Chemical constituents of Wedelia trilobata Chemical constituents from Trachelosperomum j asminoides Chemical constituents of Baihe Zhimu Decoction (Ⅰ) Studies on the chemical constituents in herb of Ludwigia octovalvis Construction of fast propagation system of Houttuynia cordata new line Research Advancement of 14-3-3 Proteins in Plants Prokaryotic Expression and Polyclonal Antibodies Purification of Protein Phosphatase TOPP4 in Arabidopsis Morphological, physiological and phylogenetic characteristics of Epichloё endophyte associated with Dactylis glomerata Effect of the Epichloё endophyte on the soil nematode community in the rhizosphere of Achnatherum inebrians Use of the ‘3414’ fertilization design to determine optimal fertilization rates for Rheum tanguticum A preliminary study of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide fluxes from the Gahai wetland Evaluation of the production performance of C4 forage grass species under different cultivation methods in the coastal shoal A SSR Marker Linked to Gsb-4 Loci Resistance to Gummy Stem Blight in Melon Distribution of 45S rDNA Sequence on Chromosomes of Five Species in Artemisia Distribution of 45S rDNA Sequence on Chromosomes of Five Species in Artemisia Phosphomannose Isomerase/Mannose Selection System to Screen Lc14-3-3 Transgenic Chrysanthemum Plants Phosphomannose Isomerase/Mannose Selection System to Screen Lc14-3-3 Transgenic Chrysanthemum Plants Effects of Spraying KH2PO4 on Cell-wall Metalbolism of Pericarp and Pitting Fruit Rate in Navel Orange Effects of Brassinolide on the Mitochondria Antioxidant System and Cellular Ultrastructure of Cucumber Seedling Roots under Hypoxic Stress Effects of Brassinolide on the Mitochondria Antioxidant System and Cellular Ultrastructure of Cucumber Seedling Roots under Hypoxic Stress OPTICAL PROTERTIES AND APPLICATIONS OF A NEW DNA FLUOCHROME 4‘, 6-DIAMIDINO-2-PHENYLINDOLE EFFECTS OF 2,4-D ON MULTIPLICATION OF ANABAENA A NEW MALE SELECTION OF ACTINIDIA CHINENSIS──MOSHAN NO.4 Formation of Short Filaments of Anabaena sp. PCC7120 Induced by Several Factors The study on Diurnal Variation in Greenhouse Gas Revenue and Expenditure Fluxes of Leymus chinensis Grassland of Inner Mngolia Breeding of Sorghum Bicolor Sorghum Sudanense cv. Mengnong Qingsi No.2 Yield and Dynamic Change of Forage Value of Forage Cross-Sugarcane Minmu 42 Ultracytochemical Localization of ATP􀀁ase Activity in The Cells of Jas􀀁minum Sambac L. Seedlings and Its Relation to Chilling Tolerance Synthesis of Cytoplasm Hybrid of Non􀀁heading Chinese Cabbagethrough Asymmetric Electric Fusion of Protoplast Cell Effects of Magnesium Deficiency on Growth and Active Oxygen Scav􀀁enging System in Cucumber under Different Light Intensities Characteristics of Sterility in CMS 3411-7 of Chinese Cabbage Sensitive to Low Temperature A New Late-ripening Peach Variety—‘Qinwang’ Selective Breeding of a New Breed of Magnolia denudata from Radiation􀀁induced Mutation of Callus Winter Injury Index and Lethal Low Temperature for Introducted AmericanAlmond in Lanzhou, China Influence of nitrogen forms ratio on growth and photosynthetic characteristics in Prunella vulgaris Experimental study of relationship between effect of ginsenoside Rg1 to delay hematopoietic stem cell senescence and expression of p16INK4a A neuritogenic compound from Tremella fuciformis Effect and mechanism of Andrographitis Herba on human CD4+T cell Promoters CXCR4 and CCR5 Investigation of HPCE characteristic chromatograms of alkaloidsof prepared Rhizoma Coptidis Study on simulation of "3414" fertilizer experiments Effects of a controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer on tea yield and quality and rational application technology Effects of different sources and levels of zinc on growth performance and tissue zinc accumulation of the young Elco rabbit Effect of N, P, K combinations fertilizion on the cultivation quality of Glycyrrhiza uralensis seedlings Cloning and Expression Analysis of Fruit Bending Related Gene Cs14-3-3
