Construction of Primary Core Collection of Grape Genetic Resources Effect of enhanced CO2 level on the physiology and ecology of phytoplankton Simulating impacts of summer drought on forest dynamics in Dongling Mountain Responses of net primary productivity to air temperature change in forests dominated by different mycorrhizal strategies Dynamics of stand biomass and volume of the tree layer in forests with different restoration approaches based on tree-ring analysis Effects of clipping and fertilizing on the relationships between species diversity and ecosystem functioning and mechanisms of community stability in alpine meadow Modelling the effects of changes in solar radiation on gross primary production in subtropical evergreen needle-leaf plantations Ecophysiological responses of Leymus chinensis to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in a typical steppe C, N and P stoichiometry of two dominant seedlings and their responses to nitrogen additions in the montane moist evergreen broad-leaved forest in Ailao Mountains, Yunnan Effects of clipping and fertilizing on the relationship between functional diversity and aboveground net primary productivity in an alpine meadow Simulation of forest net primary production and the effects of fire disturbance in Northeast China Remote sensing estimation of gross primary productivity and its response to climate change in the upstream of Heihe River Basin Ecosystem services value change in Qinglong County from dynamically adjusted value coefficients Estimation of net primary productivity in arid region based on coupling model. Parameter optimization of BEPS model based on the flux data of the temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest in Northeast China. Projected changes in vegetation net primary productivity of grassland in Inner Mongolia, China during 2011-2050. Parameter sensitivity of simulating net primary productivity of Larix olgensis forest based on BIOME-BGC model. Responses of temporal dynamics of aboveground net primary productivity of Leymus chinensis community to precipitation fluctuation in Inner Mongolia STUDIES OF AQUATIC MACROPHYTES IN SALINE-ALKALINE PONDS INITIAL STUDY ON VEGETATION REHABILITATION IN YUAN MOU DRY HOT VALLEY Optimal Structures of Caragana korshinskii Belts to Make Grassland from Farmland in Siziwang Banner, Inner Mongolia Carbon Emission and Dynamic of NPP post Forest Fires in 1987 in Daxingan Mountains Estimation of Forest Biomass and Net Primary Production for Zhejiang Province Based on Continuous Forest Resources Inventory Effect of the Defoliation Frequency on the Community Characteristics and Primary Productivity of Alpine Meadow Effect of Grazing Intensities on Primary Productivities and Nutrient Seasonal Dynamic of Deyeuxia angustifolia Meadow in Sanjiang Plain Identification of Double Triplo-3, 6 and Acquisition of Primary Triplo-3 andTriplo-6 in Chinese Cabbage Representative Test for Primary Core Collection of Summer Sowing Soybeans in Huanghuai Region of China Molecular Characterization and Expression Analysis of Two Genes Encoding Hybrid Proline-Rich Proteins in Cotton SOME PRIMARY OBSERVATIONs 0N THE HISTOCHEMICAL LOCALIZATION OF PROTEINS, LIPOIDS, AND ENZYMES lN THE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS OF GASTRODIA ELATA Determination of Primary Metabolic Products of Fungi Promoting Seed Germination of Gastrodia elata BI. and other Orchidaceae Medicinal Plants Screening for differentially-expressed proteins in ovary of primary dysmenorrheal mice with Xiangfu Siwu decoction administration using nano LC-LTQ-Orbitrap-MS/MS Optimization of drying process for Scrophulariae Radix by multivariate statistical analysis The radiation absorption efficiency of photosynthesis of the forest communities in the dinghushan mountain The Biomass and Solar Energy Utilization Efficiency in Zenia insignis Forest Simulation of Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Natural Vegetation Light Utilization Efficiency Based on 3s Analysis of the Spatio-Temporal Structure and Dominance of Natural Enemy Arthropod in Jujube Yard Soil Carbon Balance in a Native Temperate Grassland in the Xilin River Basin of Inner Mongolia The Influence of Plant Diversity and Functional Composition on Ecosystem Stability of Four StipaCommunities in the Inner Mongolia Plateau Distribution features of chlorophyll a and primary productivity in high frequency area of red tide in East China Sea during Spring Analysis on factors affecting net primary productivity distribution in Changbai Mountain based on process model for landscape scale Ecosystem productivity process model for landscape based on remote sensing and surface data Daily change of primary productivity of phytoplankton in saline-alkaline ponds Biomass and net primary productivity of artificial tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna STUDIES ON BIOMASS AND PRODUCTION OF THE LOEWR SUBTROPICAL EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FOREST IN HEISHIDING NATURAL RESERVE——310MASS INCREMENT AND NET PRIMARY PRODUCTION THE PRIMARY PRODUCTION AND FLAVONOIDS PRODUCTION OF SPARTINA ALTERNIFLORA A STUDY ON DYNAMICS OF Fe,Cu,Mn,Zn IN PRIMARY PRODUCTION OF SPARTINA ALTERNIFLORA Ecological characterization of soil microflora in primary succession across glacier forefield: a case study of Glacier No. 1 at the Headwaters of Urumqi River Modeling changes of net primary productivity of karst vegetation in southwestern China using the CASA model A comparison study on primary production in typical low-latitude seas (South China Sea and Bay of Bengal) Net primary production and forage quality of desert steppe plant communities under different grazing systems and growing seasons A study of anatomical structure and apoplastic barrier characteristics of Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Discrimination on Opinions Related to Vegetation Attributes of Loess Plateau RESEARCH ON RPIMARY PRODUCTIVITY QUANTITATIVE PARAMETERS AND STRUCTURE OF MANGROVE COMMUNITY IN DAYAWAN BAY OF GUANGDONG PROVINCE PRELIMINARY STUDY ON MULTIPLE EVALUATION FOR INTRODUCTION AND PLANTATION OF POPLAR CLONES IN KORQIN SANDY LANDS Genotyping MybA Genes in Primary Core Collection of Grape Genetic Resources Construction of Primary Core Collection of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Based on Agronomic Traits in Shanxi Province A review on primary succession of vegetation Effect of climate change on net primary productivity of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) at different successional  stages of broad-leaved Korean pine forest. Advances in Study of Ammonium Assimilation and its Regulatory Mechanism in Plants Estimation of carbon balance under different land uses and long-term fertilizations in black soils of Northeast China ABA modulates root growth through regulating auxin in Arabidopsis thaliana Energy signature technology and its application on energy flux in mangrove ecosystems:a review and outlook Review of seagrass biomass and primary production research The variation of net primary production and leaf area index over Xinjiang Autonomous Region and its response to climate change Species diversity in mangrove wetlands of China and its causation analyses Climate change impacts on the ecohydrological processes in the Wuding River basin The Size-fractionated chlorophyll a concentration and primary productivity in the Chukchi Sea and its northern Chukchi Plateau Primary productivity and the standing stock of photo-plankton in the Bering Sea during the summer of 2003 Spatial-temporal dynamics simulation of grassland net primary productivity using a satellite data-driven CASA model in Gannan prefecture Analysis of adaptation of a climate productivity model on alpine grassland Relationship between productivity and plant functional traits along successive recovery stages in an alpine meadow Construction of a Highly Dense Genetic Map Using SNP and Mapping of Three Qualitative Traits in Cucumis melo Construction of a Highly Dense Genetic Map Using SNP and Mapping of Three Qualitative Traits in Cucumis melo Effects of rutaecarpine on inflammatory cytokines in insulin resistant primary skeletal muscle cells Biomass, Carbon Content, Carbon Storage and Their Vertical Distribution of Phoebe bourmei Artificial Stand Net primary productivity of several mangrove species under controlled habitats Relationships between net primary production and nitrogen cycling in Chinese forest ecosystems Biomass and net primary productivity of secondary evergreen broadleaved forest in Huangmian Forest Farm,Guangxi Chlorophyll a content and primary productivity of phytoplankton in Meiliang Bay of Taihu Lake Genetic Diversity Analysis and Primary Core Collection Construction in Yam (Dioscorea opposita Thunb.) by ISSR Marker

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