Effects of Salt Stress on Proline and Polyamine Metabolisms in the Roots of Cucumber Seedlings Succession of the Seedlings of Dominant Species and Diameter-class Structures of Their Populations in Malan Forest Region of the Loess Plateau Change of Endogenous Plant Hormones Contents during Seedling Growth of Picea schrenkiana Treated with DHAP Effect of Ground Cover on Early Regeneration of Pinus tabulaeformis Plantation Effects of Slow-Release Fertilizer Loading on Growth and Construction of Nutrients Reserves of Phoebe chekiangensis and Phoebe bournei Container Seedlings Morphological and Physiological Responses of Acer mono and Quercus liaotungensis Seedlings to a Forest Light Gradient Expanded Gap Space Nutrition Index of Mangrove Seedling Emergence and Establishment of Phragmites communis in Transition Zones between Active Dunes and Interdune Lowlands of Active Dune Fields A Review on the Abroad Studies of Techniques in Regulating Quality of Container Seedling Effects of NaHCO3 Stress on Photosynthetic Capabilities and Seedling Growth in Populus bachofenii×P. pyramidalis ‘ROZ’ Phytoremediation Characteristics of the Pb and Cd Contaminated Soils by Ginkgo Seedling Effects of Light Intensities on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Potted Cyclobalanopsis glauca Seedlings Effects of Submergence and Drought Alternation on Photosynthesis and Growth of Pinus elliottii Seedlings Secretion Dynamics of Phenolic Acids from Poplar (Populus×euramericana ‘Neva’) Seedling Roots under N,P Deficiency Conditions Review on Advance in Study of Fall Fertilization Regulating Seedling Quality Factors Influencing Seed Germination and Seedling Survival of Rhododendron Subgenus Hymenanthes Effects of Hypoxia Stress on Anaerobic Respiratory Enzyme and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Roots of Cucumber Seedlings Study on Variation and Covariation Pattern of Seedling Nutrient Concentrations within and between Populations of Arabidopsis pumila Study on Growing Media pH on Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Muskmelon Seedlings THE EFFECTS OF CALMODUL IN ANTAGONIST ON THE ACTIVITIES OF NITROGEN ASSIMILATION ENZYMES AND THE ACCUMUL ATION OF DRY MATTER IN WHEAT SEEDL INGS PLASMALEMMA ATPase OF HYPOCOTYL OF PEANUT SEEDLING AND ITS REACTION TO LOW TEMPERATUER STRESS PRELIMINARY STUDY ON PHYSIOLOGICAL MECHANISM OF SALINE-ALKALI TOLERANCE OF PUCCINELLIA TENUIFLORA Physiological Effects of Sustainable Water Saturation in Seedbed on Rice Dry Nursery Seedlings Effects of different seedling stock types on root growth of Platycladus orientalis and Ulmus pumila′s transplants Differential response of pepper seedlings in different N concentrations to low temperatures Comparison of the drought resistance characters at Seedling Stage between Dongxiang Common Wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.) and cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) A short-term effect of simulated acid rain on the soil respiration of the compound system of Chinese fir seedling-soil EFFECT OF GRAFT PROMOTING AGENT ON HEALING PROCESS OF GRAFT UNION,ABSORPTION,TRANSPORTATION OF 32 P AND 14 C MECHANISM OF ABSORPTION OF ~(14)C-PENDIMETHALINE AND ~(14)C-IMAZAQUIN BY DODDER SEEDLINGS Physiological mechanisms of strong competition of weedy rice at seedling stage Preliminary Study on Quercus virgin iana Introduction in Eastern China Effect of Air-drying on Vigor of Melia toosendan Seedlings in Dry-hot Valley of Jinshajiang River Inhibition of high Mg concentration on seedling growth, free radical metabolism of reactive oxygen and zinc nutrition of maize in saline fluvo-aquic soils Study on Annual Growth Dynamics of Azadirachta indica Seedling Effects of exogenous silicon on melon seed germination and the growth of seedlings under NaCl stress Effects of Cd2+ on the seed germination and seedling growth of Cynodon dactylon and Eremochloa ophiuroides Effects of calcium (CaCl2), GA3 and complex liquid on the physiological characteristics of alfalfa seedlings under drought stress Effects of lead stress on growth, physiology, and lead ion accumulation and transportation in gramineous forages