in Cucumber
Establishment of the Regeneration System and Genetic Transformation of BrDFR Gene in Chrysanthemum Cultivar Establishment of the Regeneration System and Genetic Transformation of BrDFR Gene in Chrysanthemum Cultivar Recent Advances in the Transcriptional Regulation of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis A SSR Marker Linked to Gsb-4 Loci Resistance to Gummy Stem Blight in Melon Expression Analysis of Flowering Activator AGL24 and Its Protein Interactions with Regulation Factors SOC1,SVP and FLC in Brassica juncea Cloning and Functional Analysis of the Key Enzyme DFR Promoters in Turnip Anthocyanin Biosynthesis Cloning and Functional Analysis of the Key Enzyme DFR Promoters in Turnip Anthocyanin Biosynthesis Clone and Expression Analysis of LemiR828 and Identification of Its Target Gene in Tomato A Preliminary Study on Marking Blue grain Character on Tai-gu Dominant Male Sterile Wheat Inheritance of Yellow Rust Resistance in an Elite Wheat Germplasm Xingzi 9104 Effect of exogenous 2,4-epibrassinolide on the uptake, transport, and disputation of ions, and photosynthetic characteristics of Medicago sativa seedlings under NaCl stress EFFECT OF SOURCE SINK MANIPULATION ON PHOTOSYNTHETIC RATE AND PARTITIONING OF 14 C ASSIMILATE DURING GRAIN FILLING IN WINTER WHEAT PLANT Effects of Exogenous 24-Epibrassinolide on Growth and Photosynthesis of Tomato Seedlings under Low Light Stress Protection of Shenlian extracts to PM2.5 infected RAW 264.7 cell damage Effect of Jiawei Foshou San and its compatibility on hepatic P450 enzyme activity and hepatocyte morphology in rats Effect of Ligusticum wallichii-containing serum on expressions of Toll-like receptor 4 and myeloid differentiation factor 88 in hepatic stellate cells Effects of Reduning injection on activity of hepatic microsomal CYP450 isozymes in rats Mechanism of sophocarpine in treating experimental colitis in mice Effect of Gegen Qinlian decoction on hepatic cytochrome CYP450 isozymes in rats by HPLC-MS/MS Identification of original species of Mantidis Oötheca(Sangpiaoxiao) based on DNA barcoding Effect of ginsenoside total saponinon on regulation of P450 of livers of rats after γ-ray irradiation Anti-inflammatory constituents from Inula japonica Chemical Components of Trachelospelmum jasminoides(Lindl.)Lem.var. heterophyllum Tsiang Studies on the Chemical Contsituents of Eupolyphaga sinensis Walkre Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Drynaria propinqua(Wall)J. Sm. Determination of 4-methoxysalicylaldehyde in Cortex Periplocae from various habitats and at different collecting times Apoptosis induced by a novel intestinal metabolite of ginseng saponin in human hepatocellular carcinoma BEL-7402 cells Purification of totalirido idglyco sides and geni posidein Gardeniajas minoides with HP D 450 ma croporousresin Effect of procyanidins on gene expression of par-4 and bcl-2 in PC12 cells induced by Aβ25-35 Cheroical constituents of Aquilaria sinensis(I) Effects of Fertilizer at Later Growth Stage on Above-ground Biomass in the Alpine Steppe of Tibetan Plateau Selection of Salt-tolerance Variants from China Pink Diagnosis and Genetic Analysis of Resistance to Cauliflower Mosaic Virus inBrassica Crops Which Was Transformed with CaMV Gene VI Preliminary Study on Transformation of Tumor Suppressor Gene p53 into Tomato Establishment of an Efficient RAPD Protocol in Pepper and Its Application in Genetic Purity Testing of F1 Seeds Selective Breeding of a New Breed of Magnolia denudata from Radiation􀀁induced Mutation of Callus