Overview of organic agriculture development. Investigation of the Mineral Nutrients Status of Pear Leaves in Main Orchards Around the Bohai Bay Region The Plant Germplasm Database and Platform of QinghaiTibet Plateau Synopsis of Technical Standards for Collecting Seeds from Wild Plants Summary and analysis of international standards on carbon footprint accounting The Current Status and Analysis on Standards of Trans Fatty Acid in Food at Home and Abroad Soil phosphorus balance in citrus orchards of three gorges area in Chongqing Spatial Distribution patterns of Quercus variabilis Population in Different Regions by Different Measurement Yardsticks A Discussion on the Indicators and Standards of Ideal Structure of Montane Rainforest in Bawangling of Hainan Province Factors influencing fine root longevity of plantation-grown Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Assessment of fungal diversity in apple replanted orchard soils by T-RFLP analysis ON THE OCCURRENCE TIME FORECAST TECHNIQUES OF TAIWAN RICE STEM BORER A STUDY ON THE SITE QUALITY EVALUATION BY THE SUBSTITUTION OF TREE SPECIES IN THE SAME SITE TYPES Study thought of pharmaceutical preparations quality standards by dynamic quality control technology Herbological Studies of Fenshu and Yanshu (Two Kinds of Mouse) A New Orchidaceae Record in Shaanxi Province——Neofinetia and Neofinetia richardsiana Christenson Investigation of the Mineral Nutrients Status of Pear Leaves in Main Orchards Around the Bohai Bay Region Orange Leaves Nutrient Status of the Three Gorges Area in Chongqing Research and development of Chinese medicinal resources of elk and thoughts on its resources industrialization A discussion on some issues related to the construction of eco-agriculture in China Dynamics of soil fertility of citrus orchards in demonstration area of environmental immigrants,Northwest Guangxi Production of Monoclonal Antibodies Against Edwardsiella tarda,and Establishment of Double-antibody Sandwich ELISA Method Hardseedness Release in Two Populations of Sophora alopecuroides under Simulated Moisture and Temperature Conditions Design of Information System for Forest Resource Management on County Level Interpretation of “assessing quality by distinguishing TCMM features”and research ideas about commodity specifications Concrning the Vegetation Chinese Regionalization Map as a Part of the Natural Geographical Atlas of the Peoples Republic of China Elementary study on the framework of standard system for eco-agriculture in China Analysis on the soft nutrients of citrus orchards in demonstration are8 of environmental immigrants,Northwest Guangxi Study On heavy metal behavior characteristics of soil in citrus orchar ds of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region The development,current status and research trends of organic agriculture The Influence Factors of Determination of Haematobacter sp. Cellular Fatty Acids Effects of Nitrogen Treatments on Dry Matter Production and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Summer Maize (Zea mays L.) under Super-high Yield Conditions A New Method for Establishing Richards Polymorphic Site Index Model:Parameter Replacement Modeling Dominant Height for Chinese Fir Plantation Using a Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Modeling Approach Status Quo and Prospects of Oral Liquid Prepared from Chinese Drugs Discussion on quality standards of lipid-reducing Monascus product Spatiotemporal variation and related affecting factors of Gloiopeltis furcata biomass and length around Xiaoheishan Island, Shandong of China. Factors influencing local residents’ attitude towards nature conservation in natural tourism destination: a comparative study on China’s Jiuzhaigou National Park and UK’s New Forest National Park Farmers perception and response towards environmental migration and restoration plans based on participatory rural appraisal: a case study of emigration region in the karst Southwestern China Growth and Yield Model System for Casuarina equisetifolia Forest Volume Growth Prediction of Main Forest Types in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Investigation and Experimental Study on Standards and Quality of Leech Pieces Study on Quality Standards of Processed Nutmegs Analysis on Grain Filling Characteristics for Different Rice Types Study on Scaling-Up Method for Stand Water Consumption of Quercus variabilis Water Conservation Forest Application of Improved Prototype Design Method to Establishment of General Forest Resources Management Information System (GFRMIS) on County-Level Illustration of Bamboo standard System in China Protective effect of Jinhuang-1 on acute respiratory distress syndrome rats induced by oleic acid Fine root longevity and controlling factors in subtropical Altingia grlilipes and Castanopsis carlesii forests Technological standards for the culture of Jinjiang oyster (Crassostrea ariakensis Gould) suspended in seawater A STANDARD VOLUME YIELDING MODEL OF CHINESE FIR USED FOR SITE QUALITY EVALUATION A STUDY ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF POLYMORPHIC SITE INDEX MODEL BY ADOPTING RICHARDS FUNCTION Discussion on the Method of Establishing Stand Maximum Volume Yield Model Research on The Technology of Processing Carbonized Root of Sanguisorba officinalis L. and the Quality Standards for Its Prepared Pieres Quality Standards of Effervescent Granules for Arresting Cold Pain Screening of Traditional Chinese Remedies for SARS Treatment Estimating ancestral distributions of lineages with uncertain sister groups: a statistical approach to Dispersal-Vicariance Analysis and a case using Aesculus L. (Sapindaceae) including fossils Simulation of individual tree growth of Mongolian pine forest in sandy land Profile characteristics or near-surface layer in farmland windbreak network region Simulation on Oil Accumulation Characteristics in Different High-Oil Peanut Varieties Interpretation of “assessing quality by distinguishing TCMM features” and research ideas about commodity specifications Study on HPLC specific chromatograms of Lu Dangshen 半干旱地区果园土壤Cl-迁移积累与环境因子的关系 Effects of different nitrogen fertilizers on N2O emissions in a highly acid tea orchard soils Effects of sowing date and rate on grain filling characteristics of winter wheat under chilling injury Countermeasures of landscape and ecological stewardshipin agricultural/rural area of China Trapping effects of sticky cards in different colors on adults of red wheat blossom midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana (Géhin) Studies and Preparations of Fufang Danshen Granules Discussion of range and relevant issue of highly toxic Chinese medicinal materials Analysis on rationality of medicinal product commodity specifications from determination of chemical components in Astragalus Radix Orange Leaves Nutrient Status of the Three Gorges Area in Chongqing Studies on Quality Specification Standards for Saposhnicovia divaricata (Turcz.) Schischk Analyze causes of adverse reactions induced by traditional Chinese medicine injections from its quality standards STUDIES ON THE BIOMASS DYNAMICS OF CRlTOMERIA JAPONICA(L.F)DON PLANTATION Application of traditional Chinese medicine reference standards in quality control of Chinese herbal pieces Study on Standards of Ecological Compensation in Qinghai Lake Watershed Spatial Characteristics of Soil Moisture of Apple Orchards in the Loess Plateau of Shaanxi Province Differences in root architecture of several Stylosanthes genotypes and their phosphorus efficiency A Synopsis of Technical Notes on the Standards for Plant DNA Barcoding Research on quality standards of Euonymus fortunei