A Comparison on the Early Growth of Cutting Stock and Seedlings of Slash Pine × Caribbean Pine F1 Hybrids Study on Geographical Provenance Variations of Dalbergia obtusifolia Prain Studies on Container Seedlings Cultural Techniques of Three Native Broad-leaved Tree Species A Study on Role of GGR6 in Seedling-raising of Taxus chinensis var. mairei Study on Variations of Seedling-stage Trait of Camptotheca acuminata Provenances Advantage and Techniques of Containerized Seedling of Psammophyte A Study on the Biomass Variance and Comprehensive Evaluation at the Seedling Stage of Fokienia hodginsii Provenances Afforestation of Calamus simplicifolius by Tube-seedlings Comparison Study on Photosynthesis of Pagoda Tree and Walnut Seedlings under Salinity Investigation of AM Fungi under Casuarina Plantations and Inoculating Experiment for Casuarina junghuhnian Seedlings Study on the Effects of Chilling Stress on the Metabolism of Acacia mangium Variability and Inheritance of Main Characters in Seedlings of ShenzhoumitaoPeach Induction of in Vitro Corms of Taro ( Colocasia esculenta Schott. ) Changes in Membrane Lipid Peroxidation and Activities of Cell Defense Enzymein Leaves of Butia capitata Becc Seedling under Low Temperature Stress Nutrient Evaluation of Buckwheat Seedling A STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF NITROGEN PHOSPHORUS AND POTUSSIUM FERTILIZERS ON SEEDING(1+0) OF ORIENTAL ARBORVITAE(PLATYCLADUS ORIENTALIS (LINN) FRANCO) THE EFFECT OF PLASTIC GREENHOUSE ON THE GROWTH OF THE CHINESE PINE‘S AND CHINESE ARBORVITAE‘S CONTAINERISED-SEEDLINGS NURSERY TECHNIQUES FOR RAISING SEEDLINGS OF TILIA AMURENSIS RUPR. A STUDY ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL-ECOLOGY OF BRUGUIERA GYMNORHIZA SEEDLINGS AFTER INTRODUCED TO SHENZHEN BAY FROM DIFFERENT AREAS Effects of Water Stress on Photochemical Quenching and Non-photochemical Quenching of Chlorophyll a Fluorescence in Four Tree Seedlings Influences of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Supply on Their Absorption and Growth of Fraxinus mandshurica Seedlings Cold Resistance and Related Physiological Indexes Identification of Bupleurum Seedlings during Wintering Stage Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid on Seedling Growth,Photosynthetic and Chlorophyll Fluorescent Parameters in Melon Seedlings under Cadmium Stress Effect of Drought Stress on Anatomical Structure of Leave and Physiological Characteristics in Three Atriplex L.Seedling Effect of Exogenous SA on Photosynthesis Characteristics in Cucumber Seedling Leaves during the Recovery of the Day after Night Chilling Stress Research on the Appraisal Techniques for the Early-Stage Characters of Loblolly Pine A Preliminary Study on the Application of Fertilisers on the Seedlings of Acacia mangium A Study on Nutrient Deficiency Symptom of Eucalyptus Seedlings A Discussion on the Appraisable Indices for the Quality of Containerized Slash Pine Seedling Influence of Different Density on the Growth of Larch Seedlings Studies on the Effects of Application of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi on Seedling of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica in High-frigid Region A Series of Techniques for the Oil Tea Tree Clone Bearing Early and Plenty Studies on Raising Seedling Quality and the Accumulation of Mineral Element of Chinese Fir,Chinese Gugertree and Chinese Chestnut Through Rare Earth Element SEEDLING STAGE EXPERIMENT ON PROVENANCES OF CASUARINA STUDIES ON THE EFFECT OF RARE-EARTH ON NURSERY STOCK GROWTH IN PAULOWNIA SPP. THE RESEARCH ON BIOMASS AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS OF BAMBOO SEEDLINGS AND INTERRELATED FACTORS CULTIVATION TECHNIQUES OF GMELINA ARBOREA THE EFFECT OF INBREEDING ON SEED GERMINATION AND SEEDLING HEIGHT GROWTH OF CHINESE FIR A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF LIGHT INTENSITY ON THE GROWTH OF RATTAN SEEDLINGS A Seedling-Stage Experiment on Open Pollination Progenies from Pinus elliottii Engelm Seed Orchard Techniques for the Seedling Culture of Ulmus laciniata A Study on the Classification of Seed and Seedling Vigour of Larix gmelini