A preliminary study of molecular phylogeny and biogeography distribution pattern of Zelkova inferred from trnL-trnF and nrITS sequences Characteristics of Pomacea canaliculata reproduction under natural conditions. A review on liquid-filled hard gelatin capsules Pharmaceutical resources in Jiuhua Mountain Characters of Leaf Epidermis and Their Systematic Significance in Menispermaceae Experimental study on processing of Paeonia lactiflora Palaeoskapha sichuanensis gen. et sp. nov. (Menispermaceae) from the Eocene Relu Formation in western Sichuan, West China
Effect of intermittent drought on growth, antioxidant capacity and digestive enzyme activity of Pomacea canaliculata Toxicological effect of Agave sisalana Perrine extract on golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck) Pachygone valida Diels ( Menispermaceae ),A Newly Recorded Species from Vietnam PRELIMINARY TAXONOMIC STUDIES ON EIGHT TAXA OF GOMPHONEMACEAE FROM NORTHEASTERN CHINA Research progress on current pharmacokinetic evaluation of Chinese herbal medicines Influence of several excipients on damp-proof performance of pharmaceutical materials of traditional Chinese medicine Study on PK/PD model for traditional Chinese medicine biopharmaceutics based on principle of "correspondence of prescriptions and syndromes" Tuomeya Harvey, a genus of freshwater Rhodophyta newly recorded from China Effect of feeding grape pomace on nutrient digestibility, body weight gain, and carcass quality in lambs Establishment of a rapid method to evaluate ultrafiltration membrane aperture for pharmaceutical industry Studies on chemical constituents from branch of Trema angustifolia Determination of Danshensu in Rat Serum after Oral Administer Compound Salvia Recipe Biophytum reinwardtii, a Newly Recorded Species of Biophytum (Oxalidaceae) from China and Its Lectotypification Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activities of Blueberry Pomace Extracts The Application of Nanobiotechnology in Medicine Analysis of genetic diversity of three geographic populations of Pomacea canaliculata by AFLP COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON ISOLATED EMBRYO SACS IN FOUR SPECIES OF CAMPANULACEAE APPLICATION OF COMPUTERS TO BOTANY Progress in pharmacokinetic study on main active ingredients of Ginkgo biloba leaf extract Comparative Study on Nutmeg,Mace and Their Processed Products Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Euphorbia nematocypha Hand.-Mazz. Pharmaceutical formulation of intra-gastric floating sustained-release tablet of Zuojin Pills Significant demand and key problems of membrane science and technology applying to pharmaceutical industry of Chinese materia medica Eco-toxicological effects of four herbicides on typical aquatic snail Pomacea canaliculata and Crown conchs Design and analyze mathematical algorithms of intestinal absorption and metabolism of multicomponent drug Construction of biopharmaceutics classification system of Chinese materia medica Hernsubanine E, a new hasubanan alkaloid from Stephania hernandifolia Effects of micronization on micromeritics properties of baicalin Evolution, characteristics and enlightenment of self-innovation of traditional Chinese medicine industry Evaluation of Analyzing Apple Pomace Nutrient Substances From Difference Locations Recent Advances in Plant-derived Recombinant Pharmaceutical Proteins Produced in Plant Seeds Effect of different combinations of diet on rumen metabolic parameters of sheep Effects of different diet combinations on digestion and metabolism of nutrients of sheep Phylogeny of the tribe Menispermeae (Menispermaceae) reconstructed by ITS sequence data Study thought of pharmaceutical preparations quality standards by dynamic quality control technology Impacts of multicomponent environment on solubility of puerarin in biopharmaceutics classification system of Chinese materia medica Study of attribution of multicomponent original medicinal materials in Gegen Qinlian decoction with intestinal permeability Advances in studies on mansonones Application of bryophyte tissue culture systems Some Engineering Problems on Developing Production Industry of Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine Spatial distribution pattern of egg masses of the golden apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck, and a sampling plan for their detection invaded in subtropical transplanted rice fields Predicting the potential suitable distribution area of the apple snail Pomacea canaliculata in China based on multiple ecological niche models. Evaluation of the controlling Pomacea canaliculata with calcium oxide, ammonium bicarbonate, Camellia oleifera powder and tea saponin Biopharmaceutics classification and absorption mechanisms primary study on four kinds of flavonoids Study on property of biopharmaceutics classification system of berberine in Huanglian decoction Evaluation for impacts of gut wall metabolism of multiple components in Chuanxiong Rhizoma during intestinal absorption with S9 incubation Studies on Pharmacodynamics and Clinical TherapeuticEffccts of Aerosol and Injection of Shuanghuanglian Effects of tannins from grape pomace on digestibility, metabolism and rumen fermentation in Sheep Progress, limitation and strategies in using plants to produce biopharmaceuticals Ethanol extract of Ipomoea cairica toxic effects on Pomacea canaliculata and its effects on the growth of Orzya sativa seedling ON THE SYSTEMATICS, EVOLUTION, FLORISTICS AND ECONOMIC USES OF PALMAE AND ITS SISTER FAMILY, CALAMACEAE APPLICATION OF ODO FREEZE CRACKING METHOD FOR SPECIMEN PREPARATION OF POLLEN GRAINS UNDER SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY Brief history of pharmaceutical standard system in China Rising attention to the market to ratio meet demand of improvingefficiency of pharmaceutical circulation——Based on complicated variety and specification of drugs Chinese medicine industry 4.0:advancing digital pharmaceutical manufacture toward intelligent pharmaceutical manufacture Microbial degradation of endocrine-disrupting organic compounds and environmental residues of pharmaceutical compounds STUDY ON RADIOSTERILIZATION OF PHARMACEUTICAL STARCH Effects of temperature stress on development, feeding and survival of the apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata Study on quality indicators for concentration process of supernatant obtained in first ethanol precipitation in production of Danshen injection Molecular systematics of four endemic Batrachospermaceae (Rhodophyta) species in China with multilocus data Present Situation and Prospects on Application of Plant Bioreactor in Pharmaceutical Advances in Studies on Genus Lagerstroemia Five alkaloids from vine stems of Diploclisia affinis
Strategy and core technologies for the secondary development of Chinese patent medicine Construction of analytical method for similarity of traditional Chinese medicine components on the basis of biopharmaceutic properties Common questions and suggestions of evaluation for NDA of TCM Advances in studies on promoting oral absorption of volatile components in Chinese materia medica and its mechanism Research progress on co-crystal of insoluble active ingredients of Chinese materia medica The Optimization of Experimental Conditions of NaClO Maceration for Brassica oleracea var. capitata Leaf Nervation Observation Chemical Constituents and Pharmaceutical Activity of Eria Plants The Anatomy, Embryology and Systematic Relationships of Eucommiaceae Optimization of Fermentation Conditions for the Preparation of Oligosaccharides from Sweet Potato Pomace The Photosynthetic Characteristics of Phalaris arundimacea in the Beigu Mountain Wetland