Protein Elements and Signal Transduction Process of Self-Incompatibility in Brassica oleracea Study on Interspecific and Intergeneric Hybridization Compatibility of Eriobotrya and Related Genera Biological characteristics and evaluation of self-cross progenies of Fragaria viridis Duch. Identification of Self-incompatibility SFB Genes for Apricot Cultivars in Xinjiang Area A New Chinese Kale Cultivar‘Xiacui Jielan’ Breeding system of a noxious invasive alien plant, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. Preliminary Study on Interspecific Incompatibility between Parthenocissus tricuspidata and P.quinquefolia Study on incompatibility of traditional Chinese medicines Self-pollen Recognition and Rejection in Flowering Plants DUAL EFFECT OF LOW DOSE OF IRRADIATION ON WHEAT× Leymus angustus: ENHANCEMENT AND DAMAGE Effects of Water-soluble Extracts from Different Pistil Parts on Self-incompatibility Suppression in Pomlo (Citrus grandis) Studies on Pollen-Pistil Interaction between Brassica napus and Its Relative Species and Genus Pollen Tube Growth after Crossing between Different Ploids Dianthus caryophyllus by Fluorescence Microscopy and Seed Setting Methodology of toxicity-effect characterization of Chinese materia incompatibility based on disease and symptom conditions Effect of Quercetin on Activity of Protein Kinase and Correlative Indexes Caused by Pollination in Self-Incompatible Brassica oleracea L. Distyly and cryptic heteromorphic self-incompatibility in Mussaenda macrophylla (Rubiaceae) Analysis on Differences of Protein in Stylar Canal During Early Pollination Associated with Self-incompatible Prunus domestica × armeniaca ‘Fengweimeigui’ Determination of S Genotypes of Seven Cultivars and Identification of a Novel S RNase Allele in Pyrus pyrifolia Molecular Detection and Sequences Characterization of Self-Incompatibility S-Rnase Gene in Apricot (Armeniaca vulgaris) Differences of S-glycoprotein Content in the Styles among Pear Cultivars Differing in Self incompatible Strength Semi Vitro Culture of Pear Style and Identification of the Genotypes of Pea rSe rf-incompatibility Semi Vitro Culture of Pear Style and Identification of the Genotypes of Pea rSe rf-incompatibility Inhibiting Self-Pollen: Self-Incompatibility in Papaver Involves Integration of Several Signaling Events Application of Fluorescent Indicator in the Study on the Structure and Growth Characteristics of Pollen Tubes Studies on Methods to Overcome the Incompatibility between Sweet Potato Varieties Distyly and Pollination Biology of Dunnia sinensis (Rubiaceae) A New Chinese Kale Cultivar‘Qiulü Jielan’ Research of Relationship Between Sweet Cherry Lapins Self-compatibility and SFB4′ Gene Effect of Antisense RNA of the MLPK Gene on Self-incompatibility in Cabbage Study on Interspecific and Intergeneric Hybridization Compatibility of Eriobotrya and Related Genera Identification of self-incompatibility genotypes of 24 sweet cherries Identification of Self-incompatibility SFB Genes for Apricot Cultivars in Xinjiang Area Screen and Identification of Pollen γ-thionin Interacting with Style S-RNase in Apple Screen and Identification of Pollen γ-thionin Interacting with Style S-RNase in Apple Isolation and Identification of S12-Rnase Gene of Pyrus bretschneideri Theoretical basis of imcompatibility of Euphorbiae Pekinensis Radix and Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma based on diuretic and purgative effects on mice A Preliminary Study on Self-incompatibility of Leymus chinensis Cloning and Phylogenetic Analysis of cDNA Sequences Coding for ARC1 and Exo70A1 in Brassica oleraces var. capitata L. Effect of Antisense RNA of the MLPK Gene on Self-incompatibility in Cabbage Applications of mathematical statistics methods on compatibility researches of traditional Chinese medicines formulae Ultrastructural Studies on the Pollen-stigma Interaction of Intersectional Hybridization in Populus Cloning and Characterization of SRK-Binding Protein THL1 Gene from Brassica oleracea L. in Self-incompatibility Signaling Process Preparation of S-RNase cDNA Microarray and Its Application in Identifying Pear Cultivars S-genotypes Cloning and Characterization of Encoding Sequence of SRK-Binding Protein ARC1 from Brassica oleracea L. in Self-incompatibility Signaling Process Pollination biology and the breeding system of Plumbago auriculata low seed-set ratio Molecular Characterization and Expression Analysis of S1 self-incompatibility Locus-linked Pollen 3.15 Gene in Citrus Reticulata Immuno-gold Localization of Recognition Prorein in the Self-Pollination Style of Shatinyu Research thoughts and methods of Chinese materia medica incompatibility based on process of drug metabolism in vivo Research thoughts and methods of Chinese materia medica incompatibility based on process of drug metabolism in vivo Proteomic Analyses of the Maize Cross Incompatibility Gene Ga1-S Construction of eSRK Chimeras and Interaction between eSRK Chimeras and SCRs from Brassica oleracea L. Identifications of DNA Sequences Encoding Key Region of SCR Interacting with SRK Extracellular Domain by Using Yeast Two-Hybrid System Interaction Analysis of Brassica oleracea L. BoExo70A1 with BoSEC3 and BoExo84 Proteins by Using Yeast Two-hybird System Is the pollination biology of Bathysa and Schizocalyx consistent with their segregation? A first approach for two sympatric species in southeastern Brazil Molecular basis of pollen-pistil interaction Fine Mapping of UI3a,a Gene Controlling Unilateral Incompatibility in Tomato Analysis and Characterization of Interaction Domain Between ARC1 and Exo70A1 from Ornamental Kale(Brassica oleracea var. acephala) Analysis and Characterization of Interaction Domain Between ARC1 and Exo70A1 from Ornamental Kale(Brassica oleracea var. acephala) Interspecific Cross-Incompatibility Between Astragalus adsurgens Pall.and A.cicer L. Cloning and Expression Analysis of the SLF and S-RNase Genes in Almond Identification of 20 S-genotypes and cloning novel S-RNases in Pyrus Cloning and Sequences Analysis of M Locus Protein Kinase Gene from Brassica oleracea Localization of MLPK and SSP Genes for Self-Incompatibility of Brassica oleracea by Fluorescence in situ Hybridization Detection of Interactions between SCR and SRK in Brassica oleracea L. by Yeast Two-Hybrid System Expression and Possible Role of S4(SSM4) Genes in the Styles of Self-incompatible Pear Cultivar and Its Self-compatible Mutant Cloning and Expression Analysis of the SLF and S-RNase Genes in Almond Degradation of Pollen RNA in Japanese Pear Style in Vitro Effects of Quercetin on Self-incompatibility and SRK Activity in Brassica oleracea L. Degradation of Pollen RNA in Japanese Pear Style in Vitro Progress in the Molecular Biology of Solanum peruvianum Study on Preparation of Prototype S-RNase Microarray and Molecule Hybridization Condition Compatibility of Interspecific Cross in Dendranthema Genus Incompatibility of Citrus grandis‘Duweimiyou’and Its Biological Effects by Different Kinds of Pollination Primary Study on Identification of S-RNase Genes in Wild Myrobalan Plum (Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.) Identification and Sequence Analysis of Pollen-sepecific SFB Genes in Self-incompatible Chinese Apricot(Prunus armeniaca) STUDIES IN GETTING HYBRIDS PLANTS OF INTERSPECIFIC\=HYBRIDIZATION THROUGH OVULE CULTURE IN VITRO Measurement of Self-incompatible by Fluoroscope Observation in Non-heading Chinese Cabbage Self-incompatibility in Dendranthema morifolium

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