species Mongolian medicinal materials Purification technology of iridoid glycosides and xanthones from Swertia mussotii by macroporous resin The Secoiridoides Isolated from Swertia nervosa(G. Don)Wall. ex C. B. Clarke Study on Chemical Constituents of Swertia verticillifolia Microsporogenesis and Formation of Male Gametophyte in Swertia hickinii Burk.and Their Systematical Implications Determination of six active components in three species of  genus Swertia by HPLC multiwavelength with detection Contents of seven indicative constituents in seven kinds of Gentiana macrophylla by UPLC Determination of seven components in flowers of Gentiana tibetica and Gentiana dendrologi by HPLC Chemical constituents from flower of Gentiana tibetica Chemical constituents from leaves of Swertia atroviolacea Xanthone derivatives from medicinal plant Swertia mileensis Effects of different treatments on seed germination of Swertia davidii Effects of different treatments on seed germination of Swertia davidii Chemical constituents from herbs of Swertia delavayi Identification of Swertia mussotii and its adulterant Swertia species by 5S rRNA gene spacer Determination of five active constituents in aerial part of Tibetanmedicine Gentiana straminea by HPLC Data mining of simple sequence repeats in transcriptome sequences of Tibetan medicinal plant Zangyinchen Swertia mussotii The Origin, Dispersal and Formation of the Distribution Pattern of Swertia L. (Gentianaceae) Determination of iridoids and triterpenes in herb of Swertia pseudochinesis by RP-HPLC Reproduction Systems of Two Cultivated "Zangyinchen" Study on Chemical Constituents of Swertia bifolia Determination Dynamic Accumulation of Six Species Medicinal Bioactive Components of Swertia mussotii Franch. in Different Growth Period Studies on metabolism of total terpene ketones from Swertia mussotii with human intestinal bacteria